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Maltos’s Friday deck - Tears
July 16, 2006
The main way I can communicate with anyone, and the best way
for me ,is through writing. I’m a talented writer, and I can
use this to my advantage to get my point across really well.
The thing is, I’m limited as to what I can do when it comes
to Yugioh, and changing the game. The only thing that
actually matters is when I do an in depth article. My Friday
decks, COTD reviews and 7 steps are all just trivial,
insignificant information, and mad ideas on a piece of
virtual paper. Occasionally they stir an aspect of
inspiration, and occasionally shed a new light on an
otherwise outdated concept. They never serve to a higher
purpose, and never touch people in the profound way I hope
this article may. Even my rant mode article, this in fact
had the directly opposite effect , turning any philosophical
aspects I’d ever preached completely around , twisting it
into a vulgar explosion against the dueling society,
something I should have foreseen , and something that in
essence I only did for the obvious response it would
receive. It’s suddenly simple that if you want a lot of
applause, as I’d strived to obtain during my time at pojo ,
then an angry rant at the establishment is enough to get it.
People are simple, easy to control if you know what you are
This article will be , almost definitely my finest ever, and
I don’t even know what its going to be about yet. It will be
my most touching, and sorrowful account of Yugioh to date,
and I hope this will stir you as much as it does me writing
it. I think I’ll warn you now that this isn’t an article to
blast through and read quickly, as with most of my previous
articles have been, it’s not going to be bursts of passion,
but more a slow, monologue from my own deep conscious mind.
Read it slowly, and preferably whilst listening to the sort
of mellow, tranquil, but unhappy music that you may have
stored on your computer somewhere. This is going to be a
long one guys, I can tell, and I want you to completely
understand where I’m coming from on this.
Yugioh, of late has slipped from what it once was. Its
completely out of balance and it is slowly dieing. No one
wants it to go, but unfortunately it just is, for me anyway.
I love this game more than anyone else , and I’m more
sorrowful than most that its going. But that damage has been
nearly irreparable of late , and I’ve seen this coming for a
long time now.
The passion died sometime ago, most likely in the aftermath
of the regressive format , when our options were limited ,
and nothing had really been released to compensate. We had
been very gluttonous in the Trinity format, with access to a
wide variety of powerful and effective cards, but with the
demise of 3 major spells as well as the loss of Mirror Force
and for the chaos users, Black luster soldier, not
forgetting the restriction of other spells like Scapegoat ,
and on the whole, we were left with the scraps of Yugioh.
The game changed from there on in. We were forced into a
major decline in both the players grasp on the reality of
the game and the cards available to us.
Players now felt that striving to a completely un skilled
victory was the best way to win, and they were right. Now
I’m not trying to insult, or criticise anybody here, CC or
‘Originality’ , but the fact remains. The Regressive format
was an era were you didn’t have to think about anything to
play the game. Kill one monster, summon yours, kill s/t. I’m
surprised its took me so long to realise this fully to be
honest. The format wasn’t based on skill, it was based on
kill summon kill, an idiot could have gotten to grips with
this game.
It wasn’t they players fault. The game changed, not them,
not at first. The only things available to them with any
success rate was the 1 for 1’s and the Dekoichi’s and all
that no - thought madness. That’s why things became bad, and
that’s when the death started .
The brutality and arrogance of the format reflected in the
players. They became twisted and cynical, desperate to
forget, it would seem, the experiences they had previously
built up in the game. This also reflected what was going on
in the packs. I’m sorry Otaku, I’ve had time to think and I
still disagree.
The lack of thought in the game was an echo of the lack of
room to breathe in the ban list, and a result of the loss of
thought provoking cards released, with each set catering to
the wrong audience, so much to the point where I have now
stopped buying them.
I think the point I’m trying to address, and hopefully you
are still reading this slowly, is that an over active
banning on things is not always the best solution. If you
restrict the cards involved in the problem, as well as the
problem cards itself, the driving force behind the whole
thing, then you prevent the duelists ability to grow. If
someone had a disease ridden hand, you don’t amputate the
whole arm, that’s the point I’m trying to make. The loss of
scapegoat and the like with Metamorphosis gone was a
mistake. It forces the duelists to regress, they can’t go
any further and they get stuck in bad habits. To move
forward is to look back upon one’s past experiences and
learn from it , but since duelists were unable to move
forward, they therefore were unable to look back. That is
why they forgot everything they’d worked so hard to learn in
the first place. Unable to move forward, and unable to look
back, almost stuck in transition.
This created an infectious sickness between duelists, a
mentality I even find myself slowly succumbing to. The lack
of mentality and crisp imagination to be out rightly
inventive . Everyone is just content the way things are, and
are blind to the games decline. Well, I can see it, I can
see it clearly.
The magic and soul reserves of the game are empty, and I for
one feel they need a re fill. I blame the ban list. Not this
list, just the list in general. Contrary to popular belief,
this list was a step in the right direction . The inclusion
of power from cards like Graceful Charity and mirror force
has already had a revitalising effect on the game. Already,
over time, we’ve seen the end of DDA’s use, as well as a
decline in the use of Smashing ground and other simplistic
removal. People are beginning to learn what they once had so
keenly remembered , and there is a slight glimmer of hope.
But still, this is drastically out weighed by the negative.
The effects on the duelists mind of the Regressive format is
a stain we still see all too often today, and one that is
slowly overwhelming me. Previously I had fought so hard
against the Regressive format, fought so hard against what
it was doing, but it seems my cries fell on deaf ears. For
every inspirational article I wrote there was a thousand
arrogant , regressing duelists that would refuse what I had
to say. I’m so very tired now. So tired of fighting.
The problem right now is the lack of cards to counter
certain themes, the main one being Return. The inevitable
limitation of these cards will not help the game, it will
only damage it further, cutting of another limb. It didn’t
help when we lost metamorphosis, it didn’t help when we lost
Pot of Greed and Mof, so why would it help losing even more?
Instead of trying to limit the things we can’t cope with, we
should be trying to find a way to counter the things that
bother us, and that should happen with the semi limiting of
a few decent cards. Book of Moon for instance. Cards that
are effective, but not over the top. Cards that can be used
skilfully and inject a bit of power into this game, so we
can use it again, instead of relying on bad strategies and
then complaining about things that we’re just not good
enough to handle.
I know that this is probably another article falling on deaf
ears. Most wont listen, others wont care. Some will think
they know the point that I’m getting at, when in reality
they really don’t, I’ve had that lots of times. The reality
is that more likely than not, I alone understand my article,
and know what I mean, but regardless this is out there, and
that’s it. I’m done. I’ve shed my last tear for this game
right now, and I’m retiring from my articles for the
foreseeable future. I’ll be there every day for the Cotd’s,
but that’s it for now. There’s no point going any further.
My Friday decks, 7 steps and even rants amount to nothing .
Its been a bumpy ride, and I hope you do think deeply about
what’s in this article. Its how I feel, and what I believe.
Hopefully you can take way what I have just from writing it.
It’s opened my eyes to how things really are, and I’m
grateful for all the support that I’ve received, but that is
it. Its over, for now.