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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
Great Green Gobs
November 11, 2008
Of Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts
The answer to your question is yes, I am going to go through
the entire song. But the purpose of this article (other than
to dredge up old camp songs) is to talk about certain cards
that I feel are amazingly good, but nobody seems to pay any
attention to them! I mean seriously, why wouldn't you play
some of these cards! The first is Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo,
a card that I love, but hate that it's a secret. Next up is
Thunderking Rai-Oh, the elusive manga promo. Third is The
Dark Creator, a card that I still wish I hadn't traded away.
Last is Jowgen the Spiritualist, the wimpy Spellcaster.
Oh joy, this is going to be so much fun!
Monkey Meat
This guy is GOOD. It is basically a free Royal Oppression on
legs that has the possibility of destroying every Special
Summoned monster your opponent owns. WHat really holds this
guy back are his stats, 1200 ATK and 1300 DEF are not nearly
as impressive as the 1900 ATK of the similar Thunderking Rai-Oh.
It is of the Earth Attribute, so you can Giant Rat it, but
then he gets in the way of your other rats, hmm.
Now what really this guy was used for int eh past was to be
splashed into Gadget decks. Gadgets are pretty much dead
right now, they are far too slow for the current game, so
many people decided to dump the Fossil too. Wrong choice my
friends. He is the ultimate card to make a comeback with.
You summon him, and that limits your opponent's comeback
options by about half.
I actually use it to great effect in my Lightsworn build.
Yeah, Lightsworn. The problem with Lightsworn decks is that
they can clear the field really easily and make direct
attacks fro damage, but unfortunately, they rely highly on
Honest and Necro Gardna for defense. And seeing as
Lightsworn are rather moody, you will often mill your
Honests and draw Necro Gardna, making it impossible to
defend yourself, especially after an overextension.
Fortunately, Fossil Dyna comes back to pick up where the
Lightsworn grow weak.
Often, a summon of JD is enought to win a game, but just as
often, a flipped Threatening Roar can screw up your plans
and give your opponent time for a comeback. Not good at all.
So what if instead of just summoning another Lightsworn and
hope to mill off Necros, you summon Fossil Dyna? Your
opponent has no way to knock off JD unless they Special
Summon a monster (assuming it is Tele-DAD you are playing
against). And if you have JD on teh field, they are in the
late game, meaning that they will have 2-4 cards in hand,
severely limiting their response to Krebons, Stratos and
Dark Grepher.
Also, a summoned Fossil is a great backup play after you
have used Lumina, allowing you to protect your monsters as
well as dividing your opponent's attention among 2 cards
that they would ratehr not have on the field, 3 if your
other monster is Garoth or Wulf. It can be great in a pinch
too, allowing a quick set of what they thought was Ryko to
completely decimate their field.
Of course I find the Fossil's negation effect to be far
better than that of Thunderking, as he stays on the field,
but lets look at Thunderking shall we?
Chopped Up
Birdy's Feet
Thunderking Rai-Oh is one of those cards that you really
want on your side of the field rather than your opponent's.
Lke Fossil Dyna, he has a continuos effect and a negation
effect. The continuous effect stops both players from adding
cards from their deck to their hand (Reinforcements of the
Army, Stratos, Goblin Zombie, Sangan and Charge of the Light
Brigade) and is actually a killer one against a Zombie deck.
The second effect tributes himself to negat the Special
Summon of a monster and destroy it. Well, this last part is
what you will be using most from him, but he won't be around
to reap the benefits of it. His 1900 ATK is, I feel, more of
an asset than this effect. 1900 is huge in this game,
meaning that a Tribute or Special Summon is needed to take
him out. I feel like the "negate Special Summon" effect is
more of a panic button, meaning that an opponent is
threatening to overwhelm you.
I actually find that a first tuyrn drop of Rai-Oh will limit
an opponent's first turn plays by almost half. A player will
often use a tutoring effect to get to their ideal opening
hand, but Rai-Oh prevents that, meaning that your opponent
is going to have to rely on draw spells to get them what
they need to get to, which means that they have to be rather
lucky to get some of their game-winning plays off the
He is of the LIGHT attribute, meaning that Honest is going
to be his best friend, and once again, he is great in a
Lightsworn build. He will only negate your Charge of the
Light Brigade, which means that you have the advantage in
most matchups. Like I said, the tribute effect is more of a
panic button, so stop the key Synchro Summon ro DAD summon
that will lose you the game. Actually, the mere threat of
Rai-Oh is enough to make an opponent panic, and force bad
trades in card presence to get him off the field so they can
gte their plays through.
