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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
Tuning Fork
August 22, 2008
Resonance Has It's Virtue
The new Tuner and Synchro monsters are powerful, there is
almost no doubt about that. There are many effective ways to
use them well, with DARK Synchro being the most reliable way
to get them to the field. Of course, there are more ways
than that. You can splash tuner monsters into just about
anything, making them a prime pick for any deck. The
addition of Junk Synchron, Yusei's signature card, to our
lineup is just excellent. It's ability to get even more
monster from your graveyard is perfect for Synchro decks, as
well as being a DARK and a Warrior type monster, the most
supported monster type in the entire game. With Tuners, it
is highly likely that you will get a number of level stars
that does not equal the amount that you want to get for the
task at hand. That is why it is important to get a toolbox
of monsters into your extra deck in order to combat these
The best Tuner monster that we have currently (Before TDGS)
is Junk Synchron. It is easily searchable, and has a level
of 3 with a not so bad ATK. In order to use Junk Synchron
effectively we need a number that adds up to 8, as Red
Archfiend Dragon, Colossal Fighter and Stardust Dragon are
all level 8. This leaves you top get a level 5 monster to
the field in order fo ryou to effectively Synchro summon a
monster. Now what level 5 monsters are easy to summon
without cost and are DARK, so that we can use Allure of
Darkness and it's suite of DARK support?
Duh! Dark World! Yeah, the lights should be coming on now. I
made what I thought was a competitive Dark World deck for my
little brother for use in a local tournament. It faired so,
so for an experimental deck, while my Gladiator Beasts won
the whole thing with only one lost game. As a prize, I got
the new Starter Deck, which happens to include Junk Synchron.
With my brother's deck on my mind, I put 2 and 2 together,
and by jove, 4 is a glorious number!
Miracle Tune
3x Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
2x Sillva, Warlord of Dark World
2x Caius, The Shadow Monarch
1x Dark Magician of Chaos
3x Broww, Huntsman of Dark World
3x Junk Synchron
1x Sangan
1x Morphing Jar
1x Spirit Reaper
3x Dark World Dealings
3x Dark World Lightning
2x Allure of Darkness
2x Gateway to Dark World
1x Brain Control
1x Heavy Storm
1x Premature Burial
1x Monster Reborn
1x Mind Control
1x Card Destruction
1x Smashing Ground
1x Fissure
3x Solemn Judgment
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
Assimilate This!
The great thing about Dark World is that they generate free
monster summons. Card Destruction, Dark World Dealings and
Dark World Lightning all would lose you the cards that are
discarded anyway, but you get to keep them as either draws
or 2300 beat sticks. The problem about all of this is that
the Dark World deck never had a way to win the game without
swarming, limiting them nowadays to something of an OTK deck
that had to outspeed it's opponents. The last few decks that
tried this didn't do so well at major tourneys.
The game is all about field control now, and Tuner monsters
do that better than any others. The ability to drop a
behemoth that can turn the tide of battle is glorious. But,
they often have to invest 2 or even 3 monsters in order to
bring them out, a huge investment for a single card, even if
it is Stardust Dragon. So, why don't we combine free
monsters with cards that like to have cards on the field?
Essentially the trade is your Tuner, Junk Synchron, for Red
Archfiend Dragon, Stardust Dragon or Colossal Fighter.
Even the level 3 monsters in the deck are decent to use with
Junk Synchron, as they will get out Goyou Guardian, who is
probably the best offensive monster ever created. SO, we
give a deck without a win condition a win condition and
voila, a new deck is born. I doubt that I am the first to
think of this idea, and there must be a reason why no one
has used it yet. As far as I can see, it should work fine,
with good control options as well as speed. In testing it
has been so-so against a standard Gladiator Beast deck, but
that is great since it really needs some "tuning".
3+5=Proceed to Ownage Phase
Sillva and Goldd are the main movers and shakers of this
deck, they provide the beating as well as the tuning. The
problem is that they are useless without a discard spell or
Morphing Jar. But due to the amount of spells that we have
(7) as well as all of the card acceleration that we
have, dropping 2 or 3 Dark World monsters to the field a
turn should not be too hard.
Caius is in because he removes things from play. It is that
simple. With all of these free summons of Dark World
monsters it again is not too hard to get this guy to the
field. 2400 ATK is great as well, and the fact that he
work awesomely with Allure of Darkness is too good to pass
Dark Magician of Chaos was a personal choice, as he was the
win condition for the deck that I built for my little
brother. With all of the Special Summons, you can easily
tribute summon him, but methinks that the standard
dump-and-revive play is best. He also works with all of the
draw spells, and has great synergy with Dealings to be
dumped and revived, and then once he is summoned gets you
another discard spell or draw card to get you even closer
to your Synchro powerhouses.
