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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
Cards to Frustrate
August 28, 2008
Awww, C'mon! Don't Do That!
The above statement is what you want your opponent to say
every time you play a card. Granted, there are a few cards
out there, such as the big three (Gyzarus, DAD and
Judgment), that elicit such a response. Phoenix Wing Wind
Blast, Honest and Legendary Jujitsu Master often get a
similar response. But today, I am going to talk about some
cards that will do the same thing, as well as decks that I
am working on that they could fit into.
And they are, Mysterious Guard, Athena, Majestic Mech-Ohka,
The Herald of Light cards and the old classic of Lava Golem.
These cards all fit nicely into two different decks that I
am working on, disruptive burn and an aggro fairy deck. Each
card will be talked about within the context in which deck
it belongs.
Well, without further ado, lets get cracking!
He's Very Very Mysterious!
Mysterious Guard is one card that I love. But in a format
where Gyzarus reigns supreme, he gets little to no love,
even though I think that in many situations, he is better
than Legendary Jujitsu Master. As a summary of his effect,
you flip him and he sends a face up monster on your
opponent's field back to the top of the deck. Then, if you
have a face-up Warrior, you can return another face-up
monster to it's owner's hand.
The second effect is very meh. Most cards that require
another to be on the field in order to work aren't as good
as they could be. The first effect is where we are gonna
find our prize. Spinning (returning a card to the top of the
owner's deck) is a very powerful mechanic, as it not only
removes a threat, it forces your opponent to retard (not
meant to antagonize mentally challenged individuals) their
draw, making them draw the same card again.
Raiza the Storm Monarch, Legendary Jujitsu Master and
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast are all amazing cards that see play
up to this day, even though some are literally ancient by
5D's standards. Anyway, stopping your opponent from drawing
fresh cards is a sound strategy, one that the Light and
Darkness Dragon Monarch deck of yesteryear used to
perfection. Nowadays, Wind Blast is really too expensive,
and LJM is far too situational, useful only against Samurai
and Gladiators.
Guard is far more versatile, able to return any monster
that's face up, not just one that battled with it. It does
have less DEF, which means that more often than not, it will
not survive the battle in which it is participating, unlike
LJM. However, in a stall based deck, you will often get to
flip the Guard on your own turn. Yes, a stall deck. With the
proper protection, stall burn can destroy any other
aggressive deck. With LJM and Guard stopping their draws,
and Royal Oppression and Solemn Judgment all stopping
tricks, your burn cards can definitely take their toll on
your opponent.
Just saying that you can really use this card to slow down a
deck to whatever speed you want it to.
The Lady of Wisdom
This card is so amazing on so many different levels. Level 7
is not so great, but really not a problem. 2600 ATK is
pretty good for a 2 tribute. But her effects of course are
what makes her so special. You get 600 damage for your
opponent each time a Fairy is summoned, and then you get a
way to bring them from the graveyard. You tribute a monster
to bring a Fairy back from the dead, inflicting 600.
Unlike Lumina and Zombie Master, there is no level
restriction on her summoning ability, which means that
Airknight Parshath, Neo Parshath the Sky Paladin and Dark
Valkyria are all valid targets fro Athena's effect. You can
even use Splendid Venus from the new TDGS expansion set. Of
course, no fairy deck would be complete without Honest, so
using Athena to switch your spare Hecatrice for another
smack with Honest is always a good idea.
Speaking of Hecatrice, there is a reason that Athena,
Hecatrice and Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen were all released
within the same Premium Pack 2. They all work really well
together. Hecatrice searched for Vallhala, and then Valhalla
summons Athena, allowing you to get another monster as well
as an opportunity to get another monster form your
graveyard, as well as 1800 damage just for summoning your
monsters, and then you can smack them for damage, or even
Honest for even more massive damage.
This all makes Athena one of the most versatile high level
monsters, up there with Dark Magician of Chaos. However,
people will not really want to play this card, as even
though she is explosive in the right deck, she doesn't nuke
the field when she comes out, like Judgment Dragon and Dark
Armed Dragon. She swarms fairly well so I think that an
aggro Fairy deck can make some waves at some high level
A Giant Suicidal Winged
Dog Made of Crystals and Metal
Wow, this is an oldie. This is from the first Sneak Peak I
ever went to, back in Enemy Of Justice. Unfortunately, Cyber
Dragon was more than everywhere at that time, so Ohka never
really took off. This mechanical looking dog sports 2400
ATK, six stars and the LIGHT attribute and Fairy type. When
you need to, you can summon it without tribute, allowing you
to use it very well when you need to.
