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Maltos’s Friday deck - Dark World
April 28, 2006
Instead of a clever
title, I thought that this week I’d just be blatant. I think
I should also mention that since my GSCE exams are coming up
in the next 3 WEKKS!!! That I may be a bit preoccupied in
the upcoming months with revision, so I wouldn’t expect much
asides from the Cotd’s and this Friday spot. Now it would
appear that im declining the same way as previous Featured
writers have in the past, but don’t start praying for that
to be true just yet because as long as im playing Yugioh,
I’ll at least do these two things as long as I can.
Anyway, Dark world was a deck greatly reinforced in the
light of this new ban list, indeed it would seem that the
current ban list was enforced simply to make people run dark
world, at least that’s what I thought. Dark world have been
deemed unstable by most in the dueling community, especially
in the forums, and for me its hard to see why. Potentially,
Dark world are as powerful as the Chaos monsters when used
correctly as they have so much type specific cards available
to them with powerful effects like Draw, recursion, Hand
replenishment, destruction and general beatdown, as well as
searchers. They have everything covered pretty much, and
could easily desecrate any strategy .
Each , for the most part, Dark world monster gains the
trigger ability of an effect activating when sent to the
grave, at least that’s what they are remembered for. This
has put a damper on the use of cards like Don Zaloog and
direct attacks from spirit reaper , as not only do they get
effects when discarded generally, they also get devastating
effects when the opponent discards them in addition.
Goldd Wu-Lord of Dark World ;
The heavy hitter of the dark world tribe, and quite easily
the most recognisable card between them all. Goldd recently
has been somewhat stupidly teched as a counter to the hand
control wielding opponents, and not with much success.
Still, this stupid combo should not put a player off from
running him, especially in this deck where his abilities can
be easily taken advantage of, and although its unlikely his
destruction effect will pull off, he is at worst a 2300
attacker with Dark world support at his disposal, as well as
being a special summon.
Silva Warlord of Dark world:
Goldd’s ‘inferior brother’. As it stands, these two are
virtually identical except that depending on the
circumstances that activation of these monsters secondary
ability could be more beneficial in different situations.
Instead of targeting the field, Silva hit’s the hand, and he
hits hard, with a gorgeous Delinquent Duo like effect,
sending two cards to the bottom of the deck from the
opposing hand. Still, at worst he’s identical to his
brother, but far easier to get in a pack of Elemental
Brron mad king of Dark world:
I love this guy. He serves as a 1800 beater, as well as the
best way of special summoning a Silva for instance and
hitting the opponent for another 2300. That’s 4100 if you
can hit the opponent directly with both, and in this deck it
wont be easy to do. You must run this card in order for this
to be half decent.
Brrow Huntsman of Dark World
Man my spellchecker doesn’t like these names, anyway, Brrow
(that’s right Microsoft Word, two R’s) is the draw power of
the deck allowing one card for him being discarded by your
effect, and an additional card if discarded by and opposing
effect. Nice.
Beiige Vanguard of Dark World
What would Summoned Skull look like without horns/ Probably
a lot like Beiige. This guy is a lot like the colour he
represents, a little bit dull, and a little bit un exciting.
Still, his effect is a special summon, as well as being a
fairly good 1600 attacker. Worth the space in my opinion.
Scarr Scout of Dark World ;
Ahhh, the searcher. Scarr takes his name from the colour
Scarlet, a unique shade of red. Although he’s fairly weak,
(I say fairly, I mean very) he is a deck thinner and helps
fill up your hand with Dark World spots. He merit’s a couple
of spots in my opinion.
Zure, Knight of Dark World.
This guys got nothing, no effect, not even high attack
really. He doesn’t fit the theme at all, just a plain and
simple 1800 attacker, and we’ve got 3 of those in already.
And now I come to the spells. Dark World specifically have
received 2, both exceptionally good.
