Look Into the Future
Article #14 - Ferocious Fusions
For today’s article, we’ll
be taking a look at the 3 most powerful Fusion Monsters
(Stat-wise) in the current Japanese game and future
English game. Let’s get right to it, beginning with
F-G-D (Five God
Type: Fusion Monster
Dark/Dragon - Level 12 - 5000/5000
Effect: This Monster can only be Special Summoned by a
Fusion of 5 Dragon sub-type Monsters.
This Monster does not take Battle Damage from Dark, Water,
Earth, Air, or Fire main-type Monsters.
At first sight, you notice the stats of this Monster, and
that's why it may attract people.. But its stats are
pretty much the only good thing about it, perhaps not for
the trouble you have to go through to get it out.
To get this Monster out, you’d need to Fuse 5 Dragon-type
Monsters from your Hand and/or Field.. Not too easy to
pull off =/. Do so one of the following ways (Just a few
Simply Fuse 5 Dragon sub-type Monsters
Scapegoat + DNA Surgery to Dragons + another Dragon-type
Some mix of Monsters on the Field with DNA Surgery and
Dragon-types in your Hand.
*Fusion Subs may not be used with FGD*
With 5000 ATK, it certainly couldn't hurt having this
Monster out on your side of the Field, but as I said
before, it's not exactly worth the trouble. And its last
Effect is pretty meaningless. It can't take Battle Damage
from any types except Light.. Well, what Monsters would be
able to take out F-G-D anyway? Nothing much more than a
Monster with huge power-ups, a Gaazetto in some
situations, or a Dragon Master Knight.
I have yet to see anyone successfully utilize F-G-D in any
deck, let alone actually Summon it. F-G-D is a nice card
to have in a collection.. But hardly anywhere else =/.
Overall rating: 3.5/10. Next, we have the Dragon Master
Dragon Master Knight
Type: Fusion Monster (Black Luster Soldier + Blue Eyes
Ultimate Dragon)
Light/Dragon - Level 12 - 5000/5000
Effect: This Monster may only be Special Summoned by a
Increase this Monster's ATK strength by 500 for each
Dragon-type Monster on the Field, besides this one.
Dragon Master Knight is a similar Monster to F-G-D, but
this one is more effective and easier to utilize. I have a
Dragon Master Knight deck, myself, and it's quite fun to
play, especially when you get to see the look on your
opponent's face when you actually Summon Dragon Master
5000 ATK strength. Quite powerful. All it takes to Fusion
Summon Dragon Master Knight is simply a Black Luster
Soldier (The Ritual Monster) and a Fusion Sub Monster. No
need for BEUD, or even Black Luster Soldier's Ritual Magic
card at all. Just Black Luster Soldier, Polymerization and
a Fusion Sub and say hello to the strongest Monster (In
terms of base stats and playability compared to FGD) in
the game.
Its second Effect isn't all that useful, as unless you're
playing a Dragon deck, which would be wise in a deck with
DMK, there's not a very good chance of other Dragons being
on the Field. Not too much of a drawback, though. Don't
exactly need more ATK stength when you've already got
When using either of these Monsters, just be wary of Traps
like Magic Cylinder or Destruction Ring, because.. Well,
you get the picture.
Dragon Master Knight - Overall rating: 5.7/10. Yet another
cool card to have as a part of your collection, but not
too great of a Monster to use, I'll admit, although I do
play a Dragon Master Knight deck myself.
Both of these cards (FGD and DMK) were released as
Japanese SCR promo cards from the GB7 game, so there's no
telling when they'll be released in English.
For the final feature card
of this article, we’ll take a look at a Monster that many
people are anticipating its release.. The Blue Eyes
Ultimate Dragon.
Blue Eyes
Ultimate Dragon
- Level 12 - 4500/3800
Fusion: Blue
Eyes White Dragon + Blue Eyes White Dragon + Blue Eyes
White Dragon
The Blue Eyes Ultimate
Dragon was released as a Japanese Promo card from Premium
Pack 3, then as a Common in the Kaiba Structure Deck. No
telling when it’ll be released in English.
Again, the stats on this
Monster are one of the things that attracts people to BEUD.
It’s not exactly great to use by Fusing 3 BEWD’s, but it
can be good by Special Summoning it by way of Illusionary
Summoner, Cyberstein (Devil Franken - Pay 5000 LP to
Special Summon a Fusion Monster, etc.) or Holy Beast
Selket + Royal Shrine.
There is a one-turn win
combo that some people like to play with BEUD, and that’s
with Cyberstein. Bring out Cyberstein, pay 5000 LP and
bring out BEUD, equip it with Megamorph, and attack for
9000 damage and the win. It’s a pretty risky move, though.
4500 ATK is certainly very
powerful, and the BEUD isn’t exactly hard to get out if
using the right methods. BEUD has the potential to be a
pretty devastating Fusion Monster, but it’s not exactly
great. There’s not too much else to say about the Blue
Eyes Ultimate Dragon. I’d give it an overall rating of a

That’ll do it for today’s
article. Sorry, but there’s no deck example today. Until
next time..