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Tales of Duelmonster - Chapter1 ; A Tale of 4 Souls Part
1 -Freed
August 29, 2006
Intro :
Well guys, I’ve decided to return to my original love, the
art of story telling. One of the many things that I’ve got
going in the works, and I think, potentially the best. Those
of you familiar with my story ‘The Great Tale’ will know
where I’m coming from on this, and may even have insight
onto how the story may progress in the near future, lucky
you. If you are one of those said fortunate then you will
know how this story is based. Set in a land of ‘Duelmonster’
, a fictional place where the monsters are alive, and living
their lives. It’s much like Lord of the rings, except
starring the cards as characters. Through the actual
progression of the story , I hope to build up a selection of
characters into a pretty epic in length, 13 - Chapter
series. How I do this will vary. In some instances I may
write a whole chapter ( which will be VERY rare, these
things are big.) and in some cases, I may divide these
chapters into ‘Parts’ for convenience, or if a chapter is
particularly long. It’s going to be quite a journey guys,
but you should like it. I’m writing to entertain.
I should now warn you, that this may get dark. I’m best at
writing horror, and that’s where I get my ideas from. So if
you don’t like the words ‘severed’ and ‘torso’ being
strummed together, I advise you to look away occasionally.
The word ‘severed’ will be you’re clue as to what’s coming
next by the way. But on the whole, this is a fantasy romp
set in a fantasy world, with a target audience of the
teenage population, so, without further ado ( and I do) lets
get on with it shall we?
=( DISCLAIMER ; I don’t claim for these characters to be my
own , and are in no way relevant or endorsed by Konami or
UDE, in fact I haven’t even told them about it. It’s purely
un official, and just some entertaining fan fiction to pass
the time. Enjoy)=
Tales of Duelmonster - Chapter 1 ; A Tale of 4 Souls Part 1
; - Freed.
Long ago, before the great dividing , before the concept of
war was even devised, there existed the original Duelmonster.
A beautiful place, the epitome of tranquillity where man and
beast co -existed in harmony. Filled with huge landscapes of
mountainous areas, rivers, farmland, forests and even
oceans, all united towards the greater cause of the country.
The inhabitants were free from persecution, free from
prejudice. Duelmonster was a country with order, and honour,
a place where mechanisation didn’t take over the
agricultural developments, and where the magic was still as
true, and the sword just as deadly as any gun, and yet war
was not an option. People duelled for honour, not revenge or
rage, or greed. Duelmonster was free from such matters.
Duelmonster was a land to be cherished, and a land to be
protected. It’s many towns infamous with certain art forms,
all coming together to form some of the most breathtaking
and unreal places on Earth. The architectural developments
and uniqueness made the place what it was, and identified
and reflected the moods and beliefs of the buildings
inhabitants. Each town was completely original and void of
any other inspiration from other towns or places, giving
each village visited its own unique feel. And the buildings
that were developed were soo brilliantly done, so fantastic,
even the most simple of basic homes made could compare with
the most beautiful of Castles in terms of originality and
unique beauty. Duelmonster was a place where even the dead
lived on and rejoiced in their afterlife, and was a place
where all was good. The important thing to remember though,
is that Duelmonster was a place where people were happy, be
they Farmers or Knights. None grieved, and none envied. They
were more than satisfied with what they had, and never
strived for more, partly because of the lack of necessity ,
but mainly because of each person’s fondness for each other,
and their love for their family. Unfortunately, this was not
to be the case forever . The laws of time dictates that all
must come to an end, eventually. Life, wealth, and even
peace. Unfortunately for Duelmonster, time for all of this
came pre maturely.
The ‘Great dividing’, as it became known, was the defining
point in the age of man. Where the heavens themselves opened
and put it upon themselves to decide those that were evil ,
and those that were pure. It is unknown why they did this,
no one would dare to even consider questioning the decision
of the God’s, but upon the Division, it was rumoured to be
the result of a summoning spell gone wrong. And as these
things tend to do, rumour became myth, and myth became
Legend until eventually it was commonly known by every
mortal soul, and twisted to suit the needs of those beyond
that. The Great dividing brought about the end of the
peaceful years and plunged into darkness. A century elapsed
until all memory of anything proceeding the Great Divide was
lost. Man was divided and transform by the gods, those with
even remote desires of a selfish nature transformed through
the God’s power into vile, hideous demons, those who were
pure were left alone, although broken now that their
families and loved ones had been transformed into this new
concept… ‘Enemies….’.
