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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
Kurbioh Kung-Fu!
June 16, 2008
I Fling My Furry Fiend Friend at You!
One day I was sitting at my computer thinking of what to
write for an article. Well, actually I was bored and wanted
to do something constructive now that school is out for me.
So I set myself a challenge. Make a competitive deck using
Kuriboh. And Yes, I collected all of the copies of Kuriboh
that I could, so I guess I am a Kuriboh fan. D.D. Crow and
Honest have both proven that discard from hand effects to
get effect are very powerful. I just wish that they would
make Kuriboh's effect like Waboku, but there yah go. Anyway
how many times have you wished to have a Kuriboh in hand to
block some damage because you had game next turn? At least
40 for me.
Basically this deck is designed to control damage to you
with Kuriboh and Winged Kuriboh and then blast out a Sky
Scourge Norleras to take out ALL of your opponent's
resources. Sound fun? I thought it might. There is nothing
sweeter than hearing an opponent say "I lost because of
Kuriboh". That will certainly get you a feature at a Shonen
Kuriboh Karate Chaos!
3x Sky Scourge Norleras
3x Caius the Shadow Monarch

3x Winged Kuriboh
3x Kuriboh
3x Arcana Force XIV-Temperance
2x Mask of Darkness
1x Phantom of Chaos
1x Sangan
1x Morphing Jar
3x Flute of Summoning Kuriboh
1x Brain Control
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Giant Trunade
1x Monster Reincarnation
1x Monster Reborn
1x Premature Burial
1x Swords of Revealing Light
3x Reckless Greed
3x Threatening Roar
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Return from the Different Dimension
1x Crush Card Virus
Kuribohs! Unite into the
Super Mega Ultra-Zord!
Pretty scary huh? Fortunately for Norleras to be summoned we
only need 1 LIGHT Fairy and 2 DARK Fiends. You will notice
that we only have 6 Light Fairies in the deck, but since we
only need one, 6 seems like an overkill. The rest of the
deck (minus Morphing Jar) in terms of monsters are DARK
Fiend types. This makes it relatively easy to get 2 DARK
Fiends into the graveyard. Here is a list of the monster
lineup and why they are in there.
Sky Scourge Norleras-This is easily one of the most
under looked cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!. The most powerful card in
the game is Chaos Emperor Dragon, and they brought it
back at 3 after it was banned in this version. Except that
it is BETTER! Norleras lets you draw a card, whereas CED
only did burn damage. Often that burn meant game, but
sometimes your opponent just topdecked better than you, and
won because you cleared the field. At least with Norleras,
you have a leg up on the competition, drawing your ways to
win the game already.
Caius the Shadow Monarch-Also a very underrated card,
the best Monarch monster not only gives this fluffy deck
some teeth, it is also a DARK Fiend, allowing him to be
Norleras fodder. He is also easy to get to the field with
Flute of Summoning Kuriboh, allowing you to either send
Kuriboh or Winged Kuriboh to the graveyard by tribute,
whichever you need for Norleras. Then you can remove a card
on the opponent's field, inflicting 1000 damage if it is a
Kuriboh and Winged Kuriboh-These guys are the
enablers of the deck, stalling for time, being Tributed or
even going aggro in some situations. They can be Special
Summoned by the Flute of Summoning Kuriboh and even be
Norleras fodder. not much to say about these guys except
that girls find them cute, so a crowd of lady duelists will
follow you everywhere if you play these guys.
Arcana Force XIV- Temperance- WTF!? WHat is an Arcana
Force monster doing in a Kuriboh deck? Well it's simple. It
has the same battle damage reducing effect of Kuriboh, only
it is a LIGHT Fairy. Wait! Norleras needs LIGHT Fairies to
be Special Summoned! Bingo. He also has 2400 ATK, making him
have some teeth if you need to emergency summon him, unike
Kuriboh himself, who only has 300 ATK. His effect can also
be useful, halving battle damage, but it could go badly if
you miss the coin toss, so use with extreme caution.
Mask of Darkness-This guy is not only a DARK Fiend he
absorbs an attack AND gets you a Trap from the graveyard.
Since our major draw engine is Reckless Greed, this guy can
easily mean that you get two more draws when you need them,
or that extra special Crush Card Virus right when you need
it. He is also a target for Crush as well. He can also get
back Threatening Roar to stall for your next turn, or even
Mirror Force or Torrential Tribute.
Phantom of Chaos-This guy is in here almost for the
sole purpose of copying Norleras. He is also Norleras
fodder, and can copy Temperance or Caius for a monster take
down, AND can be Crush Carded. I almost included 3 copies,
until I realized that he would detract from Norleras too
Sangan-Well this guy is a no brainer. Crush Card and
Norleras fodder as well as searching out a Kuriboh, Mask of
Darkness, Phantom of Chaos or Winged Kuriboh when you need
it. I would play him in 3's if I could.
Morphing Jar-The only card that does not contribute
to Norleras directly by being fodder for it. This guy is in
here simply because both Norleras and Kuriboh deplete your
hand quickly. This guy fills it back up again.
