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Deep Impact
March 5, 2006
Hey guys im back for a
bit from my dry spell. My last few articles haven’t been my
best, which has really put a dampener on my idea flow, but I
just thought I’d pop back and give you all my response to
the new list as well as what I foresee for the future.
Before we look ahead, let’s look back over what has so
recently come to pass. The last format was, in my eyes, the
best we’ve ever had in terms of both fairness and ingenuity.
No one had any real gripes about it , that was at least
after Cyber Stein was banned. Generally though it was a very
balanced format, with little emerging as truly dominant over
anything else deck-wise. Lots of decks had a chance to
prosper last format, and I found to my delight that
essentially any deck could be run successfully last format,
without one or two cards completely overpowering others.
There was no nuisance card that screwed over everything
else, nothing truly outstand over-the-top, although I know
that not everyone was a huge fan of Ring Of Destruction.
Personally I found it refreshing , I think Ring keeps
everything inline and stops cards being potentially abused.
Just look at the Return Format. That never would of happened
back in the day because Ring was always there to keep card
costs in line. With ring back that genre has all but died
out. Remember when I said that , at the beginning of last
format, that we were in for the age of machines? Well
towards the end I think that was true, Chimeratech and
Gadgets finally making an appearance. Overall, the Golden
Format. The format that has replaced it is one that I’m not
really as keen on.
The banning of Graceful Charity and the re-release of Snatch
Steal is a definite mistake in my eyes. The lack of draw
power outside of Pot of Avarice is a crippling blow to
virtually every deck, whilst the addition of Snatch Steal is
a crippling blow to any deck that faces it. Graceful has
always proven to be a card that could possibly provide a
window of opportunity in a top deck situation when you’re
back’s up against a wall. Snatch has often been the card to
put someone in an unfair situation such as that. That was my
major disgruntlement with the new list, although upon deeper
reflection I can understand the reasoning. Graceful’s ban
will coincide with the release of upcoming Dark World
monsters. It’s banning will serve as a good control for the
Dark World genre and keep it stabilised. The Snatch problem
isn’t all it appears either, but I’ll get to that later.
Victory Dragon’s appearance on the new list came as no
concern to me, having never faced such a deck, but I can
still see it as perfectly understandable. It’s a solid card
with built in flaws in design that would just not support
it’s use in our meta. Not really a heavy loss as far as
we’re concerned.
Two bans that I’m sure caught all of us off guard was that
of Breaker and Magician of Faith, two cards that have been
with us in virtually every deck for far longer than most
players have been playing. It was also essentially the final
nail in the coffin for the very greatly-hard-done-by spell
caster deck, who’s completive chances appear to have been
slashed. Still, room for extra cards is never really a bad
thing. Neither of the two deserved a banning really, as
neither were ever broken, but the format moves on, and it’s
nice they both bowed out together I think.
Last will’s banning was a great spot by the powers that be.
The complete unrestricting of Exiled Force would have only
given an already truly brilliant card yet another combo to
use. I ran last will for the whole of last format to my
recollection and it always proved to be a crucial card in
every match, and I don’t even have any Don Zaloog‘s, so you
can imagine the TRUE potential it had.
A fair few things got restricted this format, probably most
noticeably Stratos, Chain Strike and overload fusion.
The killing of stratos shot out the very core of any
competitive E/D Hero deck, but it doesn’t really matter.
That guy would have been abused to hell in 3’s, like Gadgets
on steroids.
Chain Strike was a real bummer for burn decks, another cruel
blow delivered from above. They had it bad enough with the
last two lists, but I suppose that as long as there’s
potential for abuse anything’s got a chance of getting the
Overload fusion on the other hand was a card that should
have been restricted upon release anyway just because it
makes Cyber Dragon / Gadget more simple that shooting fish
in a really small barrel. Its not a heavy loss anyway, and
stops abuse, that’s what it’s all about isn’t it?
Other card to get cut short were Crush Card, Giant Trunade
and Neo-Spacian Grand Mole. Crush card has a good chance in
my eyes as being mass -released this format in my eyes, but
that could just be speculation. Trunade on the other hand is
a powerful card that’s been around since the dawn of time,
and just so happens to be one I’ve liked for a long while.
Restricting it prevents abuse in the OTK variety. Grand mole
had great potential to become very agitating in the next
format, so that’s only for the good of us all really.