Dark World lightning ;
A very versatile Spell card which enormously helps the Dark
World cause, just like Brron. This card can be used to
destroy any facedown threat and then to lose a card from
your hand after. Since this isn’t a cost, Dark world effects
activate and that is where the fun begins. I think nailing
their Sakurtsu and then hitting them with a 2300 is
worthwhile as well as getting to summon, don’t you? Also,
not that it will come up much considering the lack of
continuous trap cards these days, but UDE officially states
‘If you do not destroy the targeted face-down card with the
effect of “Dark World Lightning” (such as if it is face-up
as resolution, or if it is destroyed by another effect
first), you do NOT discard 1 card from your hand.’
So its not a total loss if it doesn’t always pay off. Still,
this is powerful monster removal which also greatly helps
the cause. A handy replacement for Nobleman of Crossout too,
at least in a Dark World deck.
Gateway to Dark World
Is it just me, or did these 2 card arts get mixed up?
Anyway, Gateway to Dark world serves as an extremely over
the top almost recursion card, being a quick play magic with
a costless effect virtually. As far as field presence goes,
this is absolutely awesome in terms of revival. An effect
like this is virtually unparralled , especially when chained
to an opposing end phase to prevent the downsides of this
cards activation.
Trap wise, Dark World have also been well provided for.
Dark Deal :
Outside of a dark world deck, this is almost like a heavier
costed Magic Jammer. In a Dark World deck it may well be the
only way for you to get off the secondary effects of your
monsters, so it should be included. Unfortunately, in my
experience, I’ve found this card to be situational to say
the least, but that can be helped out by the next card.
The Forces of Darkness
Man I love this. it’s a 2 for 1, chainable trap which can be
used in So0o0o many combinations in this deck its unreal,
helping both Dark Word lightning and Brron , not to mention
the other cards so dependant on cards in the hand that this
deck so readily provides. Most that call this deck type
‘unstable’ don’t run this card, and hence is the reason they
are so objected to the concept of Dark World. Generally it’s
a good card, and one that any decent Dark World deck can
easily take advantage of.
Well that’s it for the specific support, but there are a few
more cards worth mentioning.
Morphing Jar :
One of the best monsters in the game, and oozes advantage
when in play in this deck, just be very weary of opposing
Dark World Strategies.
Card Destruction :
The same goes for this as for Morphing Jar, its definitely a
double edged sword, but imagine the benefits of pulling off
a combo like this. Especially when you combine the two
together, as well as Forces of Darkness. Oh my dear god…..
Graceful Charity :
Dark world or not, this card would have gone in, but in Dark
World this is just obscene, and I really like it, how could
it NOT pay off?
Deck Devastation Virus ;
Devastation is the Word. I ran this in my old fiend deck, it
was like ultimate evil, and that was WITHOUT the dark world
monsters in that are so easy to summon. Easily this card
could cripple any opposing strategy and even deck.
So this is it :
Tributes 5
Goldd Wu-Lord of Dark World (x3)
Silva Warlord of Dark world (x2)
Low level 15
Brron mad king of Dark world(x3)
Brrow Huntsman of Dark World (x2)
Beiige Vanguard of Dark World(x2)
Scarr Scout of Dark World (x2)
Spirit Reaper
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Magician of Faith (x2)
Morphing Jar
Spells ; 13
Gateway to Dark World(x2)
Dark World lightning (x3)
Graceful Charity
Card Destruction
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Snatch Steal
Smashing Ground
Traps ;7
The Forces of Darkness (x2)
Dark Deal
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
Call of the Haunted
Deck Devastation Virus
Overall, a nice deck, and very powerful in the right hands.
It is missing a few things I’d have liked to add, such as
Dust Tornado and another Deck Devastation Virus, but overall
I think that this deck was a success.
The major flaw with this deck is the lack of face up monster
removal, but hopefully the attack of my tribute monsters
should take care of that, just be cautious of this when
running the deck. Feel free to modify it any way you like,
just take heed on my warnings about hw cards like Forces of
Darkness are essential to this decks success.
Well that’s it from me guys, I hope you enjoyed it, and
realised how powerful Dark World can be.
Have a good one guys !!!