Like Athena, Ohka works best with Valhalla. This way, you
won't have your Majestic Mech dying on you at the end phase.
You can even use it in conjunction with Valhalla to make a
huge swing in life points, Summoning Ohka as well as Athena.
Ohka can also work well in a Skill Drain as well as working
with Light Imprisoning Mirror to keep it on the field.
Creature Swap as well as Ectoplasmer are also good choices.
But where I think that Ohka really shines is in use with the
Synchro monsters. Testing out Ohka in a deck with Tuners is
working really well. Using Valhalla, you can Special Summon
Ohka, and then Normal Summon Magna Drago or Frequency
Magician in order to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon or Red
Dragon Archfiend to blast an opponent.
I have got to say that I am glad that I have collected so
many copies of Ohka over the years, because she just
might make a comeback now that Synchros and Valhalla are all
Heralding Light of Many
The Herald monsters are another monster type introduced in
EOJ. They are unique, in that they are the first monsters to
be really effective at using the "discard from hand to
activate effect" effect. You discard the original two plus
another Fairy type in order to negate an opposing Trap or
Spell, depending on their respective colors. The new Herald
of Orange Light does teh same, but for monster effects.
Used with Athena, this can mean that you can discard a spare
Airknight or Ohka in order to revive them later with Athena.
There is the fact that your opponent will not be expecting a
negation from the hand, unless it is in the form of D.D.
Crow. This means that an opponent is going to live in fear
of Heralds, AND Honest, making them almost incapable of
making a move that they absolutely are sure is going to go
Along with the fact that the Herald of Orange Light is also
a Tuner, you are able to bring out Synchro monsters even
more easily than before with Ohka. Actually, the Orange
Herald is the best one, as you can negate all of the biggest
cards in the game, Stardust Dragon, Dark Armed Dragon,
Judgment Dragon, Gladiator Beast Gyzarus and Red Dragon
Archfiend. With all of the cards that you can draw in the
deck with Airknight Parshath as well as other draw cards you
can easily keep the monsters in hand to make the Heralds
The other two Heralds are also great, as the Fairy deck
likes to make over extensions, and the Heralds help to
protect these over extensions, negating Mirror Force,
Torrential Tribute or whatever you want to negate. With a
lot of surprise behind all of these moves, you can be sure
that at least once, your opponent is going to be completely
caught off guard and wondering what other tricks you have up
your sleeve.
Also in this aggro Fairy deck, I happen to be using
Airknight Parshath and Cyber Dragon, which means that Junk
Synchron is a welcome addition, which can Special Summon a
Herald from the graveyard for tributing use with Athena or
more Synchro Summoning (in the case of the Orange Light
variant). All in all, very versatile cards that are slightly
overcosted unless you are negating a tribute monster or a
card with a cost.
I Would Have Rather Had
A Pony...
That is what your opponent is going to say when you summon
this classic. You tribute their monsters to summon this
behemoth, and they do get it, but you get a +1 upon summon
as well as a 1000 damage bonus. Basically, if it were a
spell, it would be a staple in every burn deck ever made. As
it is, it is a powerful removal engine with bonus damage
attached. You can even revive it to your side of the field
should you ever need to.
This is pretty much the only way that a burn deck can get
rid of threats like Heraklinos, Prime Material Dragon and
any of the Monarchs. These cards all wreak havoc due to
their high ATK and disruptive effects. This also works well
with spinning or bouncing cards, as it would go back to your
hand or deck, ready for another go at removing 2 monsters
and inflicting 1000 damage.
People generally will try to get rid of the Golem as quickly
as possible, as it can accumulate damage quickly. This will
usually allow a burn player to take a breather and regroup
for a turn or two. With all of the other disruptive effects
that a burn deck can pack, it will be frustrating for an
opponent to get rid of the Golem while still dealing with
Threatening Roar, Gravity Bind and Royal Oppression. Since
the Golem is pretty much the only thing we will be Special
Summoning, it is rather easy to take advantage of this card
with little to no ill effects. If they do negate the Golem,
they are still out 2 cards to your one and have paid 800 AND
they lose the Golem to beat you down with.
This is easily one of my more favorite old cards. It does
have narrow uses, but is probably one of the more balanced
cards out there.
Well, I am pooped right now, so I am going to call it a day.
You can reach me at if you have any questions,
comments, ideas or deck ideas. I try to respond to all of my
mail, but be patient, I will get to you eventually.