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The North School This is going to be relatively short, and ill just sing the praises of a few cards.
Dark Warrior Control-
So what so special about this? People have been running variants of it since the release of Don Zaloog, and rightly so, as he (w/ the exception of possibly IFL) is the greatest direct attacker in the game. However, those types of decks frequently resulted in being more tomato control, which is good, however lacks some field presence due to weaker monsters.
Enter DDS:
D.D. Survivor **** Dark/ Warrior/ Effect If this face-up card on your side of the field is removed from play, this card is special summoned to the owner's side of the field during the end phase.
Basically, I feel this guy made the deck type an option, especially in the current environment. When most decks run:
- 1x DDWL - 1-2x DDA - 1x BTH
...DDS reveals itself to be exceptionally anti-meta. However, tech-ing a single DDS in would often seem a better option then running 3 copies, due to what I like to call the 'white hole' argument. [It is very unlikely that both you and your opponent will have these cards in play at the same point during a duel]
Basically, DDS doesn’t counter enough to justifiably run him in triplicate.
But, he is dark; he has the standard beatstick 1800 atk (berserk gorilla not-withstanding), is searchable, and is anti-meta. He can potentially provide consistency and field presence. Wouldn’t it be nice to create a forum in which one could fully utilize him?
This is why I created Dark Warrior Control.
Total- 40
Monsters- 17
1 Jinzo 1 Blowback Dragon
1 TIV 1 Breaker 1 Sangan 1 Sinister
3 DD Survivor 1 Zombyra 1 Strike Ninja 1 Don Zaloog 1 Mataza the Zapper
1 Exiled Force 1 DDWL
1 Mystic Tomato 1 Spirit Reaper
Spells- 16
1 Pot of Greed 1 Graceful Charity 1 Delinquent Duo 1 MST 1 Heavy Storm 1 Premature 1 Snatch Steal
3 Smashing Ground 1 Nobleman of Crossout
2 Scapegoat 2 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Card of Sanctity
Traps- 7
1 Call of the Haunted 1 Torrential Tribute 1 Mirror Force 1 Ring of Destruction
1 Sak Armor 1 Dust Tornado 1 Return from the Different Dimension
The set up is standard, with a few tricks here and there-
Like most warrior decks, the key to this one is its speed and versatility. While Earth Warrior Aggro is defiantly a more malleable deck type (with BSG, DDA, MSlv2, etc being solid options), Dark Warriors have a few great things going for them as well...
- A bit more power (dark warriors seem to have a higher avg. atk) - DDS takes care of DDA/DDWL - A host of Anti-Meta monsters
My favorite being:
[Strike Ninja **** Dark /Warrior/ Effect You can remove this card from play until the end phase of this turn by removing 2 dark monsters in your graveyard from play. You can use this effect during either player's turn. you can only use this effect once per turn. [/quote]
Why do people like monsters such as Jinzo, Vlord, Phoenix, and Horuslv6 so much? Built in protection. Strike is the Non-trib version of the aforementioned monsters.
For sometime now, people have been building strike decks, which focus more on the fact that Strike can remove monsters from play, which can then be special summoned to the field (dd scout plane) and act as trib fodder for lager monsters (DMoC). With the banning of painful choice, however, these decks became increasingly difficult to play with any sort of consistency.
However, Strikes field presence, search ability, and atk (1700>TIV/Breaker/Control monsters) make him a fine choice. While it takes a great deal of thought to effectively work a single strike ninja, i have found him to be one of the most useful players- especially when it comes to baiting traps and removal.
Also, he shares great synergy with DDS, the deck's core. When strike removes DDS from the GY, and then DDS brought back to the field by RtftDD, you will not lose him at the end of the turn, as he will be revived by his effect.
In essence, you turn RtftDD into a (max possibility) 3-1 card.
However, this is NOT a strike ninja deck. While he is quite important to the deck itself, the deck isn’t really designed to make use of the rfg combos. They are just there as potential ‘OTK's’ and such...
(Since it only requires 1 card to run the ‘OTK’, its really not a strain on the deck's consistency/presence. this is also one reason i included 3x Smashing)
Mataza- is decent anti-goat. and actually i would count him as the ACTUAL second best direct attacker in the game, as he deals only 800 less damage than IFL w/o the lp cost.
Don- another great direct attacker, obviously: dark, warrior. self-explanatory
As these two are such great direct attackers, one must run the needed support to provide them with those straight on shots, which is a second reason i run 3x Smashing Ground. Also, they're just smart to run in most decks.
As the pair of aforementioned warriors are both dark and sub-1500 atk, it would make sense to compliment the warriors speed but running mystic tomato, so that you can more consistently use RotA to grab Strike, DDS, or Zombyra.
Since I’m running tomato, why not run one of the best tomato-able monsters possible- Spirit Reaper.
Another solid direct attacker, and adds some helpful field presence.
Exiled Force, while not dark and therefore only searchable by Sangan, acts here as a second Nobleman of Crossout, which I didn’t have the space to run in double. He basically became a watered down, but more accessible version of the card.
Zombyra, whose praises have been sung in past reviews, is a solid anti-meta card- Besting Berserk Gorillas, Vlords, and Airknights (which are found in almost all competitive decks)
Blowback and Jinzo are excellent tribs here. While DMoC is certainly another great option- I find that as this is not primarily a strike deck, he is not as consistent as one might hope. What’s nice about Blowback besides the fact that he only requires a single trib, is that when RtftDD'd or just normally summoned, he can provide the direct attack needed by Mataza, don, or spirit reaper.
Card of Sanctity Spell Card
Remove all cards in your hand and on your side of the field from play. Draw cards until you have 2 cards in your hand[/quote]
This is the kicker. I chose to run it instead of a second Crossout.
Card of Sanctity is similarly overlooked because it can potentially be so costly to run. Pot is so because it is two free cards. This card will never be free- as you must give up a resource from the hand (or field) in order to get the 'pot' effect.
However, DDS makes this card a great deal more consistent (have you noticed a preoccupation of mine?). Also, strike ninja (providing you have the resources in the GY) can be used here as well, since he only needs to be around for the card's activation (like the book of life ruling).
CoS becomes a very strong 'topdeck'. I cannot tell you the number of times i have been top decking, with a worthless nobleman of Crossout or MST in my hand when i have drawn this card. While you technically are breaking even, you are actually putting yourself at a strong advantage when you give up a useless card for 2 new options.
Also CoS can provide RftDD fodder, if needed.
It requires careful timing and thought (like remembering to leave Sinister in your GY for a turn), CoS can turn the table in a duel, especially when the number of cards in your hand grows slim. It also compliments the warrior speed quite nice.
While its a strong mid game draw, and a great late game one, CoS (along with RtftDD) are pretty poor early game draws. However, they become easy discards for DDuo and TIV in these situations, as the deck hardly needs them to meet its potential.
So there you have it. Dark Warrior Control:
-Very fast - 1 Pot, 1 Graceful, 2 RotA, Tomato, Sangan, CoS -Versatile - anti-meta, anti-zombie, anti-goat, anti-aggro -Provides both hand (reaper/don) and field (strike, DDS, Zombyra, Jinzo, Blowback)control -Easy OTK potential (RftDD) - FUN!
So go try it out
You can always email me at XxbenthegreatxX@yahoo.com
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