Even the dead weren’t spared of the divide. Those that
choose to reside on Earth were judged by the gods in the
same way and forced to either decay into the flesh as their
bodies aged, or to leave the mortal plane and find their way
to join the God’s in a place almost as high as their own
heaven. The dead’s ghost’s that lingered were given form,
and forced to plague the Earth in a form filled with pain ,
and irritation, and armed with the knowledge that they would
never receive the blessing and release of a second death.
Their agony was eternal, and they had no choice but top go
along with it. Regardless of academic prowess, the Angels
were forced into deep study and meditation. Duelmonster
became a land twisted and separated into many different
regions. Even the beasts were judged by their actions and
their souls, and then transformed into a wide array of
fantastic creatures , from Minotaurs to Dragons. Duelmonster
was ravaged by change until it wasn’t even recognisable any
more, and each new creature and person alike moved out,
desperately trying to seek a place in the new order.
The years that passed saw further changes in Duelmonster.
The fiend’s collaborated and quickly rose to power,
desolating villages one at a time , expanding their empire
until eventually they ruled a huge proportion of the land.
They were a force to be reckoned with, but little did they
no that eventually their reckless and cruel behaviour would
spell their downfall.
The town of Gae was well known in Duelmonster for its fine,
strong and cunning warriors, and its buildings reflected
this. Sandstone and straw-thatch cottages sparsely dominated
the area, each elegantly erected, and beautifully designed,
and each as old as the town itself.
The brick - work had been made so that with each house, it
varied subtlety and gave each building its own unique charm.
No house exceeded two floors in height, in fact, most were
content with being only bungalows, the only exception the
town hall, a marvellous accomplishment by any standards, a
magnificent building that was the figurehead of the great
town. Built from a wide assortment of sandstone carvings,
each brick had its own character engraved within it, some
resembling children, others fish, bears, dragons, trees and
all sorts of weird and wonderful things that gave every wall
its character. The carved statue - bricks had been arranged
so delightfully that its was as though each wall told a
separate story. Vines grew all along the old masterpiece,
filing in the cracks time had worn in, and giving the entire
cottage an entire sense of character. The thatched roof had
undoubtedly withstood the test of time and was still as in
tact as the day it was weaved, although granted it was still
a little worse for wear. Within the quaint walls was an even
more breathtaking site. On the reverse of the ornate
carvings extruding from the outer wall was the finest
weavings ever witnessed by the eyes of a mortal man. Exact
in every detail to the point where a person would easily
mistake them for a real life image, the tapestry’s beauty
knew no bounds, depicting the rise of the Angels and the
fall of man into the dark. No one knew of their origin, but
upon witnessing their splendour, no none ever questioned
that here, within the walls of the Gae town hall ,
surrounded by all the outer beauty , is where they’d belong.
The tapestry itself was only rivalled in its beauty and
ironic tragedy by another part of the Town hall in Gae, the
ornate , glass window.
Rumours of the Tapestry of Gae had reached relatively far
and wide, but the legend of the window dwarfed that.
Everyone in Duelmonster knew of , or at least had heard of
this awesome work of art, its beauty, its majesty, and it’s
splendour. To look upon the glass and not be moved was a
sure sign of a lack of soul, something unheard of in Gae. It
seemed to radiate a warm, comforting energy that had been
known, on occasion, to soothe the soul of even the fiercest
of beasts, or the overwhelming grief and guilt people are
known to feel. People so adored the window that it was
cherished as if it were a god itself. Again, as with the
tapestry, no one knew where the window actually came from,
but yet again no one cared. Even when an inkling of this
came to someone, the energy radiating from it was enough to
quell these hostile feelings
The Window shown the coming together of 3 dragons of which
no one knew of. One was pitch black , and surrounded by a
glowing green energy. To gaze directly at this monster for a
long period of time had been known to have the reverse
effect upon the person in question as opposed to the effect
the entire picture had itself. If people stared for too long
at that particular dragon they were known to reflect deeply
upon their past experiences and be shown all the damage they
had brought upon others, as the consequences of these
actions. This then was followed by an instant sense of peace
and calm, and acceptance of what had been.
