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Article #8 - Beastly Behemoths Ok, back again with my 8th Article here on the site, and this time, we’ll be taking a look at a few interesting Beast and Beast-Warrior Monsters of the current Japanese game and future English game. We begin with a Monster called Igzarion Universe. Igzarion
Universe Effect: This can be activated only during your turn’s Battle Step. You may reduce this Monster’s ATK strength by 400 to give it a Trample Effect. (If this Monster attacks a Monster in DEF mode with a DEF strength lower than this Monster’s ATK strength, do damage equal to the difference.) This Effect lasts until the end of the turn. *Released in Japanese as a Secret Rare/Ultra Rare promo card from the GB6 game, and reprinted as a Common in the Joey Structure Deck Volume 2. No telling when English release will be* Now, although it may not seem so, Igzarion Universe is recognized as being the second best (No-Tribute) Trample Monster in the game, in front of Spear Dragon and behind only 1 other Beastly Monster which we‘ll be taking a look at later in this article. The only downsides to Igzarion Universe are that it can not be searched by any Monster, and to get its Trample Effect, you must lower its ATK strength by 400. Although lowering it by 400 may sound pretty hefty, it’s pretty likely that any Monster your opponent has in DEF mode has less than 1400 DEF strength. So it’s really not that big of a downside. Quite a few people would prefer using Spear Dragon over Igzarion, but with those 2, that’s basically all it is; preference. I find Igzarion Universe to be more effective in most situations, as because it does not switch to DEF mode after attacking, it is a good Monster that’s not exactly easy to get by, and could provide a nice Defense wall for you. 1800 ATK isn’t that bad in itself, so if there’s no need to use its Trample-gaining ability, then 1800 ATK will stand a pretty good chance against a lot of other Monsters your opponent could be using. Igzarion Universe, or “Iggy” as some refer to it as, can work especially well in Beast/Beast Warrior decks, Dark-type Decks, Chaos decks, or Trample decks. All-in-all, I’d rate Iggy an 8/10. For the second Beastly Monster of this article, let’s take a look at the Berserk Gorilla. Berserk
Gorilla *Released as a Common from the Japanese 306-Controller of Chaos set. Will be released in English 2 sets after Magician’s Force* Now, this Monster’s a very destructive one. It can be searched out by the Witch, and it’s a no-Tribute, 2000 ATK Monster. No LP cost Effects to attack or anything like that. The only downside to it, which really isn’t too much of a downside at all, is that if it is able to attack (Meaning not being stopped by something like a SoRL), it must attack. If your opponent has a face down Monster and nothing else, the Gorilla must attack it, even if you don’t want it to. If the opponent has something like a Jinzo on the Field, the Gorilla must attack it, and you would take 400 LP before your Gorilla is destroyed by it. If in a situation such as that, it’d be most wise to just switch your Gorilla into DEF mode, destroying it yourself so you wouldn’t have to lose any LP in the process. Being Destroyed if in face up DEF mode isn’t that big of a downside, either, as rarely will you want your Gorilla to be in such a position, if at all. This Monster’s very powerful for its ATK strength and simple, not so bad downsides to it. Berserk Gorilla could work well in Earth, Beast/Beast Warrior, or any type of Beatdown deck especially. A card that goes very well with it, and any other Beast/Beast Warrior Monster, is the following: *Translation courtesy of Edo’s Yu-Gi-Oh Page* Wild Burst Type: Normal Magic Effect: Increase the ATK strength of 1 face-up Beast or Beast Warrior Sub-Type Monster on the Field by its DEF strength. Destroy that Monster during the End Phase. *A Rare from the Japanese 306 set.* The Effect on that one and how it works well w/ the Gorilla and with any other Beast/Beast Warrior Monster is obvious. Just imagine a Berserk Gorilla getting its ATK raised up to 3000 for the turn (It being destroyed afterwards isn’t too big of a downside, since it’d most likely have done some pretty hefty damage during that turn with the help of Wild Burst), or an Igzarion Universe having its ATK raised up to 3700 for the turn, making so you’d only have to lower its ATK to 3300 to gain the Trample ability. Now that would be painful for your opponent. All-around, I’d rate the Berserk Gorilla an 8/10. Fun to use, and very destructive and effective most of the time. For the final featured card of this article, we’ll be taking a look at a Common card from the Japanese 307-Dark Invader set; the Enraged Minotaur. Enraged
Minotaur Effect: While this Monster is face up on your side of the Field, all of your Beast, Beast Warrior, and Bird sub-type Monsters gain Trample. (When they attack a Monster in DEF mode with a lower DEF strength than the attacking Monster’s ATK strength, do damage equal to the difference) Yet another interesting and Effective Beast. This is the Monster most consider to be the best Trample Monster in the game. Its Effect works for itself as well, giving itself a Trample Effect, and besides that, it provides all your other Beasts, Beast Warriors, or Bird types with Trample abilities as well. Now that’s pretty powerful. This Monster’s pretty essential in any Beast-based deck, and can go well in some Beatdown decks that include other Beasts such as Iggy or the Gorilla. It can obviously work well with any decks with bird-type Monsters in them as well. With 1700 ATK and Trample, with no downsides, only upsides to it is a very nice Effect. Plus, being able to be searched out by the Witch gives it that little extra speed in any deck it may be in. I suppose there’s not much else to be said about this Monster, as its Effect pretty much explains it all. I’d rate the Enraged Minotaur an 8.1/10. Now for an example of what a Beast/Beast Warrior Deck might look like.. Monsters: 16 1x Jinzo Magic: 19 3x MST *Or perhaps go with 2 Wild Burst and 3 Book of Moon, or 2 of each and add something else such as a Painful Choice or Nobleman of Crossout.* Traps: 6 1x Imperial Order 1x Torrential Tribute (This or perhaps the Waboku would not be necessary if you’d like to stick with 40 cards in the deck) Total: 41 And here are pictures of my Iggy and Gorilla, followed by a link to a picture of the Enraged Minotaur, as I do not yet have one of my own. http://cardhaus.com/images/307-015.jpg That’ll do it for today’s article. Until next time.. ~DM7~
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