John Rocha |
Darkstorm Dragon has some
possibilities. First it is a Gemini so it can be
summoned from the graveyard with a number of cards
like Call of the Haunted, Monster Reborn, Swing of
Memories, Birthright, and Soul Resurrection. Second,
it is a level 8 Dragon so it can be revived with
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and Light Pulsar
Dragon. It is also a dark monster so it can be sent
to the graveyard with Dark Grepher along with
Foolish Burial, Trade-In, Dragon Ravine, and Future
Now for the cool stuff.
Supervise works magic with Darkstorm Dragon in a
Gemini type deck. Attach Supervise to Darkstorm
Dragon so you can get the Dragon’s effect. Send
Supervise to the graveyard to destroy all magic and
trap cards on the field. Then summon another one
from the graveyard. Then Xyz summon Thunder End
Dragon, detach a material to blow up all other
monsters and attack into an open field.
There are a number of hybrid
deck types along with the dragon decks that can be
made with this monster. E-HERO decks with Alius and
Miracle Fusion, Ninja decks with Ninjitsu Art of
super-Transformation, and Chaos Dragon decks to name
a few. There are also tons of continuous spell and
trap cards that can be splashed in almost any deck
to support your deck, stall, or disrupt your
opponent’s deck.
Traditional: 2/5
Advanced: 3/5
Miguel |
Today's card is Darkstorm Dragon. Right off the
bat, I like its stats. Level 8 makes it work with
Trade-In, it's a Dragon-type...So i don't have to
tell you all about that, you should know. ATK and
DEF are great with 2700 and 2500. It's a Gemini
monster, that slows it down a bit, but it shouldn't
deter you, because Geminis have their own set of
goodies too. Darkstorm's effect *Once you get it* is
you can send one face up Spell/Trap to destroy all
Spells/Traps on the field. Darkstorm....now I get
it. While you might think this may work in a Dragon
type deck...and it could. Darkstorm be put to use
elsewhere. Need a face up Spell or Trap to get it
going? Ninjas have a few of those going, and
Darkstorm could team up with White Dragon Ninja to
save your own Spells/Traps and wipe out your
opponent's. Wanna know where it could really
flourish once it gets going? Crystal Beasts. There
you can have a Heavy Storm almost every turn, and
still save Rainbow Ruins. I dunno what my fellow
reviewers might say about Darkstorm Dragon, but I
think there's a lot going for it,
Traditional: 2.5
Advanced: 4
Tomorrow: A synchro?!?!?!!??!?!!??

Psycho |
I first saw this card not too long ago on DN in
a failure of a Dragon Deck played by a Spanish
guy who had a limited understanding of the
rules. Needless to say, it was a nightmare
trying to reason with the guy, but I eventually
won (through ragequit).
Well, it's nice to see Konami hasn't given up on
the Gemini archetype... Geminis are extremely
slow in their tempo, but in a dedicated Gemini
Deck, that weakness is easily overcome. If you
happen to use several Geminis in one deck, you
can also splash in some of those Gemini support
cards. Finally, Ultimate Offering is a very
splashable card and can activate any Gemini's
effect for a trifle 500 LP.
This card turns any of your Continuous Traps or
Spells (including Fields!) into an instant Heavy
Storm. The problem with this is that if you use
Continuous cards, chances are you use a LOT of
those anyway, which makes Darkstorm's Heavy
Storm less appealing. A Level 8 monster that
needs to give up your Normal Summon on the next
turn in order to activate a situational effect
is very ew. Of course, like I just mentioned, if
you're using this card, then you're intending to
overcome this weakness so it doesn't bite you
too hard. You could use Polymerization to
sacrifice Darkstorm for Superalloy Beast
Raptinus, then use Call of the Haunted on
Darkstorm. Raptinus automatically turns
Darkstorm active, so Darkstorm can sacrifice
CotH (and itself, unless you have out Energy
Bravery) for your Heavy Storm. Then I suppose
you can Normal Summon a Blazewing Butterfly to
automatically transform itself into Darkstorm
Dragon and its not-bad 2700 ATK (best ATK of any
Gemini, besides Phoenix Gearfried and Brutdrago),
then attack with both Darkstorm and Raptinus
without fear of Traps. Other quick ways to
discard Darkstorm easily are Future Fusion,
Foolish Burial, Dragon Ravine, Trade-In, and
Featherizer. Black Brutdrago is the strongest
weapon Geminis have, and upon its destruction,
it can automatically resurrect Darkstorm.