To look upon the second of the dragons specifically also had
a variation of the effect portrayed y the entire piece. If
you stared long enough, people found that they derived some
inspiration from it and produce exceptional work from it. So
well known was this that it was theorised by the women of
the town that this in fact could have prompted the creation
of both the Town hall and the Tapestry, both two mighty
creations, almost beyond mortal man.
The third dragon in the Window had, as expected , another
effect that gave an empowering feeling to the beholder.
Instead of acceptance and inspiration, this particular
dragon bestowed a sense of mad passion within any that gazed
for a long period of time. This dragon was valued highly as
well as the others, and was another reason the window was so
On a sunny day, the window gleamed and bathed the entire
hall with a dizzyingly beautiful light that made the room
particularly calming. This was when the window’s power was
at its fullest. The whole room could then bathe in the
radiance of its splendour. Sadly this was not the case
‘SILENCE !’ bellowed the Major as he slammed his hammer into
his desk , the din in the room suddenly ceased. It was
raining outside, a storm was brewing. The rain lashed at the
stain glass window, putting a large damper on the majesty of
‘Nothing was going to make it lighten this night… ‘,Freed
thought to himself. ‘Except maybe a stray bolt of
lightning.’ The fierce knight sat there, arms folded, legs
crossed in his reflective azure armour , his gold hair
falling on his face as he stared at the benevolent window.
He was a battle scarred warrior on the inside, bitter, and
quick to anger, but also very wise. His outer appearance
reflected this. The storm was getting to a point where even
if he stared long enough it wouldn’t grant him any warm
feeling. Freed looked around. His townspeople were all up in
arms, yelling in fury, fear , and frustration at the ever -
enraged Mayor. Even Grace, Freed’s beautiful wife was
taunting the pompous, round man. His balding face reddening,
his arguments spread across the whole court.
‘He’s going to lose this….’, Freed thought to himself once
more. ‘Especially with Grace on his case…’
The Town hall had erupted again. Outcries of ‘How far away
ARE the fiends?’ and ‘What are you going to do about it?’
thundered in the town hall. His reserve fading, the Major
buried his head in his hands. Freed looked back up, then
turned to Grace. She hadn’t noticed him, she was still
yelling her concerns at the now trembling, and Child - like
Major. As she stood there, raving at the cowardice of this
man, Freed couldn’t help but think how much he loved her,
and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.
Suddenly, without warning, a huge bolt of lightning struck
the Town Hall, and sent off the most phenomenal roar. The
whole room fell silent, or at least no one heard anything
over the deafening blast of the lightning bolt. The storm
had reached breaking point. This was it.
Not to far away, the Fiend forces were making their way
towards Gae. The fiends were amongst the foulest creatures
in all of duel monsters. Their faces twisted, and evil,
their bodies near naked, exposing their battle scars, and
wounds that had gone septic. Boil covered, demonic, fear -
provoking and heartless, it was no wonder they had amassed
so much land throughout their conquests. Every feature of
them was defined, most with hideous, scarred faces, long
jaws, poor hygiene and a stench that could shrivel a
As they moved further towards Gae, the tent on the back of
the Infernal incinerator carrying the Goblin King was
shaking violently. Inside horrific screams could be heard,
and the silhouette of some sort of winged creature being
subjected to a blade across this arm. Quickly followed by
the unmistakable outcry of ‘PLEASE, I have no more to give
Suddenly the incinerator can to a halt. They’d arrived. The
Goblin king left his tent and walked forward, wiping his
mouth clean with his sleeve somewhat snobbishly. He looked
like a small green devil like creature in stature, being
scarcely 3 feet tall, and was dressed in an un-flattering
pink robe, laced with fluffy wool, and bore a small purple
crown upon his head. To the casual observer, it might appear
odd that the Goblin King was anything other than a lackey in
the fiend army , let alone leader of a small section of it.
Still , a casual observer would never realise the true power
of the Goblin King, for you see the Goblin King receives
more power depending on the number of fiends he surrounds
himself with, and as long as they remain loyal he becomes
nearly un-defeat able, especially considering the size of
his troops. Hastily, the Goblin king ordered the troops
Out of the shadows they charged towards Gae, the Claw
Reacher’s being the first to strike, hitting the thatched
roofs and brickwork, and tearing them apart as if they were
nothing, their metallic armour glistening in the moonlight,
and their extendable claws retracting and then acting once
more. Then Mystic Clown struck, blasting his dark lightning
from his hands and laughing maniacally, his body full of
eyes staring into everything. This was followed by 3 headed
Geedo and the Dark titan of terror’s assaults. Eventually,
between them and the other fiends, Gae was in ruins. The
fiend’s delighted in their torture of the town, and then
made their way towards the last remaining building - The
Town Hall.
