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More Cards That You Should
July 15, 2008
Scary Stuff
Well thanks to a multitude of horror flicks watched in my
horror films class and about a gallon of Wild Cherry Pepsi,
I can't seem to go to sleep tonight, which is good for you
guys cuz I'm gonna pump out another article, yay! I also
managed to reap the rewards from a thread I started on the
forums, where I asked you guys which cards you wanted to see
in my underrated cards section. I expect all of you reading
this to comment on which card you want in my next article.
It's in the gossip section if you want to add to it.
Today's article contains some cards from the list, as well
as some that I have wanted to do for a while. First up we
have the indomitable Don Zaloog. Next is the mysterious
Mezuki from the upcoming Premium Pack II. Third is the
sleeper hit Necro Gardna. Second to last is Winged Kuriboh
Level 10. Then coming in last is Rescue Cat.
I Traded In My Guns For Swords
Yes, Don Zaloog. At one point the second most popular card
in the game. Now most disregard him as trash with his low
ATK score. The power of Don Zaloog cannot be denied though.
discarding a card form your opponent's hand can be glorious.
Even discarding from the top of your opponent's deck is
Fortunately for our thieving friend ATK modifying cards are
at an all time high. Rush Recklessly, Shrink and Burden of
the Mighty are all amazing cards that cut your opponent's
monster down to size, thus getting Donny Z his effect. In
fact a full suite of all of these cards gives Don Zaloog an
almost unbeatable advantage in battle. There's the keyword,
battle. These days most monsters are destroyed by effects.
Namely Dark Armed Dragon, Judgment Dragon and Gladiator
Beast Gyzarus. These monsters are actually easy enough to
stop. Royal Oppression, Black Horn of Heaven, Prime Material
Dragon, My Body As A Shield and Destruction Jammer all
protect Don Zaloog while minimizing the damage to the card
Then there is the classic bait play of setting Heavy Storm
and Don Zaloog. Your opponent summons his own Don Zaloog (or
other 1400 ATK monster like Armageddon Knight or Mystic
Tomato) and attacks, bouncing off of Don's 1500 DEF and
reaping a card from hand. Then to protect their monster and
their hand, they set backrow defense. Next turn you flip
Heavy Storm and proceed to beat face and reap cards at will.
Discarding from the deck for Don's second effect is almost
always secondary to his hand discard effect, but in a game
where graveyard manipulation is key, sending the right cards
to the graveyard can cripple a strategy. dark Armed Dragon
invests a lot of time in setting up the graveyard for big
DAD plays, but a timely Zaloog discard can wreck the balance
of the graveyard, forcing your opponent to either destroy
Don or commit more resources to destroy him.
Most people would say that Don Zaloog's low ATK score makes
him a liability, but I find it a blessing. It gets under
Bottomless Trap Hole, Crush Card Virus and is able to be
Special Summoned by Mystic Tomato. The fact that Don Zaloog
is searchable by Reinforcements of the Army and the Warrior
Returning Alive only adds to his power. In fact I am running
an anti meta deck right now that uses him and just wrecks
Gladiator Beasts. Cool Huh?
This Is My Boom Stick!
As if zombie decks didn't have enough support from the new
structure deck, the arrival of Mezuki will give the deck new
life (pun intended). As is fitting for a good card, it does
stuff with the graveyard, has high ATK points (1700) and a
killer picture, eve if it is just a horse guy and not a
zombie. You will be able to uncover Mezuki in the new
Premium Pack II hitting shelves reportedly later in the
year. You have till then to get your copies of Goblin Zombie
and Il Blud, because zombies just became even more
infectious with this guy.
You remove him from play in order to revive a zombie form
your graveyard. Brokeness on a stick sister. You can make
explosive openings with this card, Red Eyes Undead Dragon,
Zombie Master, Trade-In and Despair From the Dark. Plays
like Trade-In Despair, set Goblin Zombie are amazing plays
when all you have to do with Mezuki is remove him from play.
Along with Il Blud, Book of Life and Zombie Master, the new
zombie deck will basically kick the life out of most decks
out there. They will be as explosive as Lightsworn, as
powerful as DAD, as versatile as Gladiator Beasts and as
consistent as Monarchs.
You will be able to DD Crow Mezuki's target, however
chaining to his cost to remove himself from play will not
stop him. Necro Gardna is another remove from play monster
while in the graveyard, and all he does is stop an attack.
Mezuki summons any Zombie, which is infinitely better. The
fact that he is an EARTH monster does not even hurt his
playability that much. In fact, it probably stopped him from
getting restricted or banned, as Armageddon Knight would
have made Mezuki a broken beyond belief card. Zombies needed
another solid basic monster, and now they have it.
If You Strike Me Down, I
Shall Become More Powerful Than You Could Possibly Imagine
That is what Necro Gardna says to his opponents before they
attack him. Poor stats does not a bad card make as Sangan
and Spirit Reaper have shown. Necro Gardna is a DARK Warrior
with 600 ATK and 1300 DEF. So he benefits from all of the
DARK and Warrior support out there. He is currently used in
Lightsworn decks to get more use out of the discarded from
deck cards. However, he does more than just block attacks.
