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October 24, 2008
It's Clobberin' Time!
It just gets my goat sometimes when people drop cards as
being no longer competitive when something "better" comes
out (yeah, I said GOAT). Well, today I am going to go over
some of these cards, as well as a few that I feel deserve
some recognition for their efforts. They are, Cyber Dragon,
Rose, Warrior of Revenge, Malevolent Mech Goku-En and
Creature Swap. At some point these cards were either good or
hyped and them something inexplicable happened and they were
dropped from both discussion and competitive decks. This
article will go over why these cards are still good as well
as why they might have been dropped from competitive decks.
To the Batmobile Robin!
Not All Angel Dogs Go to Heaven...
So when Majestic Mech-Ohka came out in EOJ, I snagged as
many as I could get my hands on. The cards was deadly,
combolicious and in general a winner in my book. Alas it was
not to be, and Ohka has seen little to now play since people
originally experimented with it. Well, just like most famous
painters, Ohka was not good until he was dead. The zombified
version of Ohka, Goku-En is if anything, even better than
the original and perfectly playable in a zombie deck.
What? Why would you play this card over Ryu Kokki or Lich
Lord? They have better effects and don'r burn you when they
die. Well teh answer is because of the fact that you can
NORMAL SUMMON HIM. How many monsters have 2400 ATK on a
normal summon and don't have a ridiculously bad effect (I am
looking at you Chainsaw Insect...)? All you need is a Zombie
on your field to survive. This is fairly easy to do
considering that Pyramid Turtle and Zombie MAster all work
to get Zombie so to the field. Oh, and don't forget Book of
Life and Mezuki. He does get a little dangerous to play when
it comes time for your opponent to go,a shtey can wipe out
your other brain cravers and inflict 2400 damage to you.
Well, I refuse to look at Goku-En's detrimental effect
without looking at it from a good light. You can Special
Summon him exactly trhe same ways as Rtu Kokki and can even
be normal summoned. The fact that you want to Normal Summon
him and not Specia Summon him is what makes him good. Well,
Goku-En will inflict damage equal to it's ATK to any player
who's field he leaves, meaning that you can swap him over to
the opponent, then they will take the damage and you can
keep their monster. You know what other famous Zombie works
well with Creature Swap? Yeah that's right, Pyramid Turtle,
so you can fit it right in with existing Strategies.
Imagine this scenario. Your opponent has Colossal Fighter on
the field with 3500 ATK and nothing else, a common enough
occurrence. You have 3 cards in hand. You Normal Summon Goku-En.
You attack with Goku-En and then drop Honest (Goku-En is a
LIGHT monster, go check) to get over it and inflict 2400.
Colossal Fighter will then revive himself, which is bad. You
will then take 5900 damage (Honest's Boost lasts until the
end phase) from Goku-En's destructive effect during the end
phase, or will you? You won't, because during Main Pahse 2,
you drop Creature Swap, swapping your Mech for Colossal
Fighter and you end your turn. They take 5900 damage and you
win the game because of the 2400 damage you did from your
I must admit, the above situation is rather situational, but
you can seriously combine the cards into a cohesive deck.
Lightsworn Monsters work wonders in a Zombie deck, getting
key copies of Zombie Master, Goblin Zombie and Mezuki to the
graveyard for their recursion or effects. Add to the fact
that we now have a 1900 ATK LIGHT Zombie (Paladin of Cursed
Dragon) and then you add Honest to the equation and you have
a winning strategy.
That's One Honkin' Big Dragon!
Cyber Dragon used to be the best card in the game. Then it
dies, just like that. It wasn't even given a memorial! But
after it was dropped, they limited it to 1. WTF? if no one
was playing it, then why would you do something to restrict
it's play EVEN MORE?
The answer came in Crossroads of Chaos, as Black Rose Dragon
allowed incredibly easy access to it via Krebons or another
level 2 Tuner. That is just about the only reason you would
run this card nowadays, except in a Lightsworn deck. There
it is an extra beater Special Summon and can be used with
Honest to break an attacking monster.
It also works as tribute fodder for pretty much any other
deck. Monarchs still love this guy, and I suppose there are
other strategies like Skill Drain dedicated decks that could
use it pretty well. I have to say that there are a million
and one uses for a level 5 2100 ATK LIGHT Machine monster,
but there is no way that I could even begin to list all of
the combos and strategies with this guy.