Meanwhile, deep inside the Town Hall, the villagers were
petrified, shivering with fear, only Freed stood, sword
drawn, preparing to make the first strike. Women murmured,
children cried, but the room was silent. Freed could hear
his own heart beating rhythmically as he heard the fiend
forces approach. They drew nearer. Freed could hear their
footsteps. The closer they got the tighter he gripped his
drawn sword, and the faster his heart beat. He gulped in
frustration and fear. They were outside the door. Without
warning , the door burst open through a mystical dark blast,
Freed was flung across the room and fell into near
unconsciousness, concussed . ’FREED !!’ yelled Grace as she
ran over to him. They both looked to the door, the fiend
forces were there, and in the doorway stood the Goblin king,
finger out , glowing in the same colour that had struck
Freed. On Goblin Kings word the fiends swarmed in, weapons
drawn and forced the rest of the townspeople to the wall.
Goblin King, first checking his surroundings for an obstacle
or familiar face, proceeded to make his way down the hall to
the Major’s deck. Grabbing the trembling man by the scruff
of his collar , he lifted him considerably high in the air
for both of their comparative sizes.
‘Are you the Major of this town worm?’ the Goblin King
sneered in his high, nose - throat voice. The whimpering man
nodded as best he could. ‘Then I order your surrender on
behalf of Dark Ruler Ha Des to the fiend army.’ The Major
hesitated, and turned his neck to the wounded Freed.
Noticing this, the Goblin King looked too. ‘There’s no use
in turning your attention to this wounded creature ‘ sneered
the Goblin King as he readied the blast to finish him off.
‘NO !!’ Grace screamed as she hurled herself in front of her
fallen husband, arms outstretched, forming a make shift
shield over him.
‘Foolish girl…’ the Goblin King murmured as he readied his
blast on her. Suddenly a huge bolt of lightning hit the Town
hall for the second time, striking the plate glass window.
Instead of being shattered the Window shined intensely . The
light that came off it was near blinding, all of them
sheltered their eyes from its radiance but the effect
brought about a change in the fiend forces. Their weapons
fell to their side, and they’d changed from their maniacal
selves from before.
‘It’s beautiful’ they all mouthed at once, staring, jaws
down at the radiant light, all except one. The Goblin King
was not impressed, turning his out pointed finger from
Grace, and up to the window he released his blast and
shattered to mirror to shards. The room fell silent and dark
again, and a chill from the night air entered in through the
gaping hole in the wall. The Goblin King laughed maniacally
and turned his attention towards Grace. With another point
from his finger he shot another blast, Grace’s body fell to
the ground.
‘Noooooo!!!’ Freed roared as he quickly rose to his
trembling feet. The Goblin King smirked and readied his
finger when he was struck with an astonishing light from the
hole where the window he’s destroyed used to be. To his
amazement he found he couldn’t move. ‘Now !!’ Freed yelled
at his townspeople, ‘United We stand, divided we fall !!’
With that he charged at the stunned fiend forces who where
oppressing him, and the villagers did the same. The alarmed
fiend forces tried their best to fight back, destroying some
of their opposition, but eventually were overcome, with each
strike from the townspeople’s revolt slightly diminishing
the glow of the Goblin King’s finger, until eventually it
went nearly all together.
When the last fiend had been defeated , the strange light
from the window vanished, leaving the Goblin King free to
move again. He turned his attention on Freed and shot what
could only be described as a spark towards Freed’s armour,
barely making a scratch. He looked around, his forces were
all gone, lying there on the ground in front of him,
lifelessness in their eyes. The Goblin King looked at Freed
in terror, and Freed looked back in pure fury. Freed readied
his sword and swung, tears filling his eyes, but all he
struck was the king’s robe, The Goblin had vanished.
Freed fell to his knees and mourned his fallen wife. The
remaining villagers did the same, no one dared speak, no one
dared move. All night they sat there, in silence. Was it
over? No, it was more likely that it had just begun.