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Maltos’s Friday Deck - Speed Burn
August 25, 2006
Ahhh, what the hell.
Why not? I’ve got nothing better to do right now with this
slot for this week, so lets get this party started shall we?
With the recent uprising of a certain OTK deck, I thought
I’d better find a handy dandy little way around it. The
concept of ‘speed burn’ sounded ideal, since once the
opposing lp hits 5000 they can’t do much. That’s the concept
I’m going for here guys, bear with me.
Now, I’ve never been the most patient kind of guy. I’ve
always been a bit ’strike now, ask questions later’ so the
concept of a Burn deck never really occurred to me. Too much
sitting around, not attacking, waiting for things to happen.
With enough opposing s/t removal it’s doomed to fail , and
the new list didn’t do much to help (asides from obviously
giving them back Ring of Destruction) as they not only lost
Spirit Reaper, they also took a hit on their gravity bind.
The main focus of any burn deck is the traps. Over the years
we’ve seen many great and powerful burn cards, and the
majority are worth the effort of putting in. Now obviously ,
this gives them a huge vulnerability to Royal Decree, but
its not exactly an under - exposed weakness.
Ring of Destruction ;
Chances are, if you’re playing Yugioh right now, you’re
playing this, regardless of your deck type. Ring of
Destruction Oozes burn. Monster removal, and easily able to
hit the opponent for 2000. It also makes the opponent more
cautious to use theirs when they’re up against a deck like
Magic Cylinder ;
Another Uber burn trap. Almost as powerful as it’s Ring
cousin, Magic Cylinder is a fast and effective way of
dealing well over 1000 damage to the opponent at minimal. It
also acts as an attack negator , which protects your mini
monsters , and can end games pretty easily.
Ceasefire :
The third of the greatest burn traps ever. Ceasefire can
potentially hit the opponent for 5000 damage, although that
will never happen. Still, it negates effects, is chainable,
and could easily hit the opponent for 2000 + in the hands of
a skilled duelist. A must.
Curse of Darkness :
Being a continuous trap, its vulnerable to the s/t removal
out their, but considering half of that is spell cards
anyway, this card’s pretty sweet. If you can make them waste
1000 lp on just one spell, you can whittle them down REALLY
easily and very quickly. Luckily burn relies on traps, so
you’ll never get on the receiving end of this.
Just Deserts :
Wow this thing can hurt. Chainable, and can quite easily hit
them for 1000 what with Cyber ever present, and don’t even
think about what it’ll be like if they use Scapegoat.
Nightmare Wheel :
Not really speed burn, but good enough to be included.
Attack negation could prove essential, and this delivers.
Secret Barrel :
Now this could be sweet. Most likely good enough to hit them
for 1200 minimum , and that’s just on their 1st turn. It’s
fast too.
Spiritual fire Art ; Kurenai ;
This deck’s going to run Fires, I’ll tell you that now. With
that in mind, this card’s REALLY sweet. Even if you just zap
off a UFO turtle that’s 1400. Truly worthy of entering the
deck, depending on the number of Fires at the end.
So, as you can plainly see, there’s plenty of traps out
there for quick, potent Burn. You could end the game in a
turn if they’ve got a Cyber and a Don out, what with 3 Just
deserts and a Ceasefire being out there. And that’s just the
tip of the iceberg folks, there are LOADS of great burn
cards out there trap wise, that I haven’t included.
With all these traps, a Royal decree could easily spell the
end of this deck. That’s why you don’t want to be too
relying on your traps. Yugioh has plenty of spells that hit
Meteor of Destruction :
Arguably the best Burn spell out there. Meteor hits fairly
hard at a set 1000 damage if they are above 3000 lp, which
is cool enough. Just leave the rest of their lp to your
other cards.
Dark room nightmare ;
Adding that extra 300 to a bit of damage in the long run
mounts up. Worth a copy I think.
Oozaki :
Straightforward 800 damage. Nice.
Poison of the old man :
Not only is it quick play, it does the same as Oozaki, OR
gives you 1200 lp. It’s your choice. Sweet huh?
Tremendous fire ;
Hit them for 1000, you lose 500. Worth it I think. Just
don’t activate this whilst Curse of Darkness is out.
Wave motion cannon :
If you can keep it there for 2 turns, its already worth it.
If its only one, with all this burn, that’s still pretty
Now with all these s/t’s, the monster have to be pretty
sweet, and good at defending, since defense is an issue.
Lava Golem ;
Nothing to do with defense, but really powerful when used
correctly. Just keep this as your trump card, as a poorly
timed one could make you pay.
Solar Flare Dragon ;
We all know the combo with this , get 2 out, and create a
lock where the opponent can’t attack and they lose 1000 each
turn off of these. With 2 Exiled’s about, this is now easier
said than done. Still, worth inclusion. Also Fire art food
for thought.
UFO Turtle :
Nothing to do with burn, but a good searcher and invaluable
for getting out the much needed Pyro cards. Also being Fire,
its good Fire art food.
Inferno ;
Wow this is cool. A special summon , who hits hard with its
burn. 1100 attack is normally enough to run over most
commonly played face down monsters these days, and 1500
damage each time is nothing to scoff at.
Des koala ;
Can 1800 defense fend of attacks now a days? I guess we‘ll
have to see. Still, 400 for each card in the hand aint too
bad now is it? Potential 2400 here, but 1200 aint bad.
Dice Jar :
This could do anything. Switch the game in your favour, end
it for you, or do vice versa. Use with caution, but use for
Reflect bounder ;
A great defense, and good enough damage. Fairly decent
attack makes it a top choice
Now there are others, but I really need to limit all of this
if its to have any chance of being competitive.
Spirit Reaper :
The best defense out there, you know it, I know it. Nothi9ng
to do with burn, but invincibility is always nice.
Treeborn Frog ;
Another great defense, and a possible inclusion . But may
not be as good in this deck, being so s/t heavy, still, you
never know.
Breaker the Magical Warrior ;
Good for getting rid of Royal Decree.
Morphing Jar ;
Resource replenishment.
Mask of Darkness ;
So there we have it I think. Lets see what I can do :
Monsters : 16
Reflect Bounder (x3)
Lava Golem
Morphing Jar
Dice Jar
Spirit Reaper
Mask of Darkness
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Solar Flare Dragon (x3)
UFO Turtle (x3)
Spells ; 12
Graceful Charity
Swords of revealing Light
Poison of the Old man (x3)
Tremendous fire (x2)
Meteor of Destruction (x2)
Wave Motion Cannon
Dark Room of Nightmare
Mystical Space typhoon
Traps ;
Ring of Destruction
Magic Cylinder
Secret Barrel (x2)
Just Deserts (x2)
Curse of Darkness (x2)
Spiritual fire art kurenia
Nightmare wheel
Well, its pretty fair to say that this deck bites if you
want to play conservatively. Its all out warfare of burn,
essentially you hit them with it, and hope you have enough
spells and traps to finish them off before they get you,
still, it stop stein right?
If you have any insights, I’d love to hear them. This is my
first ever attempt at burn, so be gentle, I bruise easily.
Well, till next time
Have a good one guts.