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THE Dark Magician Deck
March 1, 2006
Greetings one and all. It
seems people liked my last article, although im not getting
as many responses as I’d like. I want to hear you responses,
and I want to know where I need to improve.
The Dark Magician deck is a variant on the actual spell
caster deck , utilising the key cards of the spell caster
genre with the Dark Magician himself, who often serves as a
big 2500 attacker. Typically, the Dark Magician deck often
revolves around many different ways of summoning him to the
field, and then using him to use other effects. The less
tournament worthy decks often run cards like Dark Magician
girl, Dark Magic Attack, Sages Stone as well as the various
other Nomi monsters that the Dark Magician has developed
over the years. Although in minority these cards can prove
both enjoyable to play as well as effective, in more
streamlined decks they can lead to very clogged hands. Bad
top decks, and lack of field presence is often the downfall
of every Dark Magician deck.
Well anyway, as promised this is the Dark Magician Deck that
I’m currently using as we speak:
Monsters (20)
Dark Magician (x3)
Skilled Dark Magician (x2)
Peten the Dark Clown (x3)
Apprentice Magician (x3)
Magician of Faith
Breaker the Magical Warrior
DD Warrior Lady
Exiled Force
Morphing Jar
Cyber Jar
Spirit Reaper
Spells (14)
Magical Dimension (x3)
Dark Hole
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Pre Mature Burial
Giant Trunade
Creature Swap
Snatch Steal
Nobleman of Crossout
Mystical space typhoon
Lightning Vortex
Traps (6)
Call of the Haunted
Torrential Tribute
Dust Tornado
Magic Cylinder
Royal Decree
Quite basic, to say the least. The deck basically uses cards
like Peten and Apprentice magician to try and ensure a spell
caster is on the field as often as possible, in order to
abuse the 3 Magical dimensions. Some key cards include :
Magical Dimension :
Singularly the only reason the deck works at all.
Potentially the most versatile card in the GAME both being
useful for spell caster OTK, as well as throwing off the
timing for pain - in - the - rear Torrential Tributes and
Bottomless trap holes. It also negates targeting cards like
Sakurtsu and Exiled force when used correctly.
Unfortunately it can be a real bad top deck, often leading
to scenarios when multiples are drawn and there is an
absence of spell casters either on the field or in the hand.
Peten the Dark Clown :
Most, if not all spell caster users avoid Peten at all costs
and refuse to even run him, just because of a timing issue,
preferring Apprentice Magician instead. I tell you now that
Peten is far superior, not only statistically, but also
effect wise. Peten gains his effect when destroyed in
battle, much like Apprentice magician, but he can also get
his effect in in many other ways as well, not forgetting his
sheer abuse ability with Magical Dimension as Peten not only
deck thins and summons another copy of himself, he also
comes face up. In my experience, Peten has saved me
countless more times than Apprentice Magician because of its
sheer abusability with Magical Dimension.
Unfortunately, every so often the timing issue does occur,
leaving the deck with copies of Peten that can be virtually
Skilled Dark Magician :
Stat wise this is a great lv 4 spell caster. Although his
effect actually getting off is a rare experience, it does
happen, and it is very useful. There aren’t really any
downsides to this card. Solid stats and situational, but
powerful effects make him a worthwhile addition.
Dark Magician.
The D. Man himself. Dark Magician has a lot of combo
ability, and therefore promotes a very colourful side deck.
Although Cybernetic Magician , or Chaos command magician may
be a superior card for this deck, it doesn’t matter. The D.
Man stays. 2500 attack can destroy virtually any monster in
this format, as well as a nice 2100 defense to equal a Cyber
Dragons attack.
This deck however, does have its downsides. A large problem
often being that since the weak monsters like Peten and
Apprentice fill a large area of deck space, the monster
draws are lacking to say the least. Also, as a result of the
low stats, often the mini monsters are ran through before a
Magical Dimension combo can be performed.
Another problem, as with all Dark Magician decks, is clogged
hands. The triplicate of many cards seem to get in the way
of each other, much to this deck’s dismay. Bad top decks are
a major issue.