The Semi-limited cards certainly draw some attention
themselves. Metamorphosis finally back to 2 allows for some
fusion-fun, which is just what we need. Mask of Darkness
never really broke anything here, so why not let him be at
2? There’s no harm in it as far as I can see, especially
with all the face -down hate going around. The only thing
that sort of got me was DDA’s reappearance . 2 is definitely
worth considering, 1700 enough to handle most threats these
days, and if not you take them with you anyway. Definitely a
card to keep your eyes on anyway.
I think that it’s the unrestricting that really opened
everyone’s eyes this list and made their jaws drop.
Disregarding Upstart Goblin , a card that was never used
really even in Exodia decks, 3 of the certainly better cards
we’ve received found their way off the list completely.
I’ve already mentioned Exiled force but I think it’s worth
expanding upon. He’s a solid form of removal and an extra
one of him combined with 2 DDA’s gives toolbox a huge lift
this format amongst other decks.
Joining him in complete unadulterated freedom is Sacred
Phoenix of Nephthys. Nephthys is a monster I’ve ran over the
last six months and fallen in love with. She’s certainly
been very powerful , and like it or not she became the main
focus of my deck and my principle win condition. If she was
out I was generally in control, and even I was flabbergasted
at her release. She’s very good to be in 3’s, although I
think I can see why the big bosses have let us have her, but
I’ll revisit that in a minute.
The final card off the list, and the one that’ll probably
have the greatest deciding factor of duels this format is
lily’s un banning, essentially making her the latest Stein.
She does give spell casters a small redeeming bit of hope,
but lets face it that’s not what she’s here for. I think
that she’s the reason that we lost Last Will, combining her
with Exiled and this in combination could easily prove
fatal. Her strength though is only amplified this format
though by the presence of Exiled Force and Snatch Steal.
Between the two of them, Giant rat and maybe even the
Gadgets a lot of players are in for a lot of hurt. Searchers
are going to be big this format, mark my words.
This format is going to be a lot different and a lot more
dangerous this format thanks to the release of certain cards
and this new , aggro -list. The main proprietor to this will
be a card we’ve been after since the very beginning , and
one that until recently has been all but impossible to get -
Within the next month of so, Shrink will be made available
on a mass scale, and then everything will change, and we’ll
be treated to a very much more cut throat dueling style. It
should be fun. I’ll elaborate on the changes and what
they’ll mean to us.
The first major change that players will HAVE to get used to
will be a fall in trap count. The age of the quickplay
spells has arrived. They’re faster, chainable and
essentially unstoppable. Both Mobius AND Jinzo can do little
to stop them, Magic Drain is a potential 50/50 and Solemn
Judgement will NOT be worth it at all if you’re negating
them because most can be run in triplicate anyway. Besides
the obvious flaws in that a monster needs to be on the field
in the first place for them to work, and the fact that they
generally don’t directly destroy monsters , between them 3
Shrinks, 2 Enemy Controllers and lets face it a Limiter
Removal should be enough for any opponent to contend with,
and that’s before you’ve taken into account Scapegoat and
Book of Moon. The smart players will take advantage of this
straight away , which will naturally drop the limit of traps
by about 3.
The second effect that this will have on our dueling style
will be the inefficient ness of relying purely on attack
power to win duels. Cyber Dragon will take a major hit this
format with a natural rise in searchers, as well as the
foreboding presence of lily. Still , he’ll find great use in
the machine decks that are sure to crop up at the beginning
of the format. Between the release of gadgets, the Zane pack
and Cyber End dragon in the same SE pack as Shrink, UDE
practically inviting us to play machines for a while. The
Shrink issue will keep Phoenix in check, and would have
killed her off otherwise. That’s why she’ll be in 3’s, and
that’s why she should be very good this format but balanced,
although remember that the Shrink thing works both ways.
Keep an eye out for powerful mini monsters. Don Zaloog and
the for mentioned Searchers will be used to great effect
this format, in particular Giant Rat. Between Exiled Force,
Lily and the Gadgets, it’s not exactly short of a few target
these days. Not to mention its comparatively enormous
defense. Hopefully rat will shine.
Other cards will also have their time in the limelight,
Hydrogeddon for instance. A very powerful and effective
monster who’ll even more deadly monster in the 3 Phoenix Set
Also, if Crush card is released to the masses this format,
keep and eye out for fiends. With Shrink in their arsenal,
Dark Jeroid, Giant Germ, and Dark Mimic they’ll have the
meta owned. It’ll definitely be a tile race between Dark and
earth this format if that does happen.
Time’s of change are upon us guys, and I for one will relish
the challenge. That’s it for now. If you want to pop me a
line then my address is
Have a good one guys !!!