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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
Getting Back In the Game: Trading
October 7, 2008
Always Look A Gift Horse In the Mouth
Well here is probably the most enigmatic part to the game,
trading. Trading is both a pleasure and a curse, as many
people get ripped, stuff stolen or worse. I myself have
gotten several rare cards stolen from both online traders as
well as people looking through my binder and such. As people
come into the game again, trading begins to take on a new
form of importance. Their cards are no longer top dog, and
they either need to spend an outrageous amount of money in
order to get the cards (I'm looking at you Joey and Keenith),
or trade their cards in order to get the new stuff.
The article will be divided up into sections, where I will
talk about prices, where to trade, how to protect your
cards, how to trade online and whatever else I think you
need to know to get into the wide world of Yu-Gi-Oh!
Know Your Cards
I have always advocated this, both to my friends and to
anyone who has asked me about trading. It is ALWAYS the most
important thing in trading to know the value of your cards
as well as which cards you have with you. There is nobody
more popular at a Regional than a little 11 year old with a
binder full of Dark Armed Dragons trading them off for SDK
Blue Eyes White Dragons because it has higher attack points.
Point Number One: You should always know the value of
your cards. I know it is a hard thing to do, as prices
fluctuate very rapidly and it is incredibly hard to know
which prices are correct. However, we are blessed with, the greatest online marketplace on earth or
cyberspace. This is where you can find what the prices of
cards are the moment you log in. Generally, the "Best Offer"
or "Buy It Now" prices are the least accurate as they are
fixed at the time the auction was put up. You want to look
at completed transactions, as that will show you what the
most recent bids were. The worst place to look for prices
are the online stores. As far as I am concerned, unless you
are picking up unpopular cards, those stores are a bad way
to go. Their prices are often 25-40% higher than ebay
prices. Your friends also might be a reliable source of
info, but be sure to check on ebay prices before you do any
sort of trading.
There are 3 levels of card prices generally accepted by most
people I have traded with. The first and most expensive are
the online store prices. Most people will not use these
prices unless they are trying to inflate the prices of their
valuable cards. The second is the most popular price level,
ebay. Most everyone will use this price level as it is
rational, reliable and generally won't change much if you
check it the night before a Regional. The third level is
street price. This is what you can usually actually get for
your cards. I don't like this level as much as ebay, as it
is very subjective and is often used to bring the value of
your cards lower than your trading partner's.
Point Number Two: You should always know what is in
your binder at any given time. This is incredibly difficult,
especially if you have a bajillion cards like me. You can
usually keep track of your cards very easily by organizing
them in your binder. You can organize them by ATK, card
type, holo rarity or whatever you want. This makes it
extremely easy for you to see if anything is missing. It
also makes it easier for people to find what they need and
makes the whole trading process a little bit easier. I like
to organize my binder by rarity, with the best cards up
front where everyone can see them and you can keep an eye on
Keeping multiple binders is a sure fire way to lose one. In
the excitement and shuffle, binders often get passed around
and you can easily lose track of one, especially when you
are engrossed in another binder. The more binders you have,
the easier it is for your stuff to end up as somebody else's
stuff. It is also a good idea to keep your deck (which
usually has your rarest cards) out of the trading circle, as
it is small and esasy to steal.
Trading Places
The best places to trade are by far Regional Tournaments.
They are local, often as big as Shonen Jumps and are a great
way for you to network with otherplayers in your area. I met
up with Tomas Mijares because he wanted to trade me for my
spare Heraklinos. i have also met all of my Yugi-friends
while trading at mostly Regionals.
The next best places are local tournaments. These are
smaller places where you can often keep a better eye on your
stuff as well as you know that someone is not going to jack
your stuff and end up 100 miles away with it. This is also a
great networking oppotunity as youc an meet up with people
that you will often see every week for tournaments.
I find that trading online is a risky business. Yes you can
get some hard to find cards very easily, but you can also
oh, so easily be taken advantage of, especially if you have
a low reference score. My best advice when trading online is
to never trade with anyone with below a ref score of 20
unless you are doing a moderator trade. Details on trading
rules, regulations and hints can be found on the Pojo
Trading Forum, where I have done ALL of my online trading.
Also, here is a word of advice, if they scram the minute
they here mod trade, they are rippers, so be careful. And AS
ALWAYS in trading and life, if it sounds to good to be true,
it actually is. Do not send out a trade of your couple of
rare things for their 100 Dark Armed Dragons.
Trading with your friends is probably the most reliable way
to trade, they are unlikely to steal your stuff, and they
are just as unlikely to rip you. You can also get to hang
out with your friends a lot more. Yu-Gi-Oh! is a social
activity and the more social you are the more successful you
are going to be at this game.
We Will Protect This House!
Here are some general tips for protecting your cards
from thieves, rippers and damage while trading.
1) Only trade with one person at a time. You may lose some
potential trades, but you won't lose your cards.
2) Be organized. Know where everything is at all times.
3) Use only one binder.
4) Hide your deck.
5) Bring a backpack. So many people don't do this, then they
complain when their stuff is stolen.
6) Do not allow food or drinks near your cards. A wet Crush
Card Virus is soooo not worth 200 bucks any more.
7) Use card sleeves for your cards, even in your binder
8) Use binder pages in your binder and use a binder. Your
rare holos don't do so well in those nifty tins.
9) Make sure that both people know both sides of the trade
and you BOTH understand EVERYTHING.
10) Have Fun!
On that note this wraps up this installment of Getting Back
In the Game. I will be writing a few more, but they are
draining my time and energy needed for school, so they will
probably be less frequent. You can email me at if you have any ideas or questions.
I love emails, but I might not get back to you immediately,
I am a busy guy!
Thanx for reading!
GZ |