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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
Armageddon Complex
December 14, 2008
Cuz, I'm Leavin' On a Jet Plane
Or rather an intensely large explosion, your preference.
Basically, the game right now is all about decimating your
opponent's cards before he or she can do anything about it
and then control the field with big monsters. The top decks
right now, Lightsworn and Tele-DAD, do this by sifting
through their deck at an incredible rate, thanks mostly to
these five spells, Charge of the Light Brigade,
Solar Recharge, Allure of Darkness, Destiny Draw and
Reinforcements of the Army.
Without these cards, the decks are completely useless,
unable to form a cohesive whole on their own, especially
cards like Dark Grepher, Necro Garna and Wulf, Lightsworn
Beast. So how do you decimate an opponent's hand and options
before they can do anything about it?
I came up with several solutions. The first was Protector of
the Sanctuary, a successful pick for Gadgets, but too week
and not that effective. The second was Trap Dustshoot, which
is viable, but it is at one per deck and can only affect
Monsters when it is Spells we are after. The third was
Psi-Impulse, a normal Spell that forces you to Tribute a
Psychic monster and then your opponent shuffles his/her hand
into their deck and draws 3 cards, leaving you even in
cards, but your opponent with less options.
It was then that I realized that there just aren't enough
viable hand control cards left for that to be truly viable.
o what are you going to do? Well, you nuke it, just like
Bruce Willis would have done. Here's the deck:
3x Sky Scourge Norleras
3x Dark Necrofear
3x Demise, King of Armageddon
3x Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands
3x Archfiend Soldier
3x Gil Garth
3x Phantom of Chaos
1x Sangan
3x Trade-In
3x Hand Destruction
2x Foolish Burial
2x Ritual Foregone
2x Dark World Dealings
1x Card Destruction
1x Heavy Storm
1x Giant Trunade
1x Monster Reborn
1x Advanced Ritual Art
1x Contract With the Abyss
You Know,
Like Wile Coyote!
If you thought Tele-DAD was fast, wait until you see the
speed that this baby has. 12 spells dig cards out of the
deck or draw and 4 monsters do. The idea is to simply go
first and destroy an opponent before they can really do
The basic strategy is to race through your deck faster than
an ACME rocket in order to reach your combo pieces, which
are insanely simple to get to. You need Phantom of Chaos in
hand and Sky Scourge Norleras in the graveyard. That's it.
You summoned the Phantom, copy Norleras and boom! You have a
card in hand and they have none. With any luck, it will be
Dark Necrofear which you can Special Summon and attack for
2200 damage.
It will be unlikely that an opponent could do anything about
Necrofear with just the one card that they are going to draw
next turn, hopefully Destiny Draw or another such card. Even
if they do get lucky and get Dark Armed Dragon with 3 DARKs
in Grave, you just activate Necrofear's effect and steal it!
Same thing goes for judgment Dragon.
In fact, sometimes you will not get so lucky, drawing a copy
of Hand Destruction instead of Dark Necrofear. This is why
the Ritual Aspect of the deck is there. It both adds some
more deck thinning as well as a backup in case the original
plan fails or backfires.
If I Go I Wanna Take
My Own Men
Sky Scourge Norleras is the best monster in the game right
now. No joke. He nukes everything for just 1000 lp,
something only Judgment Dragon can even get close to. You
will often not actually summon him, but Phantom of Chaos can
copy his effect, allowing you to still nuke the field. But
the deck is loaded with Fiends and a couple of Fairies so
that he will likely never be a dead draw.
Dark Necrofear is one of the trickiest cards in the deck.
She works for both Trade-In and can be used as Fiend fodder
for another Necrofear or Norleras. Her effect makes her a
deadly force on teh field and her 2200 ATK and 2800 DEF make
her one of the deadliest cards you can draw with Norleras'
effect. Did I mention that you can use MOnster Reborn on her
Demise, King of Armageddon is the backup guy. You can use
Phantom to copy him in a pinch, but you can also use
Contract and Advanced Ritual to play him as well as
Trade-In, Necrofear and Norleras fodder. It will be more
ideal to summon this guy than Norleras, as he can survive
his ordeal and deal some real damage. However, he does not
kill the hand, so he is going to be more of a late-game card
than Norleras.
Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands serves as the LIGHT Fairy
requirement for Norleras as well as being a solid 1400 ATK.
He also searches out Demise, ARA and Contract, making it
more likely to pull off a Demise Summon as well as sift for
your combo pieces. This is the Stratos of the deck, and you
will usually set up your turn by playing him in order to get
your draw engines going.
Archfiend Soldier is my friend Jon's favorite card, packing
the Fiend type, DARk attribute and stunning 1900 ATK and
1500 DEF as well as being a Normal for ARA. This makes this
little guy the footsoldier fo the deck. He will often be
fodder for Necrofear, Norleras, Demise and Hand Destruction,
but will also be your main attacker. When options are
limited, 1900 ATK is huge and will kill most anything in
battle as well as deal hefty damage.
Gil Garth does almost everything that Archfiend Soldier
does, but with 100 less ATK. You will often want to use him
more for fodder, but 1800 is still a lot, making it easy to
deal damage. The rules say that we cannot use 6 copies of
Archfiend Soldier, so we are stuck with Gil Garth.
Phantom of Chaos is the evil key to the whole deck. He can
copy any monster, but most preferably Demise or Norleras.
