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Maltos’s Friday Deck ; The Hex (Pt 1)
August 4, 2006
Welcome one and all to
what promises to be an enlightening series of articles, with
quite potent results.
Fusion is a concept that I’ve always loved, and found very
interesting, whether it be in Yugioh, or just in life. The
combination of two elements into a greater entity has always
been a prospect that intrigued me, but up until now it has
generally been a waste of a 3 card investment. I never
thought that fusion really had any real potential outside of
the Stein / Scientist/ Metamorphosis approach, and I wasn’t
really wrong. Until now.
Just after Tears, a guy by the email of totallycereal@gci.net
popped me a line, and sent me a very , very interesting
prospect. As I delved deep into it I discovered more and
more great ways of using this idea, until now where I think
I have the deck ready.
The Dark Hex - Sealed Fusion
A gorgeous card to say the least. Essentially, this is the
card (along with its brothers) holding fusions together for
the moment. There have been countless attempts to give
fusions more support on Konami’s part, and recently they
have been doing a great job, and even more so with upcoming
sets, but as it stands, this is the best set out there.
Essentially, this card is a fusion sub, with un inspiring
stats. 1000 atk wont be attack much, and 1600 will scarcely
defend, but that’s not what its for. The Dark is a fusion
substitute, a card that make the Yugioh fusion world all the
more easier by cutting the situational ness down by half,
acting as one of the usually two cards required for fusion.
As well as this, The Dark also has an intriguing ability. If
you sacrifice it , along with another fusion material
monster, you can special summon a Dark Type fusion monster
from your fusion deck. Hmm, all those possibilities….
The Dark sector of Yugioh has a considerable amount of
worthwhile fusions. Quite powerful ones too. The main
problem with them is that usually, the fusion material
monsters suck, either one or the other. That’s a symptom
easily remedied now with the Hex’s at our disposal. The bad
part of the fusion removed so that the playable part is
included. I knew this, but never really thought much of it
until TC popped me that mail, he’d noticed something I had
Labyrinth Tank :
Labyrinth Tank is an OLD card. Its been with us since metal
raiders, and was always a favourite of mine , but highly
unplayable. It boasts an impressive 2400 attack and 2400
defense, thus making it quite the untouchable beastie in
today’s game. The interesting part about Labyrinth tank
though, is its fusion material monsters. One of which is the
terrible, awful Giga tech wolf. Hardly anything making an
impact anywhere down the Yugioh Time line. The other,
somewhat surprisingly was completely the opposite : Cannon
That’s what really got me going with this idea. Cannon
Soldier was quite the playable guy. 1400 attack machine
that’s also dark gave it great synergy with the Hex sealed,
they shared a lot in common. This act of genius in that mail
really got my old brain cogs working. The deck had
Mystic Tomato ;
Mystic tomato was an obvious must. 1500 or less Dark
Searchers fit the category perfectly, able to get out both
the Hex as well as Cannon Soldier. Luckily enough, its also
got great compatibility with a lot of other great fusion
material monsters.
Reaper on the Nightmare ;
Reaper of the nightmare was a great monster. It was forged
as a fusion between Nightmare horse (an old card that could
attack life points directly, and generally unplayable) and
Spirit Reaper, the ultimate card at the beginning of this
format. Spirit Reaper was another Dark monster that fit my
criteria. He was in for sure. His Fusion, fortunately enough
was great too. It was in essence a direct fusion of the two
material monsters. Invincible in battle, attack lp directly
, with a nice discard ability. Think hand depletion in 5
successive attacks. Also, with 800 attack, it fends that
much better in attack mode, although lp depletion is a
problem I’ll have to tackle later on.
The next fusion I found was perfect beyond words for this
deck, although his uses were lacking.
Sanwitch ;
The laughable fusion, I know. But think about it. Sangan not
only fit’s the search criteria, he also benefit’s the
search. If you summon this then sacrifice them both up, not
only to you get a 2100 attack monster, you also get a free
search on your next fusion. Its perfect.
After these beautiful fusions, the well was running dry,
although it wasn’t without its shinning stars. The next
fusions I found fit the criteria , they just weren’t THAT
Bickuribox :
Unconventional to say the least, but relatively powerful,
and Crass clown fits my criteria nicely. For what Crass
clown is capable of, its worth inclusion. Its just a shame
Crass clowns effect activation wasn’t inverted.
Next I considered King Dragun. Upon reflection, he wouldn’t
do. In this deck, lord of D would just be a normal monster,
it wasn’t worth the effort even if it did fit the criteria.
Dark Balter the Terrible ;
Balter for a long time has been one of the greatest fusions.
The ability to negate spells and monster effects gives him a
huge advantage over most players. His fusion material
monster fit the criteria, but wasn’t that good. Still,
occasionally an effect like that can swing the game in your
favour beyond reasoning, so I thought what the hell.
Next I considered a card long lost, but long loved, Skull
Knight. A powerful, very cool looking fusion monster with a
material monster that fit the criteria. Unfortunately,
Tainted Wisdom was less that spectacular. Still, his effect
worked well with Mystic tomato, although that was as little
an effect as you could expect, shuffling the deck when
turned from attack to defense. I’ve decided against this,
regardless of how much I’d love to summon Skull Knight, but
you go a head if you want to include him in your own
Finally I found a superb monster with a fusion material
monster that didn’t fit my criteria, but more than
compensated with its awesome effect.
Gatling Dragon ;
Power house or what? 2600 attack, Tsukuyomi-proof defense
and the most destructive effect I’ve ever heard of besides
CED . For each heads you flip after 3 tosses of a coin
destroy a monster. Combine this with Blowback Dragons own
ability to destroy an opposing card with similar activation
requirements and you can nuke their field in one hit. Then
you’re all set to hit them hard and fast. Just be weary of
blowing up your own monsters, you don’t want that.
Spell and Trap wise, there isn’t much out of the ordinary I
would like to add.
Pot of Avarice allows for the constant re - use of these
monsters, as you’ll burn through you’re hex seals pretty
Considering both Cannon Soldier and Blowback dragon are
Machines, Limiter Removal would be a great tech , pumping
them up, as well as their fusions for easy one hit kills.
Trap wise, Spirit Barrier is a must, protecting your lp
almost all of the time, and greatly benefiting Reaper on the
So, I think there we have it, lets get to the build :
Monsters (20)
Blowback Dragon (x2)
The Dark Hex - Sealed Fusion (x3)
Mystic Tomato (x3)
Cannon Soldier (x2)
Spirit Reaper (x3)
Crass Clown(x2)
Possessed Dark Soul (x2)
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Cyber Stein
Spells (14)
Graceful Charity
Nobleman of Crossout (x2)
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Snatch Steal
Pre mature burial
Swords of Revealing Light
Limiter Removal
Pot of Avarice
Book of Moon
Enemy Controller (x2)
Traps (6)
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
Call of the Haunted
Spirit Barrier
Dust Tornado (x2)
Labyrinth Tank (x3)
Gatling Dragon (x3)
Reaper on the Nightmare (x3)
Dark Balter the Terrible (x3)
Bickuribox (x3)
So there we have it. Not a bad deck if I do say so myself, a
great base to start working on. Well, till next time guys.
Have a good one guys