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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
July 28, 2008
I Say Nay!
What is better in this game than to have an opponent that
just realized that their $500+ hand was useless because of a
10 cent rare? Nothing short of winning a major tournament I
would think! Now everyone thought that Gadget decks would be
able to fulfill that ability, as they are dependant solely
on their Normal Summoning, allowing them to play around
Royal Oppression and other cards.
Needless to say that idea flopped on it's face as the deck
was far too slow and the monsters far too little even with
backup from Sakuretsu Armor, Bottomless Trap Hole and
Dimensional Prison. But what I noticed was that the support
cards for the deck were actually very solid. Kycoo the Ghost
Destroyer, Drillroid and Blue Thunder each control a
player's actions, forcing them to play around them.
Eventually, they will just cease to be able to bend around
them and break at the first opportunity.
Basically I took my idea of an aggressive Monarchish deck
and combined it with tech cards that I love and my
opponent's hate. Thus I came up with this.
Why So Serious?
3x Caius the Shadow Monarch
2x Cyber Dragon
3x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
3x Zombyra the Dark
2x Don Zaloog
2x Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Sangan
1x Elemental Hero Wildheart
2x Allure of Darkness
2x Reinforcement of the Army
1x Brain Control
1x Shrink
1x Monster Reborn
1x Premature Burial
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Royal Oppression
3x Solemn Judgment
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Ceasefire
Nothing In My Pockets Except Knives and Lint
Being a relatively poor player unable to afford Dark Armed
Dragon, Judgment Dragon or a suite of Destiny Draws I have
to rely on sometimes poorer substitutes or trying to
outsmart my opponents in order to attain victory. This far
easier said than done, as Adam Corn's Monarch deck is
perhaps the ultimate in a cheap playable deck except for a
Gladiator deck without Heraklinos and Crush Card Virus.
I have found that cards that are disruptive to strategy are
often the most playable in this situation. Every monster in
the deck is designed to do this. Kycoo has great ATK as well
as the ability to remove opposing graveyard effects. He gets
rid of Bestiari, Disc Commander and other cards like Necro
Gardna before they become a true threat. However, his second
effect is good as well, forcing Dark Armed Dragon and
Striker Ninja to rely on battle to survive. Oh and those
pesky Necro Gardnas that Lightsworn decks are using cannot
remove themselves from play and neither can Destiny Hero
Malicious, which creates many dead cards.
Zombyra the Dark was lifted back into the limelight where it
should be with the use of it in a Skill Drain Warrior deck.
The deck failed to get a top 16 finish, but the fact that it
was using Zombyra and working is what is important. Zombyra
suicides with Wulf, Boosted Laquari and will kill anything
under that all for a normal summon without tricks. Add in
some defense and your Zombyra can take out 2 or even 3
Caius the Shadow Monarch is one underrated card. It does not
"destroy" with it's effect, getting around My Body As a
Shield and Prime Material Dragon. The fact that it removes
is also a boon, as standard recursion cards (Premature
Burial, Monster Reborn) won't work as well as messing with
the DAD player's graveyard and wreaking havoc with Gladiator
Beasts. The 1000 damage is inflicts upon a DARK monster that
is removed is just bonus, and throw in the 2400 ATK and you
have a beastly creature.
Dekoichi is also a solid card. The plays are very similar if
not identical to the "protect the Deko" plays of old. People
will likely not waste big removal on it (Torrential Tribute,
Mirror Force) or costly removal (Lightning Vortex, Phoenix
Wing Wind Blast) as the little train has already paid for
itself in card advantage, so they will want to destroy it in
battle, walking into your Prisons and Trap Holes. It is
ideal tribute fodder and that 1400 damage can add up
Don Zaloog is your friend. Seriously. The field is starting
off more bare than not as far as SJC Toronto has gone, and
discarding a card and doing 1400 before they do anything is
just delicious. He does need backup from your spell and trap
cards to be truly effective, but your suite of defense
should protect you. You can even mill the deck to put a
Lightsworn player in trouble of decking out or to mess with
another deck's draws. Add in that he is searchable and DARK
and you have a solid addition to the deck.
Cyber Dragon is the ugly stepchild of Yu-Gi-Oh!. He fell out
of favor a while ago, but I think still has some kick left
in him before he goes out of style forever. 2100 ATK on a
Special Summon is great, as Wulf has shown to be. He can be
emergency tribute fodder for Caius as well, but will mostly
be clearing up the field of a weaker monster for a direct
ATK by Don Zaloog. That is a +2 and lifepoint damage if it
is not stopped, which wins games.
Elemental Hero Wildheart is there for the decks that have
extra protection. He cannot be stopped by most anything
short of Enemy Controller that is played facedown in the
backrow. Also his 1500 ATK is rather large getting around
many of the Gladiators as well as a few Lightsworn and DARK
cards. Mostly he is for direct damage following up an attack
by a larger monster like Zombyra or Caius.
Introduce a Little Chaos And Make Things Interesting
The spell cards of the deck are pretty standard. They either
draw or search, destroy cards or bring cards to the field.
The exception is Shrink, a card that seemed to have missed
it's mark in competitive play. It is excellent with Kycoo,
Don Zaloog and even Zombyra, making a good play into a poor
one usually. I am only playing one simply because your
opponent won't know what hit them. They will be living in
fear of Shrink whenever you have a set, and will often make
plays around it, even when there is no need to, which is
what this deck does.
The traps are also pretty standard, but with two exceptions.
Dimensional Prison is one of those cards that is great, but
not necessarily right now. The fact that Kycoo and
Oppression are going to force more battle is gold for this
guy. Take away their Special Summoning and battling and an
opponent is left with very little to stop you. Dimensional
Prison also stops those nasty Gladiators that get under
Bottomless. And removing Murmillo or Secutor can be a big
blow to that deck.
Ceasefire is in here also because of SJC Toronto. Many is
the time when an opponent is at 1000 or less lp and you draw
nothing to get around them. Ceasefire is almost never a dead
draw. It's damage can stack up beside your battle damage
very quickly. Some people may prefer to play a 3rd
Bottomless or Prison instead, but I like to have it as a
backup win condition when things get simplified.
It's Never That Simple
All of these cards force an opponent to make plays they
would rather not. Using removal on cards that pay for
themselves for instance. Also forcing battle out of cards
not really meant for it because their effects are useless. I
managed to keep an opponent locked down with Kycoo and my
Prisons, making DAD a dead play and Gyzarus a risk because
of Oppression.
The deck can also handle with a variety of situations in the
first game. Rogue decks will have trouble, as they usually
have to use smaller monsters than you. Gladiators are going
to need their spell and trap removal early to counter your
rmeove from play and negation traps. DAD just gets angry
when they have high level dead cards in hand and can't kill
your monsters with Grepher. Lightsworn are just wrecked, as
they rely on battle to get their damage in and if they can't
Special Summon, you have a good chance to press for damage
with Kycoo and Don Zaloog.
The side deck for this deck would have to be fairly complex,
using cards like Banisher of the Radiance and extra warriors
like Cliff the Trap Remover and Mystic Swordsman LV 2. Extra
Shrink could be handy as well, especially against a very
aggro deck. Even tech against Lumina, Disc Commander and
Murmillo in the form of Chain Disappearance could be
awesome. I tested it out today and almost crippled a
lIghtsworn build by removing all of their Lumina and most of
it's access to Special Summoning.
That is it for this article, I have one coming up where I
take a similar stance as this deck, but instead use Volcanic
monsters! You're not gonna wanna miss that one! Reach me at
and don't forget, there is a contest of mine going on in the
forums for all those creatively awesome players out there.
Thanx for reading!