Broww is also an iffy choice. He is a Dark World monster,
meaning that he has a lot of synergy with all of the discard
spells, especially Dealings, effectively turning it into
"Dark World Draw". He can also be used for Synchro summoning
the behemoth, Goyou Guardian. 1400 ATK is also not very bad,
getting over a few monsters.
Junk Synchron is the enabler of the deck, allowing you to
pull off crazy Synchro plays that would otherwise be
impossible without a level 3 DARK Tuner. His effect will be
useless most of the time, as only Morphing Jar can be
brought back with it's effect. The otherwise lack of Tuner
monsters is little cause for worry, as you will be powering
through your deck rather quickly, allowing you to get to him
Dealings is the main draw power for the deck, allowing you
to sift through your deck as well as getting Dark World
effects. you can easily summon Sillva or Goldd and just as
easily draw another with Broww. Just beware, your opponent
is sifting through their deck as well, and might be able to
pull off crazy combos of their own.
Lightning is GLORIOUS in this format. Solemn judgment is a
sitting duck, as is Bottomless Trap Hole and the new fashion
of Dimensional Prison. The Prison is especially cause for
worry, as that is the card that Stardust Dragon fears the
most as far as trap cards go. You can even remove a pesky
face down monster as well as getting another Dark World
monster to coninue your assault.
Gateway is one of those completely underrated cards that is
quite simply amazing. It is the only Quickplay Spell that
will Special Summon a monster from the graveyard, the catch
of course is that you cannot summon during the turn that you
use this. So you set it, and activate it during your
opponent's end phase, allowing you to Special Summon your
monster on their turn and getting you another beater to the
field. In a pinch, you can even activate it on your turn for
a surprise win! The fact that your opponent is not expecting
it is what makes this card so deadly.
Mind Control is a standard card for Synchro decks, as you
are allowed to send the monster to the graveyard for a
Synchro Summon. Plus, it clears the way for attacks by your
Synchro monsters and Dark World cards. There are some crazy
plays involving Enemy Controller that you can do, as well as
other tricks.
Card Destruction is your greatest Offensive weapon.
Summoning multiple Dark World monsters is a great way to win
the game as well as to speed through your deck for Synchron
to Synchro out Stardust. This card is so good in this deck
it should be illegal, but luckily for us, it isn't.
Fissure and Smashing Ground are here because of the trouble
that this deck has with big monsters or indestructible
monsters. These two cards clear the way for a swarm or a
summon of a Synchro. Plus it is just great to have extra
options to destroy monsters that doesn't involve battle if
that pesky Mirror Force is in play.
The trap lineup is kind of just there to keep your opponent
on their toes, as they would expect any set cards to be
bluffs, as this kind of deck rarely runs any traps at all.
Mirror Force is a proven card that stops overextension and
just plain makes people scared that you can play
it. Torrential Tribute is of course the best removal card in
the game at the moment, so we can auto include it. Solemn
Judgment is standard fare for most decks now, as a Gyzarus
at the wrong time, or a well timed Dark Armed Dragon or
Judgment Dragon can make you cry. It is worth half of your
lifepoints to stop that.
We Gouge Evil From It's Shell!
That quote has nothing to do with this section, I just think
it is just plain awesome. This deck has a lot of
weaknesses. for starters, Macro Cosmos decks tear into it
like a mouse into ripened cheese. It is also very hard for
the deck to respond once it gets to the field, with Caius
and Heavy Storm as your only options. Gladiator Decks are
also a problem, as they are almost as fast and can control
the field very well. Dark Armed Dragon and Judgment Dragon
also destroy the overextensions that this deck makes.
The counters to all of these decks can easily be sided, and
main deck, Solemn Judgment solves everything. Fortunately,
this deck is extremely fast, in fact it is hard for even
Lightsworn to keep up and match the monsters that you are
summoning. Speed is this deck's best weapon, as it needs to
get to DMoC, Stardust and Red Archfiend as soon as they can.
Counter Fairies, a likely popular deck choice coming up, and
other slow decks like Monarchs, generally can't keep up with
a deck this fast.
You can change the deck to suite your play style, you can
play a more aggressive version with more Dark World support
as well as changing around the spell lineup as well. I find
that Upstart Goblin is a nice pick, but dropped it in this
build for the 141 destruction and Mind Control. I encourage
you to play around with this deck, as it is really fun. Dark
Armed Dragon can even fit nicely into Caius' slot.
That's it for today, but I will be coming back soon with a
look at the new banlist and what is going to happen when it
comes. You can reach me at
if you have any questions, ideas or cool decks.
Thanx for reading!