Look Into the Future
Article # 3 - Warriors of the Future
Ok, time for my third article. This time, we’ll be
taking a look at 5 of the Warriors of the Future English
game; Dimensional Warrior, Dimensional Warrior Girl,
Blade Knight, Swift Black Ninja, and the Surprising
Matasa. We begin with the Dimensional Warriors. Two
Monsters with similar yet interestingly different
Monster removal Effects.
Dimensional Warrior
Earth/Warrior - Level 4 - 1200/1000
Effect: When this Monster attacks or is attacked, remove
this Monster and the opposing Monster from the game.
*From the Japanese Volume 7 set (Super rare) and
Jounouchi Structure Deck volume 2 (Common). Unknown
English release*
Just to clear things up, its Effect may confuse you
at first. When this Monster attacks or is attacked, does
any damage happen? The answer to that question is yes.
Damage still goes through before the removal happens.
Anyways, this is quite a fun Monster to play, and the
removal Effect can certainly come in handy. Removing an
opponent's Black Forest Witch or Sangan can certainly
hurt your opponent, as well as anything else you may
remove with it. Removal from the game is a powerful
aspect of the game, what with all you can now do w/
Monster removal. (By removal I mean removal from the
game, not removal from Field, Hand, etc)
This Monster's stats aren't too impressive, but it
certainly gets its job done. This Monster would be much
better with 200-300 more ATK power, but that's where its
female counterpart comes in. This Monster stirred up a
lot of attention when it was 1st released, as it was the
1st card of its kind. Being a Warrior, though, certainly
has its advantages. Also, its removal Effect is
mandatory. If in Battle with another Monster, the
opposing Monster MUST be removed from the game along
with the Dimensional Warrior.
I give the Dimensional Warrior a 7.5/10. It's a
bit underrated by most duelists. They just overlook it
because of its Female counterpart, which no doubt is
quite a bit better.
Onto the Dimensional Warrior Girl.
Dimensional Warrior Girl (D.D. Warrior Lady)
Light/Warrior - Level 4 - 1500/1600
Effect: When this Monster Battles with an opponent's
Monster (When it attacks or is attacked), you may choose
to remove this Monster and the opposing Monster from the
*Coming in English 1 set after Magician‘s Force*
*Super Rare in Japanese*
Now this is certainly a Monster that is worth playing in
a variety of decks; Light decks, Warrior decks,
Messengers of Chaos decks, decks w/ just Female cards,
even Beatdown decks, etc.
Unlike the Dimensional Warrior, DWG's stats are
something to watch out for. A 1500/1600 Monster with
that Effect is pretty great, imo. Also unlike its
counterpart, her Effect is optional. You may actually
choose whether or not you want to remove her and the
opposing Monster from the game.
In case you're wondering, with DWG, like DW, damage is
done before the removal/destruction would happen.
The only downside with the Female Dimensional Warrior is
that it can't be searched out by the Witch, but it can
w/ Sangan, unlike Dimensional Warrior which can be
searched by both Monsters. That’s the only real
advantage DW has over DWG.
You'll see DWG in pretty much most Japanese decks these
days. It's a very powerful Monster that's hard to get by
as the opponent certainly wouldn't want to attack a
Monster that has the power to remove the attack Monster
from the game. Not to mention it's a very fun card to
use and surprise with your opponent with after setting
it face down. DWG works well with Warriors, light-types,
Chaos Monsters, Beatdowns, Removal Decks, etc.
Removing the Dimensional Warriors from the game is
hardly a price to pay for doing the same to your
opponent, and most likely doing some LP damage in the
I give the Dimensional Warrior Girl an 8/10.
Moving on, we have Blade Knight; A very
popular Monster in the Japanese game today.
Blade Knight
Light/Warrior - Level 4 - 1600/1000
Effect: If you have 1 or fewer cards in hand, increase
this Monster's ATK strength by 400 points. If this is
the only Monster on your side of the Field, negate the
Reverse Effects of Monsters that this Monster destroys
in Battle.
*Released in Japanese as a V-Jump Ultra rare promo
card and reprinted in the DL3 set as an Ultimate Rare*
Blade Knight seems to be extremely underrated by many
people. To some people it may seem that Blade Knight
"promotes bad hand management", or something of that
sort. Well, that is not the case whatsoever.
In the current Japanese game, (And most likely in the
English game at the time of Blade Knight's unknown
release) you'll find yourself with 0-1 cards in hand
more often than you would think (And you don't get to
only that many cards in hand by "wasting" cards in any
manner), and that's where Blade Knight comes even more
in handy than if it were the only Monster on your Field
(Which is also pretty likely at times). A 2000 ATK Level
4 Monster that negates Flip Effects with no
stipulations/drawbacks to it is just.. Wow. And with
Blade Knight, that is likely to happen quite a few
times. It is likely that Blade Knight will be your only
Monster on the Field, and if not, it is likely it will
be on the Field when you have 1 or fewer cards in hand.
Blade Knight's great for Light-Based decks, Beatdown
decks, Warrior decks, and even Messengers of Chaos
decks. If any of you are doubters of Blade Knight in the
Japanese game, or if you are doubting it while
anticipating its English release, try it out. I can
almost guarantee you your opinions of the card will
change. I myself like using 1, sometimes 2 Blade Knights
in a couple of my decks, and it works especially well in
my Messengers of Chaos deck.
Still, even if you don't get to use either of its
Effects due to one reason or another (Which really isn't
too likely. You most likely will get to use one Effect
or the other, if not both), a 1600/1000 Monster isn't
anything to laugh at. It could still cause some damage
even then.
