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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
The 4th City
November 20, 2008
Yeah, the "City" Names Are a Little Lame
Well, Big City, Little City and Middle City have all had
their time to shine, but here I am introducing the new
concept of Mini City, based off of a deck that a guy plays
at my locals that is probably based off of all of the
internet hype over Little City. Keep in mind, I have NOT
prxoied nor tested this deck out yet, so it may get a few
tweeks before I am completely finished with it.
Mini City
2x Prime Material Dragon
3x Elemental Hero Neos Alius
3x Thunderking Rai-Oh
3x Honest
2x Plaguespreader Zombie
2x D.D. Crow
1x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
1x Exiled Force
1x Elemental Hero Stratos
1x Elemental Hero Wildheart
1x Sangan
3x Reinforcement of the Army
2x Book of Moon
1x Heavy Storm
1x Giant Trunade
1x Brain Control
1x Monster Reborn
3x Solemn Judgment
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Crush Card Virus
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Royal Opression
Size Really
Doesn't Matter
Well, this deck is not entirely a "City" deck, as there is
not a single City in sight. Basically the deck relies on
controlling the field with big monsters, then you narrow
down opposing options even more with all of your monster
effects as well as your defensive and 3 Legendary Trap
Prime Material Dragon is a FRICKIN' BEAST! His 2400 ATK
helps to give the deck some muscle, which could come in
handy when dealing with big monsters. You also will help to
counter the negative effects of opposing destruction
effects, which tend to be rather annoting to the deck. He is
also a LIGHT monster, so Dark Armed Dragon and Judgment
Dragon can get wasted by Honest while locked down by his
Neos Alius is what makes the deck work, he is a searchable
1900 LIGHT beatstick that wins games. Honest,
Reinforcements, Stratos and all of the defensive traps will
certainly make sure that he can stick around and do some
damage. He will also be an ideal candidate for tributing for
Prime Material Dragon as he will be around for a while. He
is the core of the deck.
If Neos Alius is the core of the deck, Rai-Oh is the heart.
He is an ideal part of the lockdown part of the strategy. In
fact the amount of plays that a standard deck can make with
him on the field just got narrowed to almost nothing. He is
not searchable, which is sad, but when he appears he will
certainly be able to win you the game locking down opposing
search effects and Special Summons.
Honest is the guardian angel of the deck. Basically he gets
the deck out of scrapes that it shouldn't get out of, making
Prime Material basically immortal and countering opposing
big Synchros and such. Honest is easily one of the best
cards in the game, and he shines in any deck that can use
him, and even some that really can't. He is searchable by
Sangan, and can make a Sangan+CCV play into a game winnig
Garoth is in here basically as a support to Neos Alius. If I
could play 2 more copies of the E-Hero, I would, but there
is no other high ATK LIGHT Warrior that we can really use in
this deck. His merits are his 1850 ATK and status as a LIGHT
Warrior. His effect will rarely, if ever come into play, but
against Lightsworn, it could go off, maybe.
Plaguespeader Zombie should not be in here, he is totally
against the theme, and is rather ugly next to all these
Warriors, but he works amazingly well in the deck. You can
use him for tribute for PMD, Synchro Summoning and even as
tribute for CCV. He is an all around good card, and I think
that fact shows in how he can be splashed into this deck
fairly well.
D.D. Crow rounds out the CCV targets for the deck, allowing
us more "from hand" effects as well as being an absolute
annoyance. Malicious, PSZ and Mezuki will be amazingly good
targets for Crow, and all will be played a lot in upcoming
decks. Monster Reboorn, Lumina, Zombie Master and Necro
Gardna are also good targets for the card to devastate
opponents. In fact, DAD gets really annoyed sititng in the
hand while htis guy regulates the graveyard.
Stratos is the starter to the deck. He gets the ball
rolling, either searching for a Hero or popping annoying
spell and trap cards. He has 4 search targets in the deck,
which is certainly enough for him to be played. Every deck
that can play Stratos, should, and many decks do.
Exiled Force is the panic button of the deck, searchable by
RotA and Sangan, he can be counted on to do whatever
assassination is required. It does eat up a Normal Summon,
but getting rid of Spirit Reaper is certainly worth it.
Basically you call on this guy when you need a bug guy to be
removed and Honest is taking a vacation. Really reliable,
and able to get the job done almost no matter the
Wildheart is GODLY with all of the s/t support that this
deck has. He doesn't work with honest, but is searchable by
Stratos and RotA. But more importantly, he is imune to such
cards as Compulsory Evacuation Device, Dimensional Prison,
Crush Card Virus, Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, Torrential
Tribute, Mirror Force and any other trap card that your
opponent can muster. This makes him a great topdeck against
a set backrow, which can mean the difference between winning
and losing.
Sangan is the last monster int he deck, searching out
Honest, D.D. Crow, Plaguespreader Zombie, Exiled Force, and
Wildheart. The fact that he is the best CCV target in the
game is just icing on the cake. Sangan is often declared as
being too slow for the current game, but his deck can slow
the game down so easily, even the lowly Sangan can make a
few good hits and defends.
Hold the Line!
This is what the spell and trap cards are designed to do in
this deck. They will either support the on field monsters,
or hold off aggression until your monsters find their
footing again. Every power Spell and Trap is here, making
this a deck that can force comebacks that would otherwise be
Reinforcement is the swiss army knife of the operation.
