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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
The Newest Incarnation of Exodia!
November 2, 2007
Who doesn't love Exodia? Sure it's a pain to win against,
but everyone has got to congratulate someone who can build a
good Exodia deck. Usually they are based on stalling out the
opponent and then drawing cards until you get Exodia. I have
seen an aggressive build though, using Emissary of the
Afterlife as an aggressive monster to punish an opponent.
However, there is still one incarnation of Exodia left, and
it is the reason that Manticore of Darkness is limited to
two. I am speaking of course of the infamous Manticore/ Card
of Safe Return/ Exodia end of turn kill. It works this way.
You need Card of Safe Return out and a Manticore in hand or
on the field. Then you play Foolish Burial, discarding the
second Manticore from your deck. Then you end your turn. At
the end of your turn, Manticore's effect wants to activate
since he was sent to the graveyard. You have a Manticore in
hand so you can discard it to Special Summon the one in the
grave. Card of Safe Return Activates and you draw a card,
but there is another Manticore ready to be Special Summoned
and you have another one on the field. This creates an
infinite loop, so that you can draw out your whole deck and
thus pull off Exodia, as you win with him before you deck
out. With the deck thinning power of Exodia, this will
happen more times than your opponent's care to admit. And
the shocker? It is completely legal and even used as an
example under Manticore's card ruling.
Mantixodia, The Ultimate One!!!

2x Manticore of Darkness
1x Exodia the FOrbidden One
1x Right Arm of the Forbidden One
1x Right Leg of the Forbidden One
1x Left Arm of the Forbidden One
1x Left Leg of the Forbidden One
3x Emissary of the Afterlife
1x Sangan
1x Card Trooper
1x Snipe Hunter
1x Marshmallon
1x Spirit Reaper
3x Card of Safe Return
3x Upstart Goblin
3x Nightmare's Steelcage
3x Foolish Burial
2x Pot of Avarice
1x Level Limit Area B
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Premature Burial
3x The Legacy of Yata Garasu
3x Good Goblin Housekeeping
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Torrential Tribute
How It All Works
Manticore of Darkness-This is what drives the deck.
His Special Summonability makes Card of safe Return worth
playing as well as providing a beatstick for those times
when Exodia is not a viable option for winning the game.
Exodia- This is the main win condition for the deck.
You put together all five pieces and you win the game. The
goal is to use other cards to thin the deck enough to where
drawing Exodia is no problem.
Emissary of the Afterlife- This is a great card in
this deck, as 4 of the five parts of Exodia are normal
monsters that are level 3 or lower. It not only searches out
a piece when destroyed in battle, but whenever it is
destroyed, like Sangan. This 1600 ATK monster can also be
sued for offensive purposes, as your opponent will not want
to kill it and give you game.
Sangan-The best card for an Exodia deck that is
unbanned. It can search out any of the five pieces, so
reviving him is a priority so you can use his effect more
than once. Never put him facedown though, a crossout would
ruin your day.
Card Trooper-Yay! More deck thinning and draw power!
And it can be used offensively, what a deal. You can end up
dropping of a piece of Exodia, but that is what Pot of
Avarice is for. Ideally, you do not want to abuse his
milling effect, but milling a Manticore to the Grave can
mean good things for you in the long run.
Snipe Hunter-With so much draw power in the deck,
this guy is great. It will remove any threats that are
haunting you as well as destroy your own cards to get their
effects. Emissary, Trooper and Sangan are all game breaking
for the deck, and sending them to the grave yourself is
often the only way to get their effects as your opponent
will not want to thin your deck anymore.
Marshmallon/Spirit Reaper- These stalling monsters
will give you the time you need to bring off your combos.
They are very hard to destroy, and you will even get to
reuse them through the use of two Pot of Avarice. Not much
more to say, they stall and stall well.
Card of Safe Return- In this deck, it is part of the
winning combo. This+Manticore=you win. Unfortunately it is
mostly a dead card until then, because you only have 2
recursion cards in the deck. Snipe Hunter can also use these
to blast a card, so they are not really useless.
