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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
Crazy Cardz!
July 7, 2008
Holy Crow! That's Amazing!
Here is GZ again with another edition of 3 cards y'all
should be playing. There are so many almost tournament
viable cards out there that I feel it is my duty to point
them out as the pros don't always pick the best ones to put
in their decks for their Feature Matches on
The first today is one of 3 good draw traps, Good Goblin
Housekeeping (the other 2 being Jar of Greed and Reckless
Greed). The second is Mobius the Frost Monarch. Old Frosty
hasn't been getting so much love lately, so here is his
spotlight. And lastly there is Majestic Mech- Goryu. I am
more of a fan of Ohka, but this jolly white giant has some
better things going for him than noob-bait.
Greed Is Good
Yes, greed is good. Being greedy with hoarding cards is
amazing in fact. But what I can't figure out is why players
are playing with Reckless Greed. It's, well, reckless.
Drawing extra cards is good, but what if you could do almost
the same exact thing as Reckless Greed, except that you
don't have to skip your Draw Phase and you get to pick the
best one picked up and put away cards you don't need right
then. Interested?
Good Goblin Housekeeping does just this (GGH for short, cuz
my fingers get tired too). GGH lets you draw a card from
your deck for each copy of GGH in your graveyard +1. So the
first one=1, the second=2 and the third=3. But the downside
is that you have to put one card in your hand back. This
makes GGH a -1 on the first play, break even (like Allure of
Darkness and Destiny Draw) on the second and net you +1 on
the last play (like Pot of Greed).
Now this functions very much the same way that Reckless
Greed does, except you don't have to skip your Draw Phase,
meaning more cards for you and less of the mental strain of
not drawing for a while. And that last one is huge. Not
being able to draw is a huge psychological blow to yourself
as you are used to getting the next draw. The other
advantage over Reckless Greed is that Reckless has to have
all 3 on the field at the same time and activated at the
same time to net you any advantage at all (3 cards gets you
six which is +3 and then minus 2 for the 2 turns you don'
draw which = +1). GGH does that on it's own whether or not
they are activated at the same time or not! This is huge in
a game where setting up combos can make or break you.
But the biggest advantage that GGH has over Reckless Greed
is the combo. I am speaking of the classic combo of having a
copy of GGH and Emergency Provisions. You activate GGH and
then chain Provisions. The Provisions activate first,
sending GGH to the graveyard and you gain 1000 life points.
Then GGH resolves, allowing you to draw 2 (the card GGH is
actually in the graveyard, so you draw 2 instead of 1) and
cycle back one, essentially a Destiny Draw that nets you
1000 life points! But wait! There's more! The more GGH cards
you have on the field the more you draw. 2 nets you that
awesome +1 and 2000 life points, and then 3 nets you an
amazing +2 and 3000 life points, not to mention purging your
hand of cards like extra copies of Gravekeeper's Spy or
Gladiator Beasts Murmillo or Secutor.
If you are worried about Emergency Provisions being a dead
draw, you can use it in a deck packing stall cards like
Gravity Bind to get rid of them when you want to attack.
Then you can also use cards like Des Lacooda, Swarm of
Scarabs and Swarm of Locusts to continuously destroy your
opponent's cards and draw. Hmm, seems like a deck is forming
in the back of my mind. Expect an article on it soon...
So basically the point of this section is to say "DON'T PLAY
Nice And Frosty Cold
Oh wherefore art thou Mobius? Collecting dust in those shoe
boxes and collectors tins? Not anymore! Mobius the Frost
Monarch is one amazing guy. He is a standard Monarch of the
WATER attribute and Aqua type but he destroys 2 spell or
trap cards on the field instead of the more monarch standard
of one. Although Kuraz can destroy ANY 2 cards, he does so
at the cost of replacing those 2 and not being able to
attack. Outside of the zany combo deck that uses him, I have
found tha poor Kuraz comes up short. So we're stuck with Mobius
in the standard Monarch deck.
Fortunately this may be Mobius' time to shine, as spell/trap
card play has never been higher. Imprisoning Mirrors of
both the Light and Shadow variety are everywhere, as
is Solemn Judgment and Bottomless Trap Hole. Not to mention
the newest hot tech of Royal Oppression. Mobius destroys
them all. You may lose your Mobius, but instead think of it
as clearing out that Bottomless and Solemn for the safety of
a much more important Caius, Thestalos or Raiza.
In fact, Mobius performs much the same role as Prime
Material Dragon, except he does it or free. I tech Mobius in
my Gladiator Beast deck, just for Royal Oppression. You
cannot negate that nasty little card with Prime Material
Dragon. Also Mobius nets you an even exchange if your
opponent has 2 spell or trap cards on the field. Your Mobius
and Tributed Monster for there 2 spell or trap cards or a
ton of life points in the case of Solemn Judgment. Prime
Material is much more disruptive to your opponent's plans,
but does it at the added cost of your discard.