This allows you access to the field and hand clearing
effects of these monsters as well as any other ATK increase
to destroy an opposing monster. He is only searchable by
Sangan, so he will be the hardest part of your combo to get.
Sangan is the string around the evil key to the deck. He
basically only searches out Phantom of Chaos or Manju in
order to get a bad start off to a good one. Sangan is also a
pretty good start-up play as you can likely get going with
your plans next turn.
Lets Chew Through
This Turd!
Trade-In is the main source of deck sifting that will be
used. All of the level 8 monster in the deck that can be
used with this card are all Fiends, fueling the Norleras,
Necrofear and Phantom of Chaos. It is a great card, as it
does not sift through your cards at a -1 cost to you like
Dark World Dealings or Hand Destruction, but gets you closer
to your goal without a loss of cards. That is not so huge
for the early game of this deck but is huge later on after
you have made your push, getting rid of dead copies of
Demise, Norleras and occasionally Necrofear for the cards
that you really need.
Hand Destruction is one amazing card. Not only does it sift
through your deck while getting your combo pieces in the
graveyard, it disrupts your opponent as well. This makes it
more likely that an opponent will draw a useful card and
have to discard it for Norleras or Card Destruction when you
finally have your combos online. Dark World Dealings does
the same thing except not as well. Since we do not want to
really remove cards from play, but put massive amounts of
them into the graveyard, this card is far superior in this
deck than the amazing Allure of Darkness.
Foolish Burial is another way to get the cards that you need
into the graveyard. It can send Norleras, Demise and any
other cards that you would not otherwise want to draw out of
the way and into the graveyard while thinning your deck even
more so that you can draw the rest of your combo pieces.
Most of your games will be won by playing Foolish Burial and
then Phantom of Chaos, getting your Norleras combo up and
running in no time.
Ritual Foregone is a panic button. Often you will have extra
copies of Demise in your hand and no ARA or Contract in
sight, even with the copies of Manju searching them out. It
is incredibly good in the late game, as people are generally
not expecting a field clear for only 2 cards and 1000 lp. As
the monster cannot attack it has far more limited use than a
traditional Ritual Summon, but can often turn a bad
situation into a good one, especially against Lightsworn,
who hate to have their field cleared.
Card Destruction is another way to disrupt an opponent.
After Dark World Dealings and Hand Destruction have done
their thing, your opponent will likely have sifted through
their deck a bit and kept the best cards that they draw. You
can send that all away with Card Destruction, sending key
cards like Stratos to the graveyard where they are of far
more limited use than they would have otherwise been. It can
also get a hand full of monsters out of the way and allow
you to get to your draw spells so that you can get your
combo off.
Heavy Storm and Giant Trunade are used here to clear out
opposing copies of Solemn Judgment and Phoenix Wing Wind
Blast that would otherwise make you a sad panda. Remember,
Phantom of Chaos has priority to activate it's own effect by
assuming the name of a removed monster, but wind blast can
be chained before you activate the Norleras or Demise effect
you would have wanted. Both of these cards stop those kind
of shenanigans and Solemn Judgment is especially nasty when
you are later in the game, so this is your answer to that.
Monster Reborn does what it does best in every other deck.
It can revive fallen copies of Necrofear as well as Manju,
Gil Garth and Archfiend Soldier for a quick beatdown after
you have nuked the field. It can also steal an opponent's
monster, giving you limited access to Synchro monsters like
Goyo Guardian that can help in deflecting an opponent from
your true goals. Reborn is just an all-around good card, and
even in decks packing Royal Oppression it is a good pick, so
it helps even more in a deck that will ALWAYS have a monster
in the graveyard.
Advanced Ritual Art and Contract With the Abyss summon
Demise. Beyond that they are almost entirely useless. Except
as discard fodder when you have run out of Demise. Manju is
a +1, so you can discard unwanted copies of ARA or Contract
while you dig with Hand Destruction.
The Mission Has
Suffered Massive Failure
There are so many ways that this deck can be countered it is
not even funny. That is why speed is so important. The
quicker you get the combo off, the less likely an opponent
will get the cards they need in order to be able to come
back from the destruction you unleashed. Here are just a few
cards that will destroy this deck.
-Thunderking Rai-Oh
-Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
-Vanity's Fiend
-Stardust Dragon
-Solemn Judgment
-Royal Oppression
-Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
-Threatening Roar
Last I checked all of these cards were seeing some play, so
countering them is going to be really hard, making speed
your best weapon. Heavy Storm and Giant Trunade will be able
to deal with many of the trap threats before they become an
issue. The monsters are a different story. Vanity's Fiend in
particular is bad news, as you cannot get over it in battle
and there is essentially no monster removal without Special
Summoning unless you are lucky enough to get Phantom of
Chaos off.
Stardust Dragon is even more of a pain, as once your
opponent learns your strategy, they will summon it every
chance they can. Basically you will have to use Dark
Necrofear to steal it. Which is pretty cool, but Necrofear
is better at stopping other cards like Dark Armed Dragon.
However, I feel that Stardust Dragon is seeing signifigantly
less play than it should, making it a possibility that your
opponent simply will choose the wrong Synchro befor ethey
know what you're got.
Well, that is almost it for this article, but don't forget
that you can completely customize this deck. Allure of
Darkness, Dark Armed Dragon and Herald of Creation are great
picks for the deck, but you can do whatever you want with
it. As always, is where I'll be if you have any
questions or comments or ideas on naything Yu-Gi-Oh!
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