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Dueling Dome
Well guys, im back with a Friday deck. Hopefully I’ll
get a few more of my 7 steps done next week, and write
another little rant about what I touched on in Rant
Macro Control was a deck type hyped to be the end of the
dueling world, most noticeably by yours truly, but upon
initial release, no one even bothered using it. Well
that’s just silly.
The main focus of Makro is to purchase items for retail
in bulk at a reasonably lower price, thereby making a
profit upon resale , even after the addition of VAT. The
main focus of a Macro deck is something quite different.
Macro Cosmos basically revolves around the idea that
everything played by either player with indefinitely get
removes from play upon being destroyed, thereby negating
searchers of an kind essentially, as well as a few other
handy little things. Then your little things come back
and lay the smack down on an otherwise helpless
opponent, or be tributed for Monarch Control, or even
Dark Magician of Chaos.
There are a few certain cards that can benefit from
this, as well as induce it :
DD Survivor ;
Ahhh the ever elusive DD survivor. Used as a tech
against the up rise of DD Assailant back in the good old
Regressive format. Now he finds a use in this deck by
basically being revived every time he’s destroyed whilst
face up, if everything’s going to plan. Quite powerful
considering he’s boasting an effective 1800 atk. An ever
- present beat stick is always nice.
DD Scout plane :
Whenever this little beastie is removed from the game,
it finds its way back to the field at the end phase.
Very useful in this deck, being a continuous 1200 def
wall every turn, if all goes to plan.
Gren Maju Da Eiza :
Oh, yes, that’s more like it. For each of your cards
removed from play, this card gets 400 attack. So with
only 5 that’s 2000 , anything above that is surplus. At
8 you’re staring down the barrel of an incredible
Helios the Primordial Sun
Not a good card, at best a 2000 attacker, but it does
work with Macro Cosmos. A free monster merits its use,
but I’m not using it’s nomi form. Maybe I’ll squeeze it
Golden Homunculus
Powerful stuff. It’s not as significant a boost as Eiza
gets, but it has a base 1500 attack, so already its
powerful. The scout planes and Survivors will be there
to help the tribute cost of this monster, considering
it’s a level 6 . Heavy beatdown.
Banisher of the Radiance ;
A great monster in its own right, definitely helping the
‘remove from game’ theme. 1600 attack can hold it’s own
against most commonly played cards, as well as run over,
and thereby negate any searcher card the opponent my
throw at you. (for the most part)
Banisher of the Light ;
The original. A large wall at 2000, and if you manage to
get it flipped face up, quite the deadly card, and
difficult to get rid of.
DD Warrior Lady & Co.
Might as well add the best remover in the game while
we’re at it, along with her family. Strategic DD its
As well as monsters, there is a hell of a lot of spells
that can benefit, as well as traps.
The 2 most obvious of these are :
Macro Cosmos ;
I might as well mention this now and get it out f the
way. Macro Cosmos leads this deck, acting as both a
Helios searcher, as well as the key card for removing
cards played from the game. It’s effective, fast, and a
good counter to the suicide of a searcher. It will
slowly build up the RFG resources either for Homunculus
or Eiza, or lead the way for wave after wave of monsters
and tribute material, as well as the ever dominant
Return from the Different Dimension , possibly for the
kill later on.
Dimensional Fissure ;
To the same effect as Macro, except it’s a spell that
only works with Monsters. Still, it’s quick, and can
almost be as powerful.
Over the years, there have also been the release of
certain cards that can greatly benefit this deck,
uniting some of the banned effects all together :
Nobleman of Crossout :
A great card for nailing face downs.
Soul Absorption :
Staple in this deck, prolonging lp indefinitely. I love
this card soo much, 500 per card, so that’s roughly at
least 1000 a turn I’d say.
Chaos End :
A Dark hole allowed in 3’s because you need 7 cards
removed to activate it. Well in this deck, that won’t be
much of a problem, it’s worth a try.
Chaos Greed :
Pot of Greed , but requiring 4 cards removed from play
(easily done) , but having no cards in your grave. Not
impossible, but worth the inclusion of the below card
Soul Release ;
Adds a significant boost to Homunculus and Eiza, as well
as helps the issues with the Chaos Spells.
Dimension Distortion :
Essentially a monster reborn for RFG monsters, except
you cant have cards in the grave. That should take
priority in this deck. Could be a dead draw, could be
game winning, as with all cards in this deck.
Magical Reflector ;
The main problem with this deck is the continuous cards
being ever present, and vulnerable to s/t removal. This
card is basically the best defense for your cards.
DD Dynamite :
300 for every opposing card removed from play. The
opponent needs 30 cards for one of these to be game
ending, so that’s 10 for three . Noteworthy.
Return from the Different Dimension :
Currently, this is the biggest game ender we have. Macro
can abuse this to the extreme if played correctly.
Worthwhile to run.
So lets get building shall we? The deck needs Monarchs, as well as a possible DmoC if you were wondering about the tribute set up:
Monsters :
Mobius the Frost Monarch (x2) Zaborg the Thunder Monarch Golden Homunculus (x2)
Banisher of the Radiance (x3)
Banisher of the Light (x2) DD Scout Plane(x3) DD Survivor (x3) Gren Maju Da Eiza (x2) DD Warrior Lady DD Assailant Spells ; 14
Dimensional Fissure (x2)
Chaos End Chaos Greed Soul Release (x2) Soul Absorption (x2) Dimension Distortion Nobleman of Crossout (x2) Graceful Charity Mystical Space typhoon Magical Reflector
Traps ( 6)
Macros Cosmos (x3)
Torrential Tribute Mirror Force Return from the Different Dimension
Side Deck :
Helios the Primordial Sun (x2)
Dark Magician of Chaos Heavy Storm Bottomless Trap hole (x3) Dark Core(x2) (good for this huh?) DD Dynamite Snatch Steal Swords of Revealing Light Scapegoat Spirit Reaper (x2)
So there we have it. Hopefully a powerful RFG deck
that’ll negate searchers, form huge power up, or hit
them hard with monarchs. Hope you Like it.
Have a good one guys.
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