When I think to myself, "Should I play Mobius or Prime
Material" I think, well, why not both? You can main deck
Prime Material for all those nasty destruction effects and
then side out for Mobius when they side in Light Imprisoning
Mirrors to counter it. Fun, yes? You can even play both main
decked in a 12 gauge Monarch deck!
Fat And Loving It
This guy is BIG! B-I-G, BIG. 2900 ATK is enormous, getting
over every card except for Judgment Dragon that is commonly
played, and he has Piercing? What a deal! Majestic Mech-
Goryu doesn't net you a card like Dark Magician of Chaos,
and happens to be a LIGHT Fairy type monster. But big
piercers are hardly news. In fact Piercing is a mechanic
that hardly sees play as it does not get you any advantage
over your opponent, and is frequently associated with a
cost, like Spear Dragon's turn to defense effect. What makes
this guy good is that you can tribute him with one tribute.
That is really amazing, as the biggest other monster for
over 2600 ATK (barring Great Maju Garzett, as he can have
less ATK) is Superancient Dinobeast, and that you HAVE to
tribute a Dinosaur for that to happen. The downside of
course is that it dies, but even in death, it can have it's
uses. It can be revived with standard recursion like
Premature Burial and Monster Reborn. It can also be
discarded to the effect of Trade-In, a card that is once
again gathering popularity.
You can also use it in existing Fairy builds to remove from
play for Freed the Brave Wanderer. In this capacity, you can
bring it back to this dimension by playing Return From the
Different Dimension and Miraculous Descent. Miraculous
Descent? What does that do? It brings back a LIGHT Fairy
monster from the removed from play pile in exactly the same
way as Escape from the Dark Dimension. The fact that it can
only bring back LIGHT Fairies is a small inconsequence due
to the fact that those decks only play LIGHT Fairies outside
of a few exceptions.
You can even use Goryu in a Reasoning/Monster Gate deck.
Most people would not call 8 after they have seen your Dark
Magician of Chaos, easily netting you a 2900 ATK behemoth
with piercing, making their attempts to hide from it only
make things worse. And if you have it in your hand, you can
tribute a only one monster in order to help you make your
push for game.
There are more than just these possibilities for Goryu, and
even GGH and Mobius. I can't possibly name them all yet! So
get out there and experiment!
In Local News...
For those of you that live in the Davis California area
(including Sacramento, Woodland and Elk Grove) a new card
shop has opened up in Downtown Davis at the intersection of
G and Second Street. They will be focusing more on Magic:
The Gathering, but have agreed to allow us to use their
rather roomy space for Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments on Saturdays at
1:00 pm. We want to see how many people will be willing to
show up, and maybe some of you readers don't know about
Droms Trading Cards and Comics yet. They are applying for
Hobby League kits and official tournament organizer status
as we speak, so Hobby League Promotional reprints and
Champion Packs as well as Champion Sleeves and deck Boxes
will be available as prizes when that happens.
Also they will be having a Grand Opening on the 25th of
July. There will be free Pizza, Soda, Coffee and Pastries as
well as a Pre-Release for Magic: Gathering and various Magic
drafts, sealed and constructed win-a-box tournaments. I may
talk one of the owners into having a Yu-Gi-Oh! portion of
the event, but again, I want to see how many people are
interested before we make the effort.
Also there is the standard 12:30 pm tournaments at Bizarro
World on F and 5th Street on Sundays. Note that this
tournament allows you to play Traditional OR Advanced decks
all in the same tournament! SO if you can't make it to one
of them, there is always the other to go to on the week end.
Prizes are often booster packs of the latest Yu-Gi-Oh!
product. Also EVERYONE gets a prize pack just for showing
up! They also have a wide selection of Yu-Gi-Oh! card
singles as well as boosters, decks and pretty much anything
you could want they can Special Order. For those of you who
also are Pokemon Trainers, they have organized Summer
Pokemon League Play and the biggest selection of Pokemon
cards i have seen in a while.
It has rather been a stale dueling scene around here in
Davis, so we want any YugiManiacs to come on out. We're a
pretty friendly group, but we get tired of playing the same
10 people or so. So assuage our boredom and come on out!
You can get ahold of me at
for questions, comments, advice, decklists and info. Please
put YUGIOH in your subject line, or I will not see it and
not be able to answer your email, which I want to do. I love
mail, as it distracts me from the ungodly amounts of summer
reading that I have.
Thanx for reading!