Ideally it will be used to get Stratos, but can also fetch
Neos Alius, Wildheart, Garoth and Exiled Force. It is the
only deck thinning spell in the deck, and will be used to
counter whatever your opponent has been throwing at you.
Book of Moon is the enabler of the deck, allowing your
littler monsters to blast larger ones, as well as stopping
potentially bad things from happening from face-up monsters.
JD, DAD, Gyzarus and Stardust are all tame as kittens when
put face-down. This allows your monsters to do their thing,
which is to win the game.
Heavy Storm and Giant Trunade clear out opposing spell and
trap cards. A lot of cards like CCV, Mirror Force and
Torrential Tribute can ruin your day, but this one card
clears them all out. Trunade even spares our own defensive
cards from destruction, making it a clear answer when you
have some rather powerful cards face-down.
Brain Control allows for more direct lifepoint shots, which
is important, as the deck can only lock out opponents for so
long. It also comboes with PMD and PSZ, allowing Synchro
Summoning and Tributing to go on. It also steals any Tuners
yoru opponent might have carelessly sit on the field for an
easy Goyo Guardian summon or to combo with PSZ to get a
power 8 star Synchro to the field.
Monster Reborn is an overpowered beast that gets back
anything in the graveyard that you need to win the game,
which is excellent. Tuners, power monsters as well as
Stratos are great cards to revive as well as possibly
improving your field by a lot. Basically you play this
cardin any deck, as even if your deck doesn't play monsters,
your opponent might and probably will, making it seldom a
dead card in the game.
Solemn Judgment does what it has always done, stopping plays
that you don't like at the cost of half of your lifepoints.
I actually do not like Solemn, I have always thoguth that
the cost always outweighed the benefit, but in this deck it
works. Your opponent will be so strapped for moves that they
will pften be wasting cards in plays with Lightning Vortes
and Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, and Solemn will stop all of
those desperate plays, putting your opponent in even a worse
situation than before.
Almost every monster that you want to kill has over 1500 ATK,
and this card kills most of them. It will also limit the
damage done by Judgment Dragon, Gyzarus, Thunderking and
Dark Armed Dragon, destroying them before they can get to
battle as well as stopping some of DAD's wrath. It will also
stop things like Stratos, Grepher and Breaker in a 141 trade
that will often be in your benefit.
Dimensional Prison kills Synchros. Basically that is all it
does. Mostly your opponent will clear your backfield before
attacking with anything valuable, but it can also be great
if your opponent has already used his/her removal options.
Prison will also stop Sangan and Goblin Zombie, something
that almost no other card can boast and certainly put a dent
in future zombie shenanigans.
IMO, CCV should be in any deck that can support it. With 5
targets, this deck can support it. It is a powerhouse of
destruction, enabling you to devastate an already weakened
position by taking away all of their power cards while they
are sitting uselessin teh hand due to Royal Oppression or
Rai-Oh. But the most important thing that CCV gives you is
information. You get to see whatever tricksyour opponent
might be up to top disrupt your lock, which allows you to
respond accordingly with your defensive cards.
Torrential Tribute is the best mass remover in the game. You
can trigger it yourself (Sangan often helps with this) or
your opponent can trigger it, making it far superior than
the more one-sided Mirror Force. And to think there was a
time when we had 3 of these... But anyway, the card is often
an ultimate come-from-behind card, clearing teh field of
pesky cards that you would rather not see. I even used one
of these in my deck when I ran 3 Royal Decree, a testament
to it's power.
Mirror Force is a good card. Period. It is a little heavy on
the harder to activate than I'd like list, but I think that
the benefit outweighs the risk. Mirror Force is not so
popular these days, so when you spring one on someone, it is
that more potent. Plus the deck needs cards like these to
protect from whatever your opponent might beplanning to get
out of your plays. At the very least, it is a shiny
Threatening Roar to stop Stardust Dragon.
Every City Has Flaws
There are essentially 2 flaws to this deck. The first is
that it doesn't really have any speed like Tele-DAD or
Lightsworn to get off the ground early. The second is a lack
of "I summon this card I win" cards.
The first flaw is actually severe, as you often need to get
to copies of Thunderking and defensive cards asap, and a
wily opponent such as Lazaro Bellido will be able to play
around your deck before you even get anyting off. Really the
only thing that the deck can do is to weather the storm.
rarely will there be as good of plays as what Lazaro did in
his feature match, so you will often have a turn to get your
comboes off the ground. Still that isn't saying much.
The second one is less of a flaw in the deck and more of
card design. In thier wisdom, UDE and Konami have created
themed power cards that cannot be splashed into any deck (at
least in THEORY). However, that makes it that much harder
for an anti-meta deck to survive. They are a hodge-podge of
cards from many different sets that attempt to ocunter the
metagame, but they often lack the power to do it.
Fortunately, Honest kind of functions as our power card, so
we are better off than the old gadget decks.
Well, I am pooped from writing so much. As I am writing
this, the winner of SJC Chicago has yet to be decided. I
assume it will be Tele-DAD again, but maybe Erin Diaz will
make a comeback. Who knows! You can reach me at if you have any questions about the
game or any cool ideas that you think I can use.
Thanx for reading!
GZ |