May 2009
Burn is not dead...yet -
Burn is usually all about stalling and doing a lot
of small damage. That doesn't cut it anymore, with
all the current decks winning duels in single-digit
turns. So I'm bringing back an old burn deck that
should be getting more attention now because of the
The Anti-Heal AKA: Simochi Burn, AKA: Reverse Heal,
AKA: Death By Nurse deck, is one of those decks that
hasn't seen a lot of play and nobody really knows
why. I use one myself and am very pleased with it as
not only is it the fastest burn deck out there, it's
surprisingly consistent.
The idea is obviously to use Bad Raction to Simochi
and Nurse Reficule the Fallen One along with cards
that would heal your opponent to inflict damage. The
2 card combos in this deck do damage much more
quick;y then other burn decks.
Deck: 43
Monsters: 16
x3 Nurse Reficule the Fallen One
x2 A Cat of Ill Omen
x2 Mystic Tomato
x2 Des Koala
x2 Mask of Darkness
x1 Marshmallon
x1 Gellenduo
x1 Sangan
x1 Swarm of Locust
x1 Morphing Jar
Spells: 13
x3 Soul Taker
x3 Upstart Goblin
x2 Rain of Mercy
x1 Swords of Revealing Light
x1 Level Limit Area B
x1 Smashing Ground
x1 Messenger of Peace
Traps: 14
x3 Bad Reaction to Simochi
x3 Gift Card
x2 Paths of Destiny
x2 Fake Trap
x1 Magic Cylinder
x1 Mirror Force
x1 Dimensional Prison
x1 Dark Bribe
Side: 15
x3 Self-Destruct Button
x3 Burning Algae
x2 Prohibition
x2 Imperial Iron Wall
x2 Royal
x1 Cat of Ill Omen
x1 Heavy Storm
x1 Wall of Revealing Light
Since Soul Takers are rare, you can take them out,
and add 2 more Rains and a Swarm of Scarabs. Locust
is in there because this deck needs some kind of
magic/trap removal. Heavy isn't here because this
deck always has important traps on the field.
This deck does damage very quickly once simochi is
out so Morphing Jar is a must for draw power.
The Side deck may be considered "cheap", but Simochi
is the perfect deck for the Button due to all the
healing cards for your opponent. The idea is to use
Simochi, an underused deck, to surprise your
opponent in the first duel and then sub in the
Button support cards. The general idea is to take
out the Burn cards like Koala and the Reverse heal
cards, and add Button support. The other Side cards
are basically DAD and JD counters.
If you don't like that strategy though, you could
side a couple Trap Eaters and Exiled Forces instead
to stop Jinzo and Decree.
For questions, comments, etc, I can be reached at