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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
RE: What the
July 23, 2008
Here's Another One
Well here is another installment of cards you should be
considering for competitive play but aren't. Burn is a
rather underestimated deck type. But what about cards that
can burn as well as going aggro on an opponent? I am talking
about Reflect Bounder of course. Decent stats, Honestable
and it even does massive burn damage when attacked.
The next card on today's list is Des Koala, the
thunder from down under. Third is Zoma the Spirit, a rather
underestimated trap monster. Fourth is Chain Disappearance,
which likes to do magic tricks with the Joker on Weekends.
Lastly we have Reckless Greed, a card I hate but am looking
at due to popular request.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall....
Reflect Bounder is one of those cards that people have come
to think has lost it's luster and kicked the bucket, kind of
like DD Assailant and Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer. Well, they
would be wrong. Reflect Bounder has never been more useful.
The reason being the cards that are on everybody's mind,
Royal Oppression and Prime Material Dragon. These two cards
when working in harmony create a world in which battle is
the king. And Reflect Bounder loves battle. Your opponent
will take at least 1700 when they attack it, possibly more,
and all you lose is standard damage from a 1700 beater just
like Gladiator Beast Darius.
Even ramming a useless monster into the Bounder is going to
be painful, as they take Battle Damage as well. Seeing as
how people burn through lifepoints these days with both
Solemn Judgment and Royal Oppression, not to mention 800 for
both Brain Control and Premature Burial, and we have a
situation in which 1700 damage from a single card is a lot
of damage. Combine that with other naturally aggressive
decks that like to attack a lot (Gladiator Beasts) and you
have a recipe for disaster.
I mentioned earlier that Reflect Bounder is Honestable. Why
would you want to waste a perfectly good Honest on a monster
that is probably going to die anyway? The answer is simple.
Take a standard scenario. Gladiator Beast Laquari attacks
Reflect Bounder. You Honest, and suddenly that is 3500 LP
right in the keister and they lose their Gladiator. If they
played an early Solemn Judgment, then all it would take is a
well timed Ceasefire to end the game. An aggressive deck
packing Honest, Prime Material Dragon and even Jowgen the
Spiritualist can cause some massive damage when played
Death By Koala
I wish they would have kept the name Death Koala, but oh
well. He really is an amazing card. 1800 DEF is pretty good,
and 1100 is excellent, especially on a level 3 monster.
Being a beast doesn't hurt at all, since he works well with
both Rescue Cat and Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest. If
you haven't been hiding under a rock then you probably know
that the Japanese are using a DARK Beast Synchro deck that
simply owns face. Rescue Cat gets Des Koala and the DARK
Beast tuners, and Presto! Instant synchro summon.
Koala is good on his own too. A standard player has anywhere
from 2-6 cards in hand at any given time with an average of
3. This means an average of 1200 damage from a little flip,
and whatever Battle Damage they took from attacking into
your defensive beast. Setting a monster nowadays usually
means one of 3 monsters, Gravekeeper's Spy, Gravekeeper's
Guard or Legendary Jujitsu Master. All of these cards
are rather painful to attack into, so Koala could end up
sitting on the field for a while as it is mistaken for one
of these more potent cards. Then it is elementary to flip,
deal damage and then proceed to ownage phase by sacking for
a Monarch (including honorary Monarchs Prime Material Dragon
and Jinzo).
Des Koala also works well with a version of Baburn that is
slowly creeping it's way back into the dueling
consciousness. The idea is to use Koala and various other
Beast monsters including Rescue Cat to get the Baboon to the
field really early. A 2500 ATK monster that won't die is
very annoying and rather dangerous. Not to mention that Des
Wombat and Des Kangaroo can be used as well. You can even
use a fusion element with Master of Oz, using fusion
substitutes and such.
This Guy Should Have His Own Horror Film
This is not because the card looks scary, but because the
effect is scary. It not only gets you a beatstick at flash
pace, it has an effect that is very similar to Reflect
Bounder. As such, the card is both an offensive and
defensive powerhouse. 1800 also trumps Bounder's ATK
and the fact that you can surprise tribute it off for a
Monarch can make this card a number one pick in a format
which has been defined by Solemn Judgment. Half of your
lifepoints is a lot, and if you are giving up 1800 just to
destroy your opponent's monsters, that is going to lose you
the game very quickly.
Zoma the Spirit does have the weakness of being a trap
monster, as it can be destroyed by both spell and trap
destruction as well as negated by Jinzo and Royal Decree.
These two cards have kept it out of the spotlight, but since
Jinzo is MIA and Royal Decree use is sparse and far between,
it might be safe for Zoma to poke it's head out of the
netherworld. Gladiator Beast Bestiari is this card's worst
nightmare. as Special Summoning it out will kill Zoma and
the Gladiator Beast deck is playing 3 of them, not to
mention multiple copies of Dust Tornado.
