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DM7FGD's Look Into the Future

Article #11 - Designators of Darkness

For today’s article, we’ll be taking a look at two interesting and sometimes overlooked Dark-type Monsters of the Japanese game and future English game. We begin with one of my personal favorites, the Dark Invader.

Dark Invader

Dark/Fiend, Level 8 - 2900/2500

Effect: While this Monster is face up on the Field, your opponent can not play any Instant (Quickplay) Magic Cards.

*Secret Rare from the Japanese 307 set. Coming in English 2 sets after Magician’s Force*

Most people just tend to think that a Level 8 Monster with 2900 ATK that simply disables your opponent from using Instant Magic cards just isn't worth it. Well, I've tried this Monster out myself in a deck of mine, and it's more effective than most tend to think, and especially when the opponent has a Mirage of Nightmares out on the Field. Why? Because with the Dark Invader out on the Field, they won't be able to play their MSTs, so they'll most likely be discarding from Mirage for at least a couple of turns. Stops Scapegoat, as well, which is another card that quite a few people use in their decks.

Besides all that, 2900 ATK isn’t exactly anything to laugh at. It’s pretty powerful. Imagine this guy out on the Field with a Jinzo. There’d be almost nothing your opponent could do to protect their LP.

This Monster can be good with Cost Down, which was reviewed in my Malicious Magic Cards article. It’ll make it so it only needs 1 Tribute. Another card that could work well with it is Devil’s Sanctuary.

*Translation from Edo’s YGO Page*

Devil’s Sanctuary

Normal Magic

Effect: Special Summon 1 [Metal Devil Token] (Dark/Fiend, Level 1 - 0/0) to the Field. This token cannot attack. Direct Damage done to the [Metal Devil Token]'s controller due to it being in Battle is done to the opponent instead. During your Standby Phase, pay 1000 Life Points or destroy the [Metal Devil Token].

What you would do is simply play Devil’s Sanctuary, then Tribute the Token along with one other Monster to bring out the Dark Invader.

Besides being pretty powerful, Dark Invader’s a very fun card to try out. Overall, I’d rate the Dark Invader a 7.1/10.

For the next card of this article, we’ll be taking a look at Executioner Makyura.

Executioner Makyura

Dark/Warrior, Level 4 - 1600/1200

Effect: During the turn in which this card goes to the Graveyard, you may activate a Trap card from your hand.

*Japanese promo card and reprinted in DL2 as in Ultimate rare. If I’m not mistaken, its English name is Makyura the Destructor.*

This Monster can be pretty useful, and is another sometimes overlooked Monster. It has its advantages in being both Dark type and a Warrior type, and 1600 ATK isn’t all that bad, also with the ability to be able to be searched out by the Witch.

Activating a Trap card from your hand may not seem like too much of a great Effect at first, but it can be pretty fun to use, and sometimes pretty devastating to your opponent. Activate a Ring of Destruction from hand, a Call of the Haunted, etc. Ad long as it’d be a legal time to activate the Trap card, you can activate it from your hand after Makyura‘s been sent to the Graveyard by any matter. If it’s sent their by a Painful Choice, its Effect is active. If it’s destroyed in Battle, it’s Effect is active, etc.

As I stated in my Tenacious Traps article, Makyura’s also great with Traps such as Reversal of Worlds.

Executioner Mayura was recently restricted to 2 (Was restricted to 1) in Japan, as it’s a card that could be pretty easy to abuse in the right decks. I’d rate Makyura a 7/10.

Now for an example of what a Darkness Deck using these 2 cards might look like.

Monsters: 16

1x Dark Invader
1x Jinzo
2x Kycoo
1x Mystic Tomato
1x Drillago (Check Mechanized Monsters of Mayhem article)
1x Executioner Makyura
1x Don Zaruug (Or instead of 2x Kycoo, you could use 2x Zaruug. More Hand Destruction, more help for Tomato)
1x Igzarion Universe (Check Beastly Behemoths)
1x Genocide King Demon (Check Futuristic Fiends)
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Marauding Captain
1x Cyber Pod
1x Black Forest Witch
1x Sangan
1x Sinister Serpent

Magic: 18

2x Devil’s Sanctuary
3x MST
1x Raigeki
1x Dark Hole
1x Harpy Feather Sweep
1x Heavy Storm
1x Pot of Greed
1x Graceful Charity
1x Mirage of Nightmares
1x Change of Heart
1x Snatch Steal
1x Monster Reborn
1x Premature Burial
1x Painful Choice
1x Shallow Grave / Nobleman of Crossout / Scapegoat

Traps: 7

1x Imperial Order
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Ring of Destruction
1x Mirror Force
1x Metal Reflect Slime
1x Judgement of Anubis (Check Tenacious Traps)
1x Avatar of Apophis

Total: 41

For those who don’t know, here are translations for Metal Reflect Slime and Avatar of Apophis from Edo’s YGO Page.

Avatar of Apophis

Type: Permanent Trap

Effect: This card can only be activated during a Main Phase. After activated, this card becomes a Monster card (Earth/Reptile/4/1600/1800), and it is Special Summoned to your Monster Zone (it's still considered a Trap card).

*Promo card. Unknown English release*

Metal Reflect Slime

Type: Permanent Trap

Effect: After activating, this card becomes a Monster Card (Water/Aqua, Level 10 - 0/3000) and is Special Summoned to your Monster Zone in defense mode. This card cannot attack. (It is still treated as a Trap Card.)

*Promo card. Unknown English release*

And that’ll do it for today’s article. As always, you can reach me with any questions or comments at

Until next time..




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