This deck is also lacking in the area of straightforward
monster removal. Magical Dimension, though effective is
still quite situational to say the least. A lot more removal
is necessary before this deck can get truly near its
In order to get this deck of the ground, I must deal with
each of these major issues , as well as finding more
effective cards for doing the same jobs and having the same
purpose as the weaker cards, such as apprentice magician .
As you may have noticed, this deck is missing the single
greatest spell caster of all time - Dark Magician of Chaos.
For my first fix, im going to lose a Dark Magician for his
more powerful cousin, that way simply making the Dark
Magician a better card all round. This already gives the
deck a significant boost. The Dark Magician, although good
in its own way , is not always the most effective monster ,
and is most often just there for a 2500 beatdown monster.
DMoC does this and more with his potential spell retrieval
effect and its Remove from play battle prowess.
For my second fix I shall replace the unnecessary Apprentice
Magicians. My original idea was to have Petens and
Apprentices out at all times, ready to activate my Magical
Dimensions. This has proven to be a relatively effective
combo, but since I find the Apprentice magicians far
inferior to Peten himself, I shall replace them for their
more powerful replacement that I’m sure everyone was
thinking of - Grave keepers spy. With its exemplary defense
it is far more likely to stick around on the field for
longer , as well as special summoning. Already this is
incredibly superior to the tiny apprentice magicians. Grave
Keepers spy is far more beneficial in terms of Field
Since I am replacing 3 Apprentice magicians, this leaves
space for an additional monster to take there place after I
have incorporated the 2 spies. Currently the ‘Must Have’ for
any spell caster deck that is level 4 or lower is Injection
Fairy lily. I haven’t manage to get my little hands on one
yet, but when I do its straight in. Lily can lead up to some
major damage when combo’d correctly with Magical Dimension ,
and can lead to some great combos even when used on its own.
Lily is really an all round good card, being both searchable
and deadly.
Asides from those minor adjustments, im relatively happy
with my remaining monsters. I had previously considered
running a Chaos Sorcerer, but I found it didn’t really suit
my theme, and there is a definite absence of lights in the
I’d also considered taking out 1 skilled Dark Magician for a
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer, but this is more of an act of
preference than necessity.
S/t wise, some things have to change.
At 3, the Magical Dimension count is too much even for a
skilled hand to use. They are quite often dead draws.
An equally effective card im going to replace 1 with is Book
of Moon. BoM is a versatile card that can also serve as
protection for my heavy hitting monsters from cards like DDA,
Smashing Ground and Snatch Steal. Its also a handy card in
many situations, and therefore is less situational.
Otherwise, I personally feel that my spells are near
perfect. Creature Swap is definitely practical , especially
when combo’d with Peten.
Regretfully, there is a distinct problem in my trap area.
Although good , and almost themed, Magic Cylinder needs
unfortunately replacing for a Sakutsu Armour. Absence of
Monster removal is a flaw that needs quickly fixing.
Another trap that isn’t working out as hoped is Royal
Decree. Originally used as a protector for my Dark Magicians
so I can ensure safe attacks, often it isn’t as effective as
hoped. In the future I may replace this for a magician’s
circle., a card that fits in with the ‘Spell caster
presence’ theme.
Overall, I think the deck is now vastly improved . Dead
draws have either been replaced , or up graded, more monster
removal has been introduced, and all in all, I think the
deck has been made a lot more solid. Personally I believe if
Dark Magic Curtain is ever released, Dark Magician decks
like these could have potential to go mainstream:
Monsters (20)
Dark Magician (x3)
Skilled Dark Magician (x2)
Peten the Dark Clown (x3)
Grave keepers Spy (x2)
Injection Fairy lily
Magician of Faith
Breaker the Magical Warrior
DD Warrior Lady
Exiled Force
Morphing Jar
Cyber Jar
Spirit Reaper
Spells (14)
Magical Dimension (x2)
Book of Moon
Dark Hole
Heavy Storm
Swords of Revealing Light
Pre Mature Burial
Giant Trunade
Creature Swap
Snatch Steal
Nobleman of Crossout
Mystical space typhoon
Lightning Vortex
Traps (6)
Call of the Haunted
Torrential Tribute
Dust Tornado
Sakurtsu Armour
Royal Decree / Magicians Circle
Well, that’s all from me this time folks, tune in next time
for my next article ; ‘ Legacy of the White Dragon’
I’ll leave ya guessing at that ones theme….