Change of Heart
not available.]
- Magic Card Ability
- Take control of one of
your opponents monsters in play until the end of your
turn. Rarity
- Common Card Number
- 04031928 Average Rating
- 4.99
Overall Rating: 5/5
Change of Heart is such a powerful card, they had to restrict it to one per deck. Take control of any of your opponent's monsters, eh? That big bad BEWD looks good. Hey, what's under that face-down card...a Man-Eater Bug? I need just one more Tribute for my Dark Magician...
You get the idea.
Being able to control one of your opponent's monsters for one turn is absolutely devastating. You can attack with that monster, possibly causing heavy damage, or even use it as one of your tributes to get out your Dark Magician or
To maximize this card while attacking, you shold try to pick a monster with the same attack power as another one. Let's say your opponent's two monsters are Battle Ox and Neo the Magic Swordsman. Pick one of them, then attack the other one. Both of them are destroyed, thus allowing you a free direct damage attack from your other monsters, and leaving your opponent crying.
Change of Heart + Soul Exchange = Sacrifice two of your oppponent's monsters to play one of yours.
Change of Heart + opposing Lord of D. + Raigeki + Monster Reborn = Take their Lord of D., sacrifice it for a higher-level monster, then Raigeki their Dragons away. If you so wish, you can then use Monster Reborn to get one of those dragons back. Now you can have a big bad BEWD in your direct damage assault along with your monsters! Your opponent won't know what hit them!
Change of Heart + opposing Lord of D. + Fissure = Another Dragon-destroying combo. Use Fissure to eliminate the Lord of D., then Change of Heart one of their BEWD and destroy the other one :)
(I could go on and on with anti-Dragon combos, but I'm done.)
Change of Heart + opposing face-down monster = Take their strongest monster, and take a stab at a face-down monster. If it's a Man-Eater Bug or Wall of Illusion, you know they're there, and your monsters won't be affected! Not only that, they lose a monster!
Change of Heart + Polymerization = If you need the other half of your fusion, just swipe it from your opponent!
Lord of D.: While this card is in play, all your opponent's Dragon-type monsters are off-limits. Be careful, as your Lord of D. also protects your opponent's Dragon-type monsters.
Card Destruction: If you don't put it down on the field, your opponent can put it in the Graveyard.
Casual Play: 5/5
This card is just too powerful not to use. With 3 of them in your deck, your opponent will have a long ways to go to victory.
Tournament Play: 5/5
You only get 1 here, but it can still take the game away from your opponent. Powerful monsters run amok here, and it's always helpful to get a hand from your opponent's BEWD :) Just make sure to get rid of that Lord of D. first, or their BEWD is off-limits.
Crusader -
Rating - 5/5
Change of Heart is
just an amazing card. You can take control of a card
like Man-Eater Bug then flip and destroy one of your
opponents monsters! You can also use it to take
something like BEWD and use it as a tribute for
Summoned Skull!
Since its
restricted, you can only run one per deck. But, if
you get it, it is really good. There are really no
cons for this card, because it doesn't benefit your
opponent in any way.
If your in a last
turn scenario where you have to take out one of your
opponents monsters to win, use Change of Heart to
help attack your opponent!
Rating 5/5
This is wonderful card to use in any deck.
This cards if limited to one though that is a good
thing. So you don't have to worry about having
to defend yourself agains't this card more then
The best fetures of this card is the combos
you can do with it
Change of heart plus level 5 or 6 mon
If you aponent only has one mon out, or a
really good one, play change of hearts. Take
that mon and sacrafice it to bring out
your level 5 or 6 mon. If that was his/her
last mon out you may then attack direct.
Change of hearts + monster reborn + bewd
Change of heart one of his mon then play monster
reborn to get one more mon out. Play your
bewd sacraficing both of them and giving your
self a huge advantige.
Card rating: 5/5 Anywhere - This is a staple card.
Only reason not to play it is if you don't have that
powerful little piece of cardboard.
Wow... Powerful card to say
the least. ^_^ If ya didn't get it before, pick a
monster and treat as your own for one turn. So now
what can ya do with it? Well, obviously attack with
it. Say your opposition has two monsters, attack one
with the other. Works best if the attack powers are
equal (both monsters die! Hee hee...) You should
also note, it stays in that position, so if you so
happen to CoH their face down Man-Eater Bug, you can
use its effect. Next thing you can do. Tribute it.
Very cruel, as you take one of their monsters and
bring out one of yours for free! If they have two
monsters out, you can do another fun thing combined
with Soul Exchange. Tribute both their monsters for
your Dark Magician/ Blue Eyes, White Dragon! But the
best way to use it is with M2. Attack your
opponent’s lp directly, assuming they have one
monster- the CoH’d one, then sac it! Evil!
Yes, this card is a staple in your deck. But, now
another problem arises... Your opponent has it.
Unfortunately, little can be done to counter its
effects with the current LoB series. With such a
powerful card, generally no one will play it face
down on the field, too much of a risk due to
De-Spell and effect monsters. So your only real
choice is to try and Card Destruction it. Of course,
the chance of hitting that card when in your
opponent's hand is slim to none. You will just have
to grit your teeth when he plays it and vow revenge
later in the duel.
Hey all, drzapper here again, with another spiffy
CoTd. Change of Heart: Casual Play: 4.95 Tournament
Play:4.95 Pros: -Take control of opponents mon -can
use that mon for sacrificing - if you are about to
win the game you can change of heart so you dont
have to attack their defending mon and then you have
a better chance to win the game. -Attack with a
strong mon Cons: .............. None
Reasons for
pros: The reasons for all these pros, is because
this card really is a master card. I mean it has so
many uses it isn't even funny. I mean this card can
win you the game when you are in a tight situation.
It also can allow you to take your opponents
strongest monster, and then attack with it. Or
sacrifice it, so you can summon a stronger mon.
Combos: The only combos I see with this card is 1.
you can summon a stronger mon with the oppenents
stronger mon. Or 2. attack with their mon, and then
during your 2nd main phase if you have a man eater
bug then flip it over and destroy their oppenents
mon, be4 they can get it back on their turn. well
yea I'll be back again with another card of the day.
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