Upstart Goblin- A standard Exodia card. You don't
care whether your opponent gains life, and this cared adds
serious milling power to the deck, easily thinning it out.
Some people prefer to use Toon Table of contents as it
thins out more cards and doesn't give lifepoints. i like
this as it can get you something if what you need isn't a
Toon Cannon Soldier.
Foolish Burial-This is a deck thin card as well as
being part of the easy win condition. You can dump any
monster for Pot of Avarice as well as going towards your
ultimate goal of getting Exodia on the table.
Pot of Avarice- This allows you to get back fallen
pieces of Exodia as well as getting useful monsters back
into your deck. Then you get to draw two cards. Drawing is
almost never a bad thing in Yu-Gi-Oh! an din Exodia, it is
always a good thing.
Level Limit Area B-Many of your monsters will be
unaffected by this so it is hardly a drawback. It also gives
you time to set up your combos to win the game as well as
stalling off an aggressive opponent to give yourself some
breathing room.
Swords of Revealing Light- a no brainer here. It does
the same thing as level limit, but also allows you to
attack. It also is destroyed by it's own effect, making an
opponent reluctant to destroy it with their precious spell
and trap removal, and buying you time to recover.
The Legacy of Yata-Garasu- Extra draw power is never
bad for Exodia, and this can net you two cards if your
opponenty is playing a spirit, as well as drawing s/t
destruction and still netting you it's effect.
Good Goblin Housekeeping-Much in the same vein as
Legacy, this card can net you even more cards for each copy
in the graveyard. Yummy...
Torrential Tribute- This is the main defense of the
deck. It prevents aggression and overextension by your
opponent as well as destroying your own monsters to claim
their effects. This card can often win you the game in most
decks, so there is no reason not to include it here.
Exodia Angry!!!
Yes, even Exodia has a few enemies. Dimensional Fissure and
Macro Cosmos are the chief ones. The deck requires many
monsters to go to the grave, and these cards really can make
you mad. If Exodia is removed, then it is often game over
for you. You can use Snipe Hunter to destroy them, but that
route is often costly in terms of cards and the discarded
cards are removed anyway. You can side deck Giant Trunade to
combat the menaces, but that is simply a one turn solution.
You can also side the overlooked Ultra Rare from Jaden's
second duelist pack. I am talking about Burial in a
Different Dimension. It takes 3 monsters in either players
remove from play pile and then brings them back to the
graveyard, thus enabling you to recover them and get Exodia.
An Ultra aggressive deck also makes Exodia angry. It can
often push enough damage through the breaks in defense
created by Heavy Storm and Mystical Space Typhoon. This is
where Marshmallon and Spirit Reaper come in. They are not
destroyed by battle and make an aggressive players life
truly miserable, as they have to waste monster removal which
they would have rather used on other cards.
Honorable Mention
These cards almost made the cut into my version of the deck,
but for reasons of my own I decided not to play them. Here
they are as someone might find them more useful than I did.
Backup Soldier-It does allow you to get the Normal pieces of
Exodia back, but is pretty situational, and I prefer Avarice
much more
Magician of Faith-Generally ideal for a slow play deck,
there are no game breaking spells for her to retrieve. If I
had to include her, I would take out an Upstart.
Monster Reincarnation- A great way to get back fallen Exodia
Pieces, but I still prefer Avarice with the speed that this
deck has.
Jar of Greed-It is simply outplayed by Legacy of Yata Garasu.
If we didn't have it, i would play Jar, but just in case an
opponent is playing spirits...
Des Wombat-It is an extra beast for Manticore and protects
you from burn decks, which are a concern, but he is
relegated to the side deck.
Nimble Momonga- Again another beast, but the chances of
drawing into untimely copies of this card would only slow
the deck down.
Well that is it for my rant on Exodia, I hope you all had a
good time at the GLAS Sneak Peek. If you wanna get ahold of
me, is where I'll be.
Thanks for Reading!