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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
A Cheap Deck That Works!
July 10, 2008
Take That Gyzarus!
What is the best way to take down the top decks this format?
Well that's an easy one. Deny them their major resources,
Special Summoning and the graveyard. There is another hurdle
that we need to cross as well, the fact that not everyone
has access to these high end cards. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
is great at destroying all of the best cards this format,
but costs about $50. I aim to have the most expensive card
in the deck be Allure of Darkness. This means no Crush Card,
no Dark Armed Dragon, no Heraklinos and no Judgment Dragon.
With those rules in mind, I pretty much have to turn to
reprint cards that are not only easy to get, but work well.
So brainstorming a list of cards, then mashing them together
into a cohesive deck will certainly be a challenge. The key
of course will be nullifying the top 3 decks this format,
Gladiator Beasts, Dark Armed Dragon, Lightsworn and various
Monarch variants. I think I did pretty well this time
around, but see for yourself.
Go For the Groin
3x Prime Material Dragon
3x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
3x Reflect Bounder
2x Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
2x Mask of Darkness
1x Don Zaloog
1x Sangan
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Jowgen the Spiritualist
2x Shrink
2x Book of Moon
2x Allure of Darkness
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Brain Control
1x Monster Reborn
1x Premature Burial
3x Solemn Judgment
3x Royal Oppression
2x Black Horn of Heaven
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
Take That!
The idea of this deck is incredibly simple. Stop your
opponent from doing anything except for battling. Prime
Material Dragon will stop anything from destroying your
monsters. Kycoo will stop Dark Armed Dragon and Strike
Ninja, as well as pesky Necro Gardnas that get in your way.
Jowgen the Spiritualist will stop AND kill Special Summons,
at least until we get Thunderking (Raiou). Solemn Judgment
negates everything that gets in your way. Black Horn of
Heaven negates even more Special Summons while Royal
Oppression does it continuously at a slower speed.
Part 2 of the deck is monsters with relatively high ATK.
Reflect Bounder, Kycoo, Prime Material, and even Don Zaloog
and Dekoichi will get the job done when backed by Shrink and
Book of Moon. Heck, even Mask of Darkness can become an
offensive weapon when backed by these cards, with both
Lightsworn and Gladiators having such low DEF scores and the
achilles heel of Monarchs has always been their 1000 DEF. It
is formats like this where I wish that Tsukuyomi was back.
Phase 3 involves beating your opponent in the Battle Phase
once they have literally no other options. The monsters
mentioned above backed by Shrink and Book of Moon will do
most of the work, but again Solemn Judgment will negate your
opponent's summon. Then there is Dimensional Prison, which
allows you to remove your opponent's threats form the field
and teamed up with Black Horn and Oppression an opposing
Gyzarus or Dark Armed will get hosed, making your Prison
that much more effective. Mirror Force and Torrential
Tribute also have a way of leveling the field if your
opponent manages to get passed the barrage of anti-stuff
being thrown at them. Oh, and also to punish an overzealous
opponent, Reflect Bounder will make their life miserable by
taking at least 1700 lifepoints from them at every attack
and forcing them to waste their destruction. Spirit Reaper
does this as well, he can discard like Donny Z, but comes
with a built in invulnerability.
Phase 4 (yes there is a lot of thought that went into this
deck) is denying your opponent possible options such as
Brain Control and other cards that will mess with your
strategy. Don Zaloog works well here, as he is backed by a
ton of defense, so direct attacks should be second nature to
him by now. Solemn Judgment of course is invaluable and if
you can negate your opponent's one out, they might just
scoop up their cards out of disgust.
I AM Playing With Your
The best way to win a game is to play with your opponent's
head. Make them think you have Morphing Jar set when it's
Reaper, that sort of thing. The sheer amount of spell and
trap defense will leave your opponent reeling. Copies of
Heavy Storm and Mystical Space Typhoon as well as sided Dust
Tornadoes are not nearly enough to deal with all of them.
This makes an opponent fearing the next Shrink to be thrown
at them, or even just Jowgen beating them down.
making a hand full of excellent cards useless is also a
great way to break an opponent. They will look at their
copies of Judgment Dragon and friends with disgust as you
beat them down with your 50 cent Kycoo and Royal Oppression.
Not to mention that all of the differing effects of your
monsters and your spell and trap cards will keep your
opponent guessing as to what you are going to play next.
Weak Links
This deck is mostly about stopping monster cards, which
leaves it very much open to a collection of unsavory spell
and trap cards. Mirror Force, Solemn Judgment, Torrential
Tribute and even Lightning Vortex all take a heavy toll on
this deck. Fortunately, Prime Material Dragon is here to
save the day. You won't always have Prime Material on the
field though, so you might end up taking some wrong hits
from a Torrential.
Crush Card Virus is always a big concern, but since half of
your monsters are over 1500, that shouldn't be that big of a
problem unless you happen to have them all in your hand.
Solemn can negate it, but other wise you are just relying on
the luck that they won't get it on you. Crush Card Virus is
just one card though, so you should not fear it, plus again
Prime can negate it when it's on the field.
Jinzo is your worst enemy. He will negate just about 1/3 of
your deck. Fortunately, Shrink and Book of Moon should be
able to take care of the mechanical android menace. Not to
mention that people are playing less and less of the Android
Psycho Shocker except in dedicated Jinzo decks. Solemn again
will negate it, but you might not want to waste a perfectly
good Solemn on a Jinzo. Royal Decree is even worse for you,
as spell and trap destruction is at an all time low in this
deck. That is why in the side deck for this you should play
some Dust Tornado or even some Twister cards to also deal
with the annoying Imprisoning Mirrors that will destroy you.
And of course as mentioned above the only thing worse than a
Jinzo for this deck would be a Shadow Imprisoning Mirror or
a Light Imprisoning Mirror. Good for us they are relegated
to the side deck, allowing us to side many counters to them
as every monster in the deck is either LIGHT or
DARK. Luckily our traps should save us when a Mirror is out,
still preventing your opponent from getting any momentum off
of a lucky Mirror play.
Shoulda Coulda Woulda
There are many cards that I would love to play in this deck.
Either for space reasons or for budget reasons these cards
were all cut from the final build.
Crush Card Virus
My Body As A Shield
Enemy Controller
Lyla Lightsworn Sorceress
Elemental Hero Wildheart
Consider these cards if you find them important when
building your version of this deck or you are lucky enough
to have a copy of said card. In fact I would say that Crush
Card Virus would be killer in this deck as there are 4 legal
targets and 6 more if you have the nerve to use Shrink on
your own monster. Caius the Shadow Monarch tears through
this deck like butter. Instead of destroying your cards and
triggering Prime Material Dragon's effect, it is just
straight removal as the same is with Dimension Prison. As
with anything that an opponent does that we don't like,
Solemn Judgment takes care of it and Book of Moon can help,
either by turning your own monster face down to protect it,
or setting Caius up to be attacked next turn.
Originally this deck was intended to be a completely LIGHT
deck using Honest, but I made a wager with myself not to use
expensive cards, so this one came into being. If you happen
to have a playset of Honest, go ahead and try it. I was
using Skelengel, Honest and White Magical Hat to replace
Dekoichi, Reaper and Donny Z. You may find that this one
works better, I don't know.
Well that's it for this deck, contact me at
where I will answer any and all emails. Oh, and don't forget
that there are tournaments run every Saturday and Sunday in
Davis California. Just send me a mail or a pm on the boards
for more info.
Thanx for reading!