Even Ninja Gaiden Uses
The Spell lineup is pretty straightforward. There are 3
cards that I want to go over, so bear with me through
another list.
Flute of Summoning Kuriboh-This card takes the place
in this deck of the slot that Reinforcements of the Army
does in otger decks. It will get you a Winged Kuriboh OR
Kuriboh to your hand OR Field. Is that not a great deal? Not
to mention it is a quickplay, so it can be chained to Heavy
Storm and other destruction effects. This will get you the
Kuriboh for every situation, where you need it.
Giant Trunade-This card will get your opponent's card
off of the field, where a timely Solemn Judgment can take
your entire field apart. This clears it all for Norleras,
and unlike Demise, King of Armageddon, Norleras will discard
your opponent's hand so those cards are gonna get destroyed
anyway. It can also be used in cute combos to reuse
Swords of Revealing Light and Premature Burial.
Monster Reincarnation-This lets you get back a fallen
Norleras for use as well as adding requisite monsters to the
graveyard for Norleras' summon. You can get back any monster
too, so Caius, Mask of Darkness and any other monster in the
graveyard are valuable targets. You may also wish to include
Foolish Burial to combo with this card, so as to get out
Norleras that much quicker.
Hahahahaha! I Set a Trap
For You!
The most interesting thing about this deck is probably the
monster lineup, but the Trap cards are just as intersting.
They either further the purpose of the deck, or dig to get
the right options that you have to get to.
Threatening Roar-Well here is a staple in this
format. This keeps your monsters alive to be Tributed for
Caius or just to block an attack that would damage you too
much. It also shuts down DAD and Gladiators form dealing
massive damage and tagging out. Even Lightsworn decks groan
when they see this card, as it stalls and drops more of
their cards to the graveyard, closer to a deck out.
Reckless Greed-I first thought of this card in Matt
Peddle's Article on about Edgar Flores using it
to give his deck some draw power when there normally isn't
draw power involved. The same goes for Kuriboh. I would love
there to be a Kuriboh discard/draw spell, but we don't have
one, so this will have to do. It can also be chained, so
that a Mystical SPace Typhoon is useless, and you have one
less turn of not drawing than if you manually activate it.
Mirror Force-Many decks are dropping their copies of
Mirror Force, and I don't know why. It isn't chainable, but
if it is not in the graveyard, it gives your opponent some
pause before attacking. Since every other Trap is either
chainable or easily activated, they will think twice about
destroying a card randomly. This makes Mirror Force even
more potent as they are not expecting it.
Return From the Different Dimension-This is the win
condition of the deck. You will always be able to chain it,
as the cost is negligible and it can get a swarm of Caius,
Kuribohs and Temperance to take out your opponent's
lifepoints. This card is easily the best draw off of
Norleras' effect, usually getting you the win or massive
damage on the next turn. it can also be reused with Mask of
Darkness for even more damage and mayhem.
Crush Card Virus-Why not include the best card in the
game when there are 7 targets in the deck. It will let you
gather info about when the best time to summon Norleras is,
as well as getting rid of potential attackers and getting
you a DARK Fiend in the graveyard with it's cost. It comboes
well with Flute of Summoning Kuriboh as well as Return, as
likely you will have a target or two from it's activation.
Like I said the only reason this card is not in every deck
is because not everyone has one.
It's Gonna Be a Bumpy
As with every deck, this one had vulnerabilities. Most
noticeable are it's lack of High ATK monster to beat down
the opponent. Also an activation of Deck Devastation Virus
will leave you reeling. An overly aggressive deck like
Gladiator Beasts could easily smash through your defenses by
overextension. Also Shadow Imprisoning Mirror will ruin your
day, another reason for the inclusion of Giant Trunade in
the deck.
On the plus side, Crush Card Virus, DAD, Judgment Dragon and
pretty much every deck out there will be very surprised by
this deck. With most every Trap and Spell you are setting
being chainable to draw you cards or stop an attack, you are
sitting pretty after the activation of these effects. And
every deck likes having a hand, so Norleras' destruction
effect will make it very easy to disrupt whatever your
opponent had going for them before the activation.
Bad draws are this deck's Achilles Heel. A hand full of
Kuriboh doesn't do anyone good, neither does a hand full of
Norleras, Caius and Temperance. Hopefully the stall cards as
well as Reckless Greed will help to mitigate these bad
You could also change the deck to be more focused on the
DARK aspect, with Norleras as a backup to DAD. you can even
use DDR- Different Dimension Reincarnation to get back
removed form play monsters. The other Sky Scourge monsters
of Invicil and Enrise can benefit from this deck. You can
even include Honest from LODT to give your WInged Kuribohs
and Temperance some major teeth as well as get easy LIGHT
Fairies in the graveyard. This deck is easily customizeable
and rather cheap except for Crush Card Virus. You can even
replace Crush Card with Trap Dustshoot, which works nearly
as well. Test it out, you may like what you get...
That's all for today folks. You can reach me at
by putting the word YUGIOH in your subject line, otherwise I
might not get it. Test hard and play harder.
Thanx for reading!