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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
Beating the Dragon
February 25, 2008
Oh, My
Kingdom For a Dragon
As you already know, the most expensive card in Yu-Gi-Oh! is
definitely Dark Armed Dragon. UDE made a smart move by
Making this card a Secret.
(including me) bought boxes of Phantom Darkness just for a
crack at getting the Dragon, or as I like to call him Papa
Dragon. I managed to get my hands on a copy, but there are
many more players that don't have it. Thus these masses of
people are seriously looking for a way to bring Papa Dragon
down. Well here it is, an article devoted to ways to take
down, or substitute for, Dark Armed Dragon.
Apples and Oranges
Nothing can truly replace Dark Armed Dragon, but there are
many cards that are more common and can substitute for him
while you search high and low to find a Papa Dragon. There
are also cards that will help you use your copies more
effectively for those lucky enough to have grabbed them.
1. Dark Nepthys-She is often lumped into the same
category as Darknight Parshath and Dark Horus. The
unplayable category. This is simply not true. First off, she
is a Special Summon, Like the Dark Creator and Papa Dragon.
However she is much easier to summon, because she only
requires 3 or MORE DARK monsters in your graveyard to
discard her for her effect. DAD needs EXACTLY 3 while the
Creator needs 5 or more. Also, her effect of destroying a
Spell or Trap card activates WHENEVER she is Special
Summoned, not just by her own effect. She also removes from
play 2 DARK monsters in your graveyard in order to Special
Summon herself, enabling you to control our graveyard as
well as setting up for Return from the Different Dimension,
Dimension Fusion, or Escape from the Dark Dimension. This
attached to a 2400 ATK frame makes her certainly a viable
substitute for a DAD in tournaments.
2. Phantom of Chaos-Every deck in Japan uses this
card. The ability to become ANY effect monster is just
incredible. It is also a DARK, acting as fuel for the DARK
theme monsters during the inevitable next turn that he is
destroyed. Since I have very few copies of the DARK
monsters, I have to use them effectively, even when they hit
the graveyard. I often find that I remove Dark Creator and
Dark Armed Dragon for his effect in order to get their
effects, if even only for a turn. Since they do not require
the specific number of DARK monsters in the graveyard to
activate their effects, only to be summoned, this does not
cause a conflict of rules. This card is one of the cards
that I think that many of the players in SJC Houston left
out, where this card topdecked could have removed a DAD and
wiped the field clean. He does not inflict any damage to the
opponent, though, so he cannot be a game ender. However, you
often do not want your prize SCR card removed from the game,
so there are plenty of other monsters to copy, like DMoC or
a Monarch. He is easily one of the most versatile cards in
the game.
3. Monster Reincarnation- This came out in Rise of
Destiny and has only really seen play in combo decks or
Exodia to get back our last piece. However, if your mind has
already skipped ahead, this is one card you don't want to
miss. You discard a card in order to get a monster from your
graveyard back to your hand. This is not a Special Summon,
so you can use it on a DARK monster. The discard is also not
that big of a problem, as you can discard a DARK monster in
order to adjust the number needed for that particular DARK
monster. There is the danger of DD Crow, but very few of the
decks at Houston ran that card, making your recovery
slightly more likely to go through.
Aim for the Nose!
Props to those of you who correctly recognized that line
from a rather obscure episode of South Park involving
Barbara Streisand, Mothra and Archaeology. Anyway, every
card and deck type has a weakness, and Dark Armed Dragon is
no exception. Here is a list of ways to beat them, or at
least to contain the damage.
1. Be Quick-The best way to beat the dragon is to
simply be faster than it. DDT, Magical Explosion and some
other decks are very good at that. DARK need some time to
get DARK monsters into the graveyard, especially if they
don't have a way to discard them or Armageddon Knight.
Samurai do especially well here, as they can swarm the field
as well as having large monsters on par with most of those
played in a DARK deck. Their substitution effect can also
play havoc with DAD, making him waste removal on your lesser
Samurai and Leaving Shien intact.
2. Deny Them Their Cards-Dark Decks require a certain
number of DARK attribute monsters in the graveyard. Cards
that interrupt that devastate the DARK strategy. Soul
Release, D.D. Crow, Dimensional Fissure, Macro Cosmos and
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer all do this. Kycoo is especially
good as he stops your opponent from removing cards for
effects like that of Dark Armed Dragon or Destiny Hero
Malicious. He also removes cards from play when he deals
damage, which can be good, but also backfire. Dimension
Fusion and Escape from the Dark Dimension can ruin your day.
Kycoo is also a DARK monster and has 1800 ATK, making him
ideal for even other DARK decks to make use of him. D.D.
Crow is the next best, allowing for surprise as well as
adding another DARK to the grave for your own DARK monsters.
3. Deny Them Their Effects-There are many cards out
there that would make short work of the DARK monsters, as
they need their effects in order to be good. Shadow
Imprisoning Mirror, Skill Drain, Destiny Hero Plasma, Dark
Illusion and Divine Wrath all work well. Many people are
thinking of using Shadow Imprisoning Mirror as a counter to
DARK decks. This doesn't work well for your own DARK deck
and the same with Skill Drain. That Leaves us with Divine
Wrath, Plasma and Dark Illusion. Divine wrath is way too
situational and rather costly. Plasma is an efficient
option, as he negates effects while stealing an opponent's
monster to boost his own ATK. Illusion is in my opinion the
best counter, as DAD, Monarchs, and a myriad of spell and
trap cards target. Plasma is good, just difficult to get out
efficiently. Illusion is often a dead card though, so be
careful when playing it.
The Build
Judging from the DARK deck builds from Houston, people are
not that interested in creating a dedicated DARK build. They
are going to play Stratos, Card Trooper and Morphing Jar.
These cards are certainly great, however they do not enable
you to decide what cards go to the graveyard with any
certainty. Card Trooper will often send cards that would
help you as well and the same with Morphing Jar. Stratos is
just awesome, but he will search Destiny Hero cards, which
just hate to get removed. I figure that Allure is just
better than D-Draw for the deck to function well.
A dedicated DARK deck has, I believe, more of a chance to do
well than one playing Destiny Heroes. While you will not get
the +1's of the Destiny Hero cards and Card Trooper, your
deck will be able to flow better, while you don't have to
wait for a Hero to dump with your D-Draw. I think that
people were more willing to go with what they knew they
could play for Houston than what they think would work best.
PTDN has not been out long enough for us to make assumptions
about what people are playing, but I think that we will see
more innovation as the format goes on.
If you want to contact me is where I'll be. Don't forget that
my Create-A-Card contest will be over soon, so enter if you
haven't already!
Thanx for reading!