But enough with it's faults. Zoma is a card that is an
excellent choice for this game. Your opponent will be
unlikely to Solemn Judgment it due to the fact that it is
seen as relatively harmless. This gives it a huge edge, as
it is then able to switch to attack position and then beat
face until the opponent destroys it or gets around it by
battle. You can even ram Zoma into an opposing monster to
get it's effect. An attack position Heraklinos just became
your ticket to 3000 points of damage, or 2400 for Gyzarus.
Dark Armed Dragon and Judgment Dragon are both harder to
beat with Zoma, as they'll clear the field before they
attack, and since Zoma is a trap, it needs to be set for a
turn to get it's effect.
I'll Make this Pencil, Disappear!
One card that was very good once upon a time was Chain
Disappearance. It will remove a monster with 1000 or less
ATK and ALL copies of it from your opponent's deck and hand.
WOW. This is not only a gem in combos, but a great follow up
in a mirror match after you have used Trap Dustshoot or
Crush Card Virus and were unable to neutralize all of their
best cards. What are some of the monsters with 1000 or less
ATK that we just hate to see? Destiny Heroes Fear Monger,
Malicious, Disc Commander, Treeborn Frog, Gladiator Beasts
Murmillo and Hoplomus, Exiled Force, Sangan, Lightsworn Ryko
and Lumina and not lastly Gravekeeper's Guard.
Who wouldn't mind not getting those monsters Special
Summoned? I know that Murmillo, Sangan andMalicious have
ruined my day more than once, and these are only cards that
are commonly played in the top decks. I like to think of
this card as a kind of super Bottomless Trap Hole for low
ATK monsters. it can be used as 141 removal or to completely
dismantle an opposing strategy. It is of the same type of
trap as Bottomless Trap Hole, so it suffers from all of the
limitations and such.
However there is even a combo to use with this card. It is
an easy way to get rid of in hand copies of cards that your
opponent has also. If you are playing a Gladiator Mirror
Match (a common enough occurrence) and you are in control of
the field, a Special Summoned Murmillo could be the end of
you. So, use your in hand Murmillo to get rid of your
opponent's! The same maneuver can be done in any mirror
match with the corresponding cards. This is not an ideal
move, but more like one where you are willing to waste the
summon to get rid of the card. D.D. Crow is an excellent
example, especially if you are stalling behind Swords of
Revealing Light.
But the place where this card shines most is against
Lightsworn. Ryko and Lumina both have 1000 or less ATK and
they are both used to build and control field presence. The
deck loses most of it's teeth when either or both of them
are removed form the competitive sphere of the game. Most of
Lightsworn's oppening plays and comeback strategies
involve either Ryko or Lumina and not only does Chain
Disappearance stop the summon of those cards, it removes
them from play, where Lightsworn have no access to them.Also
Necro Gardna if it is summoned can be removed as well,
further removing cards that Lightsworn decks rely on.
I Hate This Card
There, I said it. I loathe Reckless Greed. Not because it
gets played against me, but because people are so willing to
grab cards that they would play a relatively bad card in
decks that don't need it. reckless is an immediate +1, which
is YAY. However, it is an eventual -1 which is NO. Unless
you activate them all at the same time. which is a +!
overall. When was the last time that you had to have all 3
copies of a card on the field at the same time in order to
get a +1? yeah, never. As far as I am concerned folks, the
name says it all, it is reckless to play this card.
So instead of going off on a tirade about how much I am so
disappointed that people would play this card outside of
Exodia, I am going to be positive and suggest substitutes
for it. Of course there is no substitute for an immediate
+1, but I'll try. Good Goblin Housekeeping I have already
said is better overall than Reckless Greed, both for combo
potential and the fact that you don't have to have all of
them on the field at the sam time in order to get it's
beneficial effects to go off. Also who wouldn't want a card
called Good Goblin Housekeeping in your deck, it's
The second and third cards that I am going to suggest are
really the same card. Jar of Greed and Legacy of Yata Garasu
both do the same thing but Legacy is slightly better in that
if your opponent has a Spirit monster you draw 2. These
cards are generally a 141, which is never really bad.
However, if you chain them, you get your opponent's spell
and trap destruction out of the way as well as drawing a
The last card that I am going to suggest is Upstart Goblin.
This has already been used in some cool strategies already.
1000 lp is not very much at all, and card cycling in spell
form is powerful as Allure of Darkness and Destiny Draw come
to mind. The format is so explosive now that it is easy to
make up 1000 damage with the extra cards that Upstart can
get you, especially in a Dark Armed and Gladiator Beast
That's all for this article, I have run out of inspiration
for this week. Reach me at
in order to ask questions, comment or ask advice. I am no
Shonen Jump Champ, but I'll try to give you the best answers
I can from someone who has been around the game since you
could summon Blue Eyes White Dragon without tribute in the
Thanx for reading!