Geminis also have a high amount of Continuous
cards which can fuel Darkstorm when they're
about to go for their killing play (the most
notable ones being Ultimate Offering, Herculean
Power, and Supervise, possibly even Dragon
Ravine). Also, being a Level 8 Normal Monster,
you can use it for Thunder End Dragon, I guess.
The Gemini Deck is the Deck Darkstorm would be
most comfortable in. Geminis will not find
Darkstorm hard to summon and can make good use
of both its 2700 ATK and more-handy-than-not
effect, but it would be mainly filler support.
There are two other Decks I think Darkstorm
could possibly be considered: Toons and Ninjas.
Toon Decks don't have a high reliance on Normal
Summoning; you can summon a pair of Toon
Mermaids easily as tribute fodder for Darkstorm
(this promotes very bad hand management,
however). Darkstorm's effect can get rid of Toon
World without technically destroying it, meaning
you won't massacre your own Toon monsters. You
can then proceed to attack with Toon Skull or
Toon Dragon without fear of Traps, and in this
manner, Darkstorm is arguably more effective
than White Dragon Ninja for Toons. For Ninjas,
their play style often gives them a lot of dead
Trap Cards left on the field, meaning they can
easily pay for Darkstorm's effect. Darkstorm can
also be easily summoned with Ninjitsu Art of
Super-Transformation (but seriously, I think I'd
rather go for Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon or White
Dragon Ninja). Also, Darkstorm can be paired
with White Dragon to prevent your own cards from
being blown up, but really now, this is quite
situational and I would only want to give
Darkstorm strong consideration in a Gemini Deck,
possibly as a splash or side in Toon Decks.
I strongly recommend AGAINST using Darkstorm in
a Crystal Beast or generic Dragon Deck. CB's
will not find difficulty in paying the cost, but
they are overly reliant to protecting their
Continuous cards and cannot bring out Darkstorm
reliably. Dragons may find it easier to summon
Darkstorm, but they have little need for its
effect, nor can they pay for it effectively.
Niche Decks: Gemini, Toon, Ninja
Traditional: 1/5
Advanced: 2/5
Aesthetics: 4/5 I really like those wings. I
don't think it's easy to fly with wings that
look like Swiss cheese, but it still gives you
that zombie-look.
Philosophy Corner: "When a girl walks by that
you don't even know, there's no need to judge
based on looks, no need for the negative
comments." -a good friend of mine

Angelic Nightmare |
Hello everyone! Today we have
one of the newer Gemini Monsters that can reign in
the higher tiers of Gemini monsters underneath
E-HERO Neos Alius and Crusader of Endymion, a
semi-situational Heavy Storm with wings!
Dark Storm Dragon
Dark/ Dragon/ Lv 8/ 2700 ATK/
2500 DEF
This card is treated as a
Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the
Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field,
you can Normal Summon it to have it be treated as an
Effect Monster with this effect.
● Once per turn: You can send 1
face-up Spell/Trap Card you control to the
Graveyard; destroy all Spell/Trap Cards on the
With the reprint of Red Eyes
Darkness Metal Dragon and the release of Light
Pulsar Dragon from the new Dragon’s Collide
structure deck, also with the release of Ninjitsu
Art of Super Transformation, makes this card
somewhat viable in this meta. The only thing that
really stops this card from being absolutely amazing
is that it is a Gemini monster and you have to waste
a summon just for it to gain it’s effect. My
favorite combo would be using foolish burial to
ditch Eclipse Wyvern, banishing Dark Storm Dragon,
then use Escape from the Different Dimension to
bring it back. From there I would summon it to gain
it’s ability and tribute Escape from the Different
Dimension to demolish the backrow.
Pros: Decent attack and good
Cons: Somewhat situational and
it’s a Gemini monster.
Traditional: 1/5
Advanced: 2/5