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March 14, 2006
Hey guys, glad you could
make it. My last few article received some decent applause
as well as the mentioning of Rescue cat being a worthy
addition to the Ojama Deck. Nice one guys !
Anyway, back to the article. The title of this is a tad
misleading as I’m not constructing a fiend deck per say, in
fact I’m saving that for later. Actually, right now I’m
constructing a deck with fiends in and one particular fiend
in particular - Raviel Lord Of Phantasms.
Raviel is a recent addition to the fiend arsenal, another
one of the 3 legendary demons, and apparently the favoured
of the 3 .
Raviel is certainly not a weak monster, boasting 4000 atk
and def , a feat yet to be bested by any normal monster
without an effect coming into play. He can also boost this
quite simply by sacrificing a monster on your field and
adding that monsters attack power to this card until the end
of the turn. Nifty, and pretty much a watered down version
of Obelisk the Tormentors god hand crusher effect.
Raviel also possesses the slightly more situational ability
of allowing a special summon of a Phantasm Token whenever
the opponent special summons a monster. Not bad, but quite
rare, for instance a Cyber Dragon . Still, that effect is
not the reason people run this guy.
In order to be special summoned, much like the original
gods, Raviel requires 3 monster tributes , and by sheer
coincidence they must be 3 fiend type monsters. Sweet, but I
know what you’re thinking , - Difficult, and most likely not
worth it. I’m inclined to agree with you, but in this case I
am going to try my best to construct such a deck.
Raviel can be splashed into ANY fiend deck, but in order to
fully abuse his power this certain card is essential ;
Giant Germ : Everyone saw this coming . This card is great
as it not only is fiend, it also builds some mighty field
presence in one turn. Potentially, this makes the summoning
of Raviel potentially a 2 turn combo.
But now Raviel can go two ways finding homes in both a
conventional fiend deck or a Dark World deck, the fiend
variant. Dark World are exceptionally good decks with
virtually everything going for them, and when played right
are potentially devastating. However, in order to take
advantage of a certain few cards I have my eyes on for this
deck I will take a more conventional, Raviel themed path
when making this deck where I will try to introduce
effective combos and synergetic cards.
Typically a fiend deck is often loaded with a variety of
beatdown, Tomato control, Ha Des and Necrofear, and for the
most part this is no exception :
Giant Orc : The more traditional fiend beatdown card, often
considered replaced by Goblin Elite Force, but still a
worthy addition to the deck. Both cards are great techs
against Cyber Dragons, as well as being very useful for
Raviel’s tribute ability, granting him the maximum boost he
is most likely to get.
Goblin Elite Attack force : Worthy for the same reasons as
mentioned above, but also sporting a teched 1500 def is also
a great counter to the ever present Don Zaloog. A shame its
Earth, otherwise it would combo nicely with Deck Devastation
Virus, much like its ‘Inferior’ Cousin.
Newdoria : Tomato control’s best pal. Newdoria is a card
I’ve ran in my fiend deck in multiples for many years now.
Decent Stats and a targeting effect less restrained than a
DD monster. Very Nice.
Dark Jeroid ; Although widely underused, I can tell you that
Dark Jeroid is useful. Taking a Cyber dragon down to 1300
may not allow Jeroid to kill it, but its still barely a
threat. Worthwhile running at least one.
Mystic Tomato : Although its not fiend it can search out the
best this deck has to offer , including Giant Germ. For
presence alone this is worthwhile.
Dark Necrofear : A powerful card every fiend deck is in love
with. Necro as she has come to be known is singularly the
best card in a Fiend decks arsenal, being not only the Envoy
’Prototype’ but a special summon that can allow for swarm
when used correctly, as well as being a sturdy wall.
Dark Ruler Ha Des : Ha Des is a powerful card with a
devastating effect. He is a cut above most other tribute
monsters with 2450 atk, a mere 50 above the standard for
level 6’s. Ha Des has the ability of allowing any fiend on
your field his awesome effect negation powers crippling any
searcher, DD or flip effect as long as they are destroyed in
battle. Fantastic. Unfortunately, Ha Des cannot be special
summoned from the grave, which although only disallows 2
cards, greatly reduces his playability.
Return from the Different Dimension : A very powerful card
that I have always been exceptionally fond of. RftDD has
recently been adapted into many different strategies and is
more often than not a game winner. Using this accordingly
with Necrofear can mean a very simple summoning of fiend
forces , ready for tributing for Raviel. Definitely a
devastating combo, however costly it may be.
Since the whole point of Raviel is attacking this presents a
major flaw in that the deck can easily become trap heavy,
especially when combined with RftDD as in order for full
safety cards like Dust Tornado and possibly royal decree are
essential. This is a quick run down of the deck I hope to
create :
Monsters :
Raviel the lord of Phantasms
Dark Necrofear (x2)
Mystic Tomato (x2)
Giant Germ (x3)
Newdoria (x3)
Dark Jeroid
Giant Orc (x2)
Goblin Elite Attack force (x3)
Cyber Jar
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Spells :
Dark Hole
Smashing Ground
Book of Moon
Giant Trunade
Premature Burial
Nobleman of Crossout
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Swords of Revealing Light
Snatch Steal
Nobleman of Crossout
Traps :
Dust Tornado (x3)
Call of the Haunted
RftDD (x2)
Sakurtsu Armour (x3)
Reasons :
Raviel is at one as , although he is the focal point of the
deck, he is tricky to summon and therefore multiples would
harm the deck in my opinion.
Necrofear at 2 makes a greater use of RFTDD, and since the
deck is jam packed full of Fiends, summoning her should not
be a problem.
Cyber jar is a great monster for special summoning a great
deal of monsters at the same time, and therefore is a must
have for the deck.
Mystic Tomatoes at 2 is a better idea , as , although they
can search out virtually the entire deck they are not fiends
and therefore wont benefit it as much as they really could.
The Spells are pretty few, but they are the standard. Book
of Moon is a worthwhile choice being very worthwhile and a
savoir to Smashing Rods like Necro and Raviel. Its also a
nice little trap when the opponent tries to attack the
attack position Necro with a DDA or the like, doing Damage
but no removal.
Trap wise, this deck is pretty heavy .
Dust Tornado in 3’s is great s/t removal, and is therefore a
must, protecting your hard hitting monsters from danger.
Also, the secondary ability is great, allowing you to set a
RftDD from your hand, ready to activate next turn, without
fear of it being removed on the opposing turn if you use
Dust Tornado on the opposing End Phase.
RftDD is necessary in 2’s, as with double the Necro, there
is double the chances of powerful monsters being required.
3 Sakurtsu armours are there to try and protect my fiends,
ready for a sacrifice for Raviel next turn.
Call of the Haunted is of standard , but Torrential Tribute
is absent from this deck as I feel that it defeats the
object of having 3 fiends on the field. Bottomless trap hole
could also be a worthy replacement, but I feel 3 Sakurtsu’s
should suffice.
Overall , I don’t think this is a bad deck, its certainly
playable, if not for Raviel for Necro and the fiend forces.
I would have loved to add cards like Deck Devastation Virus
, making for supreme combos, but unfortunately GEAF is
Earth. If that wasn’t the case this deck would really rock.
Still I like it, and I hope you do to. As always, Toddyhole@aol.com
for any thoughts or feelings. Next up, Striking Thunder.
Have a good one guys.