Of course the biggest will be the summon of Black Rose
Dragon. This little thorn can clear the field upon summon,
so you want to stop that Cyber Dragon at all costs, as
besides Celestia, this is the easiest way to get out Black
Rose. Even using a level 3 tuner and a level 4 is harder to
I am not saying you should go and splash Cyber Dragon in
whatever you like as is what happened in days of old, but
you should seriously consider the benefits that this guy can
add to your deck before you disregard it as unplayable.
R For Revenge
Metagame has already done a good enough preview of this card
to show you why it is good. A level 4 Warrior Tuner monster
is going to mean trouble for pretty much any deck out there,
as Lightsworn, Gladiators and Tele-DAD all get access to
this card.
Samurai are where this guy shines though. They have a
multitude of level 4 and level 3 monsters that you can
pretty much drop at any time and not be too unhappy about
it. Comboed with Enishi, this can get pretty ugly if you
drop any of the big Synchros like Black Rose Dragon,
Stardust Dragon or Thought Ruler Archfiend. Basically the
Samurai deck can control the hand with Synchros (Stardust
and TRA) and then control the field with Samurai to force
your opponent to make bad plays, which Synchros and Samurai
do best.
Basically her effect is pretty bad. I am not gonna lie about
that point. Plus she has the worst ATK value in the game,
1600. She is unrecruitable and cannot get over pretty much
any of the beaters that we now play. But the fact that she
is a level 4 Tuner outshines all of this, as we now get
access to easy Synchros like what Japan is now being able to
use. With Reinforcement of the Army untouched by the banlist,
she should see some play in any deck that runs those cards
or that can support a level 4 Tuner monster.
Worst Trade EVER!
I have been a BIG fan of Creature Swap ever since it was
first printed. No joke! I loved to swap my recruiter
monsters for my opponent's big guy and proceed to beat face.
But people in general hated the card. Why? technically it is
a -1 in card advantage. I mean c'mon people! Only since the
Zaloog/Cyber Dragon format has anybody truly cared about
card advantage! As it is, Creatur Swap gets you some massive
damage and field control, all pretty much from out of the
I am going to go ahead and brag about how awesome the combo
with Creature Swap and Malevolent Mech again in case you
didn't get the point from my earlier paragraph. This card is
honkin' good, and also gives the zombie deck some massive
burn damage that can just about finish the game. In fact,
the only 2 card burn combo that does that much damage and
doesn't lose you field presence is, well, no 2 card combo.
Basically you trade your Mech and Swap for a heavy hitting
opponent's monster and 2400 damage. I would say that that
trade is ok with me.
Now Creature Swap has otehr uses beyond Malevolent Mech. The
classic Recruiter Swap combo is still as viable as ever, as
cards like Mystic Tomato are seeing play agaon in Tele-DAD
decks. But most importantly, it is it's use with Pyramid
Turtle that has everyone going goo-goo ga-ga over it. i will
use this situation as an example. An opposing field is
Breaker the Magical Warrior (sans counter), Colossal Fighter
and a Stardust Dragon. A pretty impressive field no? And all
you have is a face-up Defense position Pyramid Turtle. You
draw for your turn, netting you an in hand Turtle and
Creature Swap. You summon the Turtle and switch the other to
ATK position, then Creature Swap. You get Breaker and they
get a Turtle. You ran the Turtles and Special Summon 2
copies of Ryu Kokki from your deck. Ryu Kokki rams into
Colossal Fighter, killing it with it's effect and just like
that you have 2 monsters and your opponent only has
Granted, a move like the above will likely not win you the
game, but what if you happen to topdeck another Swap? Then
you can Trade Breaker for your opponen't Stardust and
proceed to own face. In fact, the reason that Creature Swap
is so viable nowadays is that you can trade your weak
monsters for opposing Synchro monsters. Swap Doesn't Target
and doesn't Destroy, so Stardust and Thought Ruler Archfiend
are useless against it. It is particularly devastating
against those 2 because of the fact that your opponent is
probably banking on them staying safe until their next turn
by virtue of their effects.
I definitely think that every deck can make use of Creature
Swap, especially Tele-DAD and Zombie dcks, which are going
to be the top decks to beat once CSOC comes out. So hold
onto those common Swaps, you may need them sooner than you
And that is it forthis article, I will be back next week
with a really cool deck idea, in fact it's so cool I won't
even spoil it for you! As always, questions, comments and
ideas can be sent to if you wanna get ahold of me. I try
to get to all of my mail asap, but college and
intercollegiate athletics being what they are, my time is
limited, so do not be disappointed if I am a little late in
getting back to you!
Thanx for reading!
GZ |