Pojo's Yu-Gi-Oh Card of the Day
Number - LON-025
are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating
Date Reviewed - 03.10.03 |

TwInSeN21 |
Torrential Tribute
Ah, the Trap version of Dark Hole. I prefer to call it
Super Trap Hole myself... ~_^
This is one of those cards that could give you Field
Advantage over your opponent. Best scenario for this
card is when you have no Monsters on the field and
your opponent summons a 5th Monster. =)
A couple of things you would need to know about
Torrential Tribute. First of all, if you Chain it to a
Flip Summoning, your opponent still gets the Flip
Effect (if there is any). It really complements Cyber
Jar as well. Say you or your opponent used Cyber Jar's
effect. You noticed that you got very little Monsters
from it while your opponent got a lot. Just activate
Torrential Tribute to even up the field.
Playing too many Traps is bad though because they will
be useless once Jinzo is out. Now, I'm not saying you
shouldn't play any Traps, but just play the ones that
would really help your deck out. Torrential Tribute
won't be restricted in any shape or form. However, I
do recommend that you just play one or two at max.
Is it a Staple? Nope. But it's a pretty darn good
Rating: 3.9/5 |
Adam F. |
Torrential Tribute
LON - 025
Normal Trap
You can activate this card when a monster is summoned
to the field (including special summon and flip
summon). Destroy all monsters on the field
The Dark Hole of traps, I’m expecting this one to be
restricted to one (or two, tops) like its counterpart.
Not much to say here… this card can be used wisely or
poorly… and you can live or die by it. If your
opponent has a whole bunch of monsters, sacrifice one
by summoning it and trapping it (best done if it’s a
monster like Sangan or Witch of the Black Forest… a
monster that has an effect when its killed).
I give this card a 4/5… it can save you, but it can
kill you if you screw things up. |