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February 08, 2006
Hey guys its been a
while, what with storm vortex and all. This article was
inspired by a readers letter that i got a while ago, i hope
you like it.
Momentum is seen as a fairly new concept in yugioh, but
really it’s been with us since the beginning. My take on it
is that essentially the idea is simply to keep control of
the tempo of the game with various cards, so that you have
dominion over what’s going on. Now most people consider this
to be all to do with advantage, i.e. that if you have enough
advantage you have all the momentum. That’s not strictly the
case, and Gadgets are living (living?) proof of this.
Ok, you summon a Gadget, get another. Summon that one, get
another. You’re screwed if they’ve got a Cyber Dragon on
aren’t you? But you can still keep summoning every turn,
gain all the cards that you want, but as long as that Cyber
Dragon’s there, or the field, doing his thing, then you’re
screwed. Nothing you can do, the Cyber Dragon’s whacking you
with momentum.
That’s not to say that advantage isn’t important. It’s
almost the foundation of which momentum is built on, so
without advantage you can’t do much, at least momentum-wise.
The common misconception that advantage = victory is just a
myth, momentum is where it’s at.
Ok, back to my e.g. , Cyber Vs gadgets , like I said,
Gadgets are screwed. Cyber’s stronger, there’s no way around
that. He’ll just have to go, so lets just get rid of him.
Smashing Ground? Fissure? Sakuretsu? Anything will do. Once
he’s gone he’s gone, and you can start smacking them with
your Gadget army. Keep up that tempo, and you’ve won.
Whenever they summon a monster, get rid of it, whack em with
your Gadgets.
Not only is that the basis of the CC Gadget build, it’s also
the concept of momentum in it’s simplest form. As long as
you keep in control with what you have on the field, and do
your best to keep control of what the opponent has on the
field, YOU are in the driving seat for the entire match. So
how can you do this on a regular basis? What are the cards
that’ll keep you in control , and more importantly, what can
we call them so they sound cool? Well, let’s keep it simple
shall we?
Or one-for-one’s as they’re known. Thing is, I don’t like
that name. Little bit mathematical for my tastes.
Sustainer’s is a much better way of describing what they’re
really like in terms of Momentum. They “sustain” the
momentum in your favour by forcing an equal trade off. They
support the weight of your momentum and stop it collapsing
on you. A Quick -fire Sakurestsu is enough to blow off the
steam you’ll accumilate whilst beating down on other’s. They
sort of keep the lid ontop of the momentum - pot so to
speak, be restricting your card expenditure to within the
limits of the cards in your hand, without letting you just
empty out you’re hand in one shot. Typically they are used
more defensively than offensively, but it all come’s down to
situation. Anyway, they “Sustain” you really, that’s all
that need be said. They keep you in the game, and in
control, so that’s what matters.
Some great sustainers are cards like Exiled Force, Sakuretsu
Armour and Bottomless trap holes. A little bit regressive
I’d say, but needed in moderation. Especially make use of
Exiled Force, and excellent card all round.
Recoverers :
This is a bit of a broader way of thinking, in terms of
cards that fit into the category. Essentially they are the
cards that make up for a loss. ALMOST like +1’s, but not
exactly. For instance, searcher’s are recoverers. They make
up for losing a monster in battle by providing another one
for you. Not technically a +1 because the monster they just
whacked you with is still there generally. They just level
off the resources there. Essential for keeping control over
the momentum. If every time they attack a monster you lose
nothing, then you have the momentum that round.
The Elemental Recruiters are fabulous examples of a good
Recoverer , as is Sangan, , and other cards like Last Will
or Call of the Haunted. Decent recoverers are few and far
between , so use them when you get chance. They’ll help you
keep control more than you’ll ever realise.
Regainers :
Magically essential, you’ll never have the advantage the
whole duel, even if you follow this to the T and once you’ve
lost it you’ll need to get it back ASAP. These sorts of
cards come in all shapes and sizes,from the huge temp shifts
like a Torrential Tribute, or a miniscule one like an Enemy
Controller activating. Each have a huge impact on the game
if used correctly, at the right time, and the mark of a
great duelists is knowing when and how to use these cards.
You can tell if a Regainer has been used correctly by the
atmosphere of the game afterwards, for example if you use an
Enemy Controller to stop one attack , and then afterward you
pretty much pick up from where you left off, then that’s a
poor use of a Regainer. However, if you use an Enemy
Controller to sacrifice a Treeborn Frog and steal their
Jinzo and hit them with an onslaught of high attack
monstrosities then you’ve done your job properly.
Good examples of these cards are Enemy Controller, Book of
moon, Mirror Force, Torential Tribute, Ring of Destruction
and even Lightning Vortex. By looking at that list you get
the gist of what I’m getting at.
Engines :
Finally, a phrase I didn’t make up myself ! Engines are
important in this game, and are few and far between as well,
at least typically. Basically, they are continuous sources
of an effect, be it card advantage or otherwise. They are
good because they are reliable, and easy to reap benefit
from, and for that reason good for Momentum.
Gadgets are good engines, reliable and advantage gaining.
Des lacooda is another, as is Freed the wanderer in a return
deck, or Strike ninja. Momentum is oozed from engines. It
goes hand in hand.
Returners :
Treeborn Frog, Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys, need I say more?
VERY rare, but worth it in terms of momentum. They
completely keep pressure on the opponent and are a
re-appearing menace. These cards make things difficult for
any player facing them, and can act as a variety of the
mentioned different types of cards mentioned in this
Bombarders ;
I’m sure by now you’re all sick to the back teeth of these
new crazy names and catergories, but if just one person
reads this and takes something usefull from it…..well I
guess it’s been a HUGE waste of time for the rest of you…
Anyway, bombardiers are cool. Generally high attack
mo0nsters that make it their business to stay on the field
and hit things, and stay there doing it. Cyber Dragon
springs to mind, as does Gigantes and anything else that has
decent attack and almost forces its way onto the field.
These things reap up and maintain momentum for their hobby.
Essential in the inclusion for a good deck. Other cards like
Heavy Storm and Breaker can also be considered Bombarders as
that is what they’re there for. Coincidently Heavy Storm can
also be considered a Regainer depending on circumstance.
Defenders ;
Obvious really, but they ARE essential for maintaining
momentum , just keeping your bombardiers safe really.
Waboku shines here, as does Spirit Reaper and Swords of
Revealing light. Scapegoat is a must as well. Momentum kept
is momentum won. Without these card’s in your deck the
momentum shift would instantly switch every turn.
Well that’s enough about Momentum for today I think, and
I’ve invented enough new phrases for today as well. I hope
you enjoyed it anyway. I’ll be back soon with a follow - up
to my Gadget deck, and my hopes for the March list within
the next few weeks, so keep an eye out. In the meantime, you
can catch me at Storm~Vortex. . In case you want the url
I’ll leave it for you.
Have a good one guys.