He makes great discard fodder for any card, as he will just
block an attack. He can be tributed for Crush Card Virus in
a pinch. He can be dropped off with Armageddon Knight (my
standard opening play in a DARk deck), discarded and dropped
off for Dark Grepher, and even used as double emergency
defense from a swarming deck. but what he does really well
is manage the amount of DARK monsters in the graveyard for
Dark Armed Dragon.
Essentially Necro makes any undesirable play a desirable
one. Generally you will want to play this in a DAD deck or a
Lightsworn deck, but I have found that he is just as useful
in Warrior decks as well as having value in stall burn. He
is one of those cards that make Gladiators weep and DAD and
Lightsworn have to factor him into their calculations before
they attack.
He is almost never a dead draw, as even if he is destroyed
by an effect such as Judgment Dragon, he still has worth in
the graveyard.
In fact, people still play Destiny Hero Malicious even
though he is a horrible card. That is how powerful the
remove from graveyard mechanic is. Mezuki is going to revive
zombies with this ability, and Necro Gardna play has no
signs of slowing down in increasing in popularity. So hoard
those DD Crows and break out the Gravekeepers as these cards
will make you frustrated beyond belief.
You Won't Like Me When
I'm Angry
Usually you wouldn't associate such a phrase with anyone but
the Hulk, but when I think of angry pushovers, Bruce Banner
is not high on my list. Now, Winged Kuriboh Level 10 is an
angry beast. His stats are the worst in the game for a level
10 monster, but that won't matter, as he will be smashing
face. You tribute him by playing Transcendant Wings during
your opponent's Battle Phase to destroy all of their ATK
position monsters as well as dealing damage equal to their
combined ATK.
Gladiators, DAD and other cards all require massive amounts
of monsters on the field in order to win, which can spell
DOOM for your opponents. The massive damage that Level 10
can cause is not trivial, but neither is the cost to bring
out Winged Kuriboh's dark side. You need Winged Kuriboh on
the field, Transcendant Wings face down and 2 cards in hand.
You can only activate his effect on your opponent's turn
during his/her Battle Phase.
The cost of playing Level 10 is huge, as your opponent would
likely clear out your puffball and backfield before
attacking. However, in the times that they don't Level 10
rapes face. Most players would not expect to see him, which
makes him that more deadly. Also people are not usually
expecting their attacks to be blocked as Mirror Force play
is at an all time low. So the best weapon that Level 10 has
is surprise. If you can spring this on your opponent, then
it could very well win you the game, however, you better as
the card inestment is tremendous, and not likely to be worth
Thus it is in a burn deck that Level 10 makes his home,
where your opponent's lifepoints are likely to be low and
Winged Kuriboh can be of some use on his own. If Level 10
could be Special Summoned from the graveyard, that would
make him better, as an in hand copy could be used to pay for
the cost of Transcendant Wings and then Special Summoned. As
it is this is a fun play card that could be used to surprise
an opponent enough into conceding because you go the effect
off. I have conceded a game in a Shonen Jump when my
opponent pulled off this ability, just because I felt that
they deserved it.
We Don't Gnaw On Our
Kitty gnaws on you. Rescue Cat is one cool kitten. It was
originally used in an OTK, then in Baburn, then in Gladiator
Beasts and finally in the new Japanese Synchro Summon deck.
The ability to get a +1 from some pretty powerful cards is
amazing. Gyaku Gire Panda, Des Wombat, Neo Spacien Dark
Panther, Test Ape, Test Tiger and a slew of tuner monsters
make this a good pick in many decks.
The most recent place that Kitty has found a home is in the
Gladiator Beast side against other Gladiator decks. You play
Kitty, get Dark Panther and Test Tiger or a pair of Panthers
and proceed to copy Gladiators on your opponent's field for
Gladiator Beast Contact Fusion Shenanigans. But another
Gladiator Beast play involves Test Ape. You Normal Summon
Kitty , then trade him in for a pair of Test Ape. You then
play Creature Swap, getting an opponent's Monster and you
each have an Ape in attack position. One Ape attacks the
other, and Presto! You just got 2 Gladiator Beasts knocking
on your opponent's door, ready for a contact fusion or tag
Kitty is also good in Synchro decks. There are a ton of good
level 3 or lower tuner beasts, and they can easily be used
in conjunction with Des Koala to Synchro Summon Goyou
Guardian, a 2800 Behemoth that will destroy an opponent. You
can also bring out other Synchro monsters depending on what
other monsters are on the field at the time. The last card
that we had that was this versatile at bringing out monsters
from the deck was Last Will and it was banned.
Rescue Cat is one of those cards that everyone loves and few
people use. So go out there and find ways to use the Kitty
and make the Yu-Gi-Oh! community at large one happy body of
That is it for today's article, I hope you liked it.
is where I'll be for questions on cards, decks tournaments
and life. Oh, and don't forget, I run tournaments on
Saturday and Sunday in Davis California, so email me for
details if you're in the area.
Thanx for reading!