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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
So I Don't Have
The Stuff to Build DAD Return...
May 7, 2008
Well I bet that a lot of you reading this don't have the
cash to build the $1000+ Dark Armed Return Deck. The costs
of Destiny Draw, Dark Armed Dragon, Darklord Zerato and
Allure of Darkness are all through the roof. I know because
I have tried to get them, and even on the Pojo boards where
acrds are generally cheaper, Dark Armed Dragon won't sell
for less than $180. Thus, using the power of my mind I have
come up with some lower cost alternatives to swallowing the
$600 cost of getting your playset of Dragons. I don't
pretend that these suggestions will yield better results,
people use the expensive stuff because it works, but it may
get you high up on the ladder (top 24) of a Regional if you
play your cards right.
Replacing the Draw
Spells-Destiny Draw and Allure of Darkness
This is gonna be quite simple. You can't actually replace
the Draw Spells of Destiny Draw and Allure of Darkness. They
are the fastest and most reliable way to dig through your
deck at the moment. However, there are some cards that will
speed things up for you, at almost no cost as well as
furthering your win condition. You listening? Good.
Magical Merchant-And now at least 100 people that
read this are gonna think "Geez, a slow flip effect to
replace the amazing goodliness that are draw spells, GZ must
have gone senile!" Now are we all over that initial thought?
All right. Magical Merchant is worth it. Without Card
Trooper, this is the best way to get large amounts of
monsters into the graveyard and it nets you a spell or trap
in the process. You dump off 3-4 monsters with this guy, and
if they are all Dark types, then you are in business. Then
you can start massacring your opponent with all of those
remove from play effects and then Return. DAD Return decks
focus on the use of Armageddon Knight to get their Dark
monsters into the graveyard, and people often played Goe Goe
the Gallant Ninja just because the Armageddon Knight play is
the most common that DAD uses. However, you set this guy
first turn instead, you get to dig through your deck AND get
a Spell or Trap to continue the carnage.
Reasoning and Monster Gate-these are the original
purveyors of speed. Reasoning still sees play, both in
Diamond Dude Turbo and Six Samurai decks, and Monster Gate
does as well. These guys are kinda the opposite of Merchant.
You lose Spell and Traps in order to get a monster on the
field. However,I successfully piloted a Dark Armed Return
Deck that used Monster Gate and Reasoning at a local
Regional, going 5 wins/3 losses. I will say that I mostly
lost to misplays on my part. However, randomizing the levels
of monsters in your deck gives you an almost guaranteed
chance to get a monster to the field. I find that Darknight
Parshath, apart from being great Armageddon Knight fodder,
is rather painful when summoned with Reasoning. Level 5 is
never called, and his ATK boost and draw power have made
many an opponent groan in pain. Fusilier Dragon the Dual
Mode Beast is also excellent for this. He will NEVER be a
dead card. You can summon him for half the attack, or get
him Special Summoned By Reasoning with 2800. These two are
also great as Parshath regulates the grave and Fusilier is
another huge beater for Return from the Different Dimension.
Themed Recruiter Monsters-well I am absolutly
dumbfounded at the lack of attention that 2 of the best
recruiter monsters ever printed are getting. Shien's
Footsoldier and Test Ape are amazing, even though they have
low stats. Nobody doubted Card Trooper because he returned
to 400 next turn. Shien's Spy can search out ANY level 3 or
lower Samurai, Meaning Yaichi, Kamon, and Yariza are all
easy to get to. Often getting that one more Samurai to the
field is more important than life points. And Test Ape is
even better. He gets any Gladiator level 4 or lower, which
are generally the only ones played anyhow. I have done
broken plays like My opponent has Armageddon Knight and
Return Set. I summon Rescue Cat. I tribute Rescue Cat for
two test Ape. I suicide said apes into the Knight, netting
me 1400 damage, and two Gladiator Beast Laquari (or one
Darius if a Gladiator is in the graveyard). I beat face, and
have only lost one card, and have 400 lp onmy opponent, and
then switch out for Bestari to destroy the facedown, or keep
them all if I brought out Darius, and then get Heraklinos
JUST FOR SUMMONING RESCUE CAT!!! of course Recruiters speed
up your deck by thinning it as well as maintaining field
Replacing the Heavy
There is no replacement for Dark Armed Dragon, Dark Magician
of Chaos, and Darklord Zerato, but there are a few monsters
out there that are up to the challenge.
The End of Anubis-This guy is a Dark Armed player's
worst Nightmare. Suddenly all of their graveyard tricks are
gone, and they only have a few outs to remove him. I fell to
just ONE of these guys randomly maindecked by a player new
to the game. He is fast, Special Summonable, and has High
attack strength. The only reason he is not played is because
he locks down your graveyard as well. So What? Your opponent
will be wasting their resources to destroy Anubis, so just
let him be a magnet for Lightning Vortex, and then blast
them next turn with those revival spells you have been
saving up, while they are still reeling from the damage.
Dark Nepthys-Whoo Hoo, she is good. She can Be
Special Summoned when there are more than 3 monsters in the
grave, has 2400 ATK and regulates the graveyard AND destroys
a spell or trap when she is Special Summoned, by anything.
She is a suitable replacement for Dark Armed Dragon, but you
need to back her up. An aggro opponent will quickly run her
over with their superior ATK of 2800 on their big guys.
Extra copies of Lightning Vortex and some defensive traps
should go a long way towards preserving your Nepthys. And if
she does fall, just revive her or use her as DARK fodder for
another Nepthys.
Blowback Dragon-Hehehe, this guy is cool. He has
2300, which is ok, but more importantly he is one tribute,
which makes him faster than Darklord (most of the time).
Plus he can destroy ANY card on the field, not just
monsters, for FREE. He does not have the field clearing
Benefits of Darklord, but is far more versatile in the face
of adversity. Because he is a DARK machine, you can even do
cool things with DD Scout Plane, Jinzo and Chimeratech
Overdragon. Trust me, the deck is not as fast as DAD
Return,but way more explosive.
Replacing Crush Card
I have a whole section devoted to this card because it is
that good. It is almost impossible to replace, and just as
impossible to acquire. But there are a few traps that do
sort of the same thing, and I'll outline them here.
Trap Dustshoot + Mind Crush-Even though this is
limited, it can still devastate a hand. You get the look at
the hand that Crush gives, and you get to choose any Monster
to go back to the deck, arguably better than sending it to
the graveyard. Plus you do not have to have a weak monster
on the field to activate it. The same goes for Mind Crush.
Crush-Shoot is an immensely powerful play, often devastating
a hand MORE than Crush Card Virus. Plus they are commons,
allowing easy access, both in reprint sets and the original
Well, there is no clear way to replace the cards in the Dark
Return deck, but these ideas should help you get on your
way. There are many more cards that you can use, I just
chose the most effective ones that are more mainstream. If
you wanna chat, flame or suggest ideas, please email me at I
love getting ideas , as well as decks, so email me of you
have anything you want to say.
Coming Soon-Create-A-Card contest Results!!!!
Thanks for Reading!