I just wish he were easier to get...
French Fried
Eyeballs Rolling Up and Down the Street
The Dark Creator is kind of the ugly stepchild of the TCG.
He never really saw mainstream play at all, yet tons of
people (like Sorosh) tried to make it that way. I think that
the card is pure genius, but with major limitations like a
good card should be. We are all so used to broken cards like
Judgment Dragon and Dark Armed Dragon that we will not even
play a balanced card when we see it.
There are 3 major strikes against this card. The first is
that 5 DARK monsters need to be in the grave for it to be
summoned. Not only is this hard as well as card and time
consuming, but it makes it that much less likely that you
are going to get Dark Armed Dragon out. On the plus side, he
can have more than his quota, just like Dark Nepthys, which
makes him less of a dead card more of the time.
The second strike is that you cannot summon him if you have
a monster on the field. This makes it so that you HAVE to
play the Creator first, making him far more vulnerable to
spell and trap removal, but you can play him in combo with
Jinzo to get some of those trap cards out of the way.
The third strike has nothing to do with the card, but with
the targets for his recursion effect. Dark Magician of Chaos
and Destiny Hero Disk Commander were his best targets, and
since they were banned, he does not have any more broken
cards to get back with his effect. Or does he?
Has anyone noticed that Gladiator Beast Gyzarus is a DARK
monster? You could Special Summon him with Creator's effect,
and blow up two opposing cards. I dunno how you would
combine DARK cards with Gladiators, but it is certainly some
food for thought.
As the article says, you can also use Creator
with some Synchro shenanigans. You can bring back Krebons,
Dark Resonator or a Synchro material monster with his
effect, allowing you to access one of the amazing Synchro
monsters that we have at our disposal.
As for Creator's stats, 2300 ATK is wimpy, but not bad and
DEF of 3000 is excellent. I have actually won games because
of a DEF position Dark Creator bringing up monster after
monster and my opponent being unable to kill it through
battle. This is not as much of a plus right now due to
Colossal Fighter and Red Dragon Archfiend, but can still
stall for a while at least.
His level 8 status is perfect for a Trade-In, and combined
with Dark Nepthys he can help you with a Draw engine in that
regard. Of course he is a DARK monster, which makes him all
the more potent for use with all of the DARK stuff we got
flying around.
This is a card that you have to use your imagination to use,
so get those tickets to Imaginationland, because someone
else, if not you, is going to break this card.
Oops! I Forgot My
More like I forgot my ATK points. Never before has there
been as frustrating a card as Jowgen. He can destroy an
opponent's strategy, but his low ATK makes it impossible to
capitalize on that fact. However, the new cards from CSOC
may make him more of a beast than he may appear to be to the
naked eye.
Jowgen IS A SPELLCASTER!!!! Hello! Jowgen+Secret Village of
the Spellcasters = GG sir? Yeah, I have built a deck using
this strategy, and it utterly destroyed my opponents. One
friend ofmine was proxying the Japanese zombie OTK, and he
could not get around Jowgen+Village. it was amazing, as
Honest was able to back up JOwgen from my hand and Sakuretsu
Armor and Dimensional Prison saved him from the field.
The stalling allows me time to get to another Spellcaster
like Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer to further lock down an
opponent as well as get some ATK on the field. This strategy
is DEADLY, especially when you combine it with Thunderking
Rai-Oh, you have almost a complete lockdown ont eh field
with a big monster as their only out.
Of course Jowgen has other tricks too. He was most famous
for the Last Turn OTK, in which he prevented an opponnent
from Special Summoning their monster, and since you still
had little JOwgen, you won the game. Cool huh? Well his
first effect also has some tricks, you discard an in hand
card (randomly) to destroy all Special SUmmoned monsters on
the field.
This is very similar to Fossil Dyna's effect, but slightly
easier to use as well as being a proactive effect (you get
to choose when it goes off). The fact that the discard is
random is kind of a moot point, as you can easily place
cards on the field to avoid getting discarded. In fact,
using Jowgen in a Tele-DAD deck is a great follow-up to a
DAD Summon, as your opponent cannot fight back.
As always, he is pretty good in Lightsworn, discarding cards
for Judgment Dragon as well as being a good follow-up play
to an over-extension. Plus he is a LIGHT monster, allowing
use of Honest to protect him as well as being able to be
returned back to the hand with Beckoning Light.
Well that is it from ol' GZ today, you can email me at if you have any questions or ideas
or anything els eyou may need YGO related.
Thanx for reading!
GZ |