Yes, Hand Management is a pretty big part of staying
alive in a duel, but when using Blade Knight, having
only 1 card in hand or none at all can sometimes be
considered an advantage of some sort. You'll have an
extremely powerful Monster that's not exactly easy to
get around for your opponent. And I will say it again;
You'll find yourself at 0-1 cards in hand quite more
often than you would probably think.
Blade Knight really is a great card. And btw, in case
you're wondering, no, it's not restricted/limited.
Still think it's bad that you have to have 0-1 cards in
hand to get the 400+ ATK boost? Well, like I said
before, just try Blade Knight out. You might surprise
yourself. I know I did when I first tried Blade Knight a
bit after it was first released in Japanese.
I give Blade Knight an 8.3 / 10. We now move on
to the Swift Black Ninja..
*All Following Translations courtesy of Edo’s
Yu-Gi-Oh Page*
Swift Black Ninja
Dark/Warrior, Level 4 - 1700/1200
Effect: You can remove 2 Dark Main-Type Monsters in
your Cemetery from the game to remove this card from the
game until the End Phase of this turn. You can also use
this effect during your opponent's turn. You can use
this effect only once per turn.
Now, Swift Black Ninja is quite an interesting card.
Its Effect is Multi-Trigger, Spell Speed 2, meaning you
can use its Effect in a chain. (Example: You Summon
Swift Black Ninja. Opponent activates Torrential
Tribute. You chain removing 2 Dark Monsters from your
Graveyard. SBN’s removed from the game, Torrential is
useless) And this card is great if you can get it in
combo with 1 or 2 Dimensional Scouting Machines.
(Dark/Machine type, Level 2 800/1200. If it’s removed
from the game, Special Summon it in ATK mode in the End
Phase of the turn it was removed) If you could get Swift
Black Ninja in combo w/ 2 DSM’s, then in the End Phase
of that turn you’ll have 3 Monsters on your side of the
The Ninja’s Effect can come in handy when your
opponent plays something like Raigeki, as you could
chain the Ninja’s Effect to it, removing it from the
game so it is unaffected by it.
1700 ATK’s not too bad, and because it’s a Warrior
and can also be searched by the Witch it has its
advantages. It can be good in Dark and Warrior type
decks, and the card’s really fun to try out. It’s there
mainly for a “hit and a vanish.” Get it out, attack with
it, if possible, then remove it during your opponent’s
turn to prevent it from any trouble, if any.
The Ninja will be released in English 2 sets after
Magician’s Force, as it was an Ultra/Parallel rare from
the Japanese set, 306 - Controller of Chaos. I give the
Swift Black Ninja a 7 / 10.
The next and final card of this article is
Surprising Matasa.
Surprising Matasa
Dark/Warrior, Level 3 - 1300/800
Effect: This card can attack 2 times during your
Battle Phase. While this card is face-up on the Field,
control of it can't change.
*Coming in same set as Swift Black Ninja. Common in
Now, you thought Hayabusa Knight was good? Take a
look at this guy’s Effect. It’s basically a Hayabusa
Knight with 300 more ATK and 100 more DEF, a Dark type
(Giving it more capabilities such as in Chaos decks,
Dark decks, Warrior decks, etc), and with an additional
Effect that it can not change control, meaning your
opponent can not play Change of Heart or Snatch Steal on
it, etc. That in itself is great, and that’s on top of
its ability to attack twice during a Battle Phase with a
pretty good ATK strength for such an Effect at 1300.
This Monster can be searched by both Witch and/or
Sangan, and can be brought out by way of Mystic Tomato,
making it good in Dark type decks. Quite a few uses for
this one, but it most likely won’t be staying on the
Field for more than 1 or 2 of your own turns with all
that’s out there that could easily get rid of it. This
Monster can be made extremely powerful with some
power-ups, though, such as United We Stand or Big Bang
Shot. (Big Bang Shot’s coming in Magician’s Force. It’s
basically a Fairy Meteor Crush that gives the Monster a
400+ ATK boost, and if BBS is destroyed, the equipped
Monster is removed from the game.)
Plus, being Level 3 gets its way around the
ever-so-popular (In the English game) Gravity Bind as
well. I’d probably rate the Surprising Matasa a
good 7.1 / 10. Now for an example of what a Warrior
deck, using all 5 of these cards might look like..
Monsters: 17
1x Chaos Soldier - Messenger of Creation
1x Jinzo
2x Blade Knight
2x Dimensional Scouting Machine
1x Marauding Captain
1x Dimensional Warrior
1x Dimensional Warrior Girl
1x Swift Black Ninja
1x Don Zaloog
1x Surprising Matasa
1x Magic Warrior-Breaker
1x Exclusitivity Virus (Or another DWG in its place
simply to have more balance in the types for the Chaos
1x Black Forest Witch
1x Sangan
1x Sinsiter Serpent
Magic: 19
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Calling Reinforcements
1x Warrior Returning Alive
1x Raigeki
1x Dark Hole
1x Pot of Greed
1x Graceful Charity
1x Mirage of Nightmares
1x Harpie’s Feather Duster
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Premature Burial
1x Change of Heart
1x Snatch Steal
1x Painful Choice
1x Forceful Sentry
Traps: 5
1x Imperial Order
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Mirror Force
1x Ring of Destruction
1x Torrential Tribute
Total: 41

And that’ll do it for my third article. As always, I
hope you enjoyed it.
E-mail me with any questions and/or comments at
Until next time..