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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
Getting Back In the Game: Regional Tournaments
September 30, 2008
This One's For All the Donuts
For most players Regional Tournaments are the highlight of
competition in this game. Shonen Jump Championships are few
and far between, so Regionals provide a rather competitive
environment that has decent prize support. You are also only
able to qualify for the National Championships through a top
8 qualification. So there are a ton of reasons to go to
these events as well as a ton of good reasons to do well at
these tournaments.
Unlike a local tournament or other low-key event, it is
simply not enough to show up 30 minutes beforehand still
building your deck. I know I'm gonna sound like a character
from the show, but you have to be one with your deck. You
have to know it's moods, it's powers and it's slumps. One of
my married friends who plays says that he knows his deck
better than he knows his wife. I don't advocate this, but
the moral is that you need to prepare for a high-level
Preparing mentally is probably the single most important
thing you could do to prepare for an event. Like with all
competitions, if you think you are going to lose then you
probably are. Even if you take a huge hit, then it is a good
idea to keep optimism. you're still in the game, and as long
as you have cards in your deck you still have a fighting
chance. I can't tell you how many times myself and other
people have beaten ourselves just by thinking that we lost.
I am not a big advocate of scooping either. My corny quote
is "Never Give Up! Never Surrender!".
Such an attitude can really help. It keeps you focused on
what is at hand, as well as projecting your confidence upon
someone else. In any social situation, the person that
projects dominance upon the other will usually come out on
top. That is just the way that our social system has
evolved. Even if you're not confident, pretending like you
are can win with just that bluffed Heavy Storm can advance
you one round closer to the finals.
To prepare mentally for a Regional, I find that it is best
not to play the night before. Even though you might want to
get some last minute testing done, I don't recommend it.
When I got my invite last year, it was on a full nights
rest. I know all of the tournament reports say "I stayed up
all night doing whatever" but these people are not going to
be playing at their best. Playing tired is probably almost
as bad as not showing up with a deck. You severely decrease
your chances of putting together winning reads and moves
when you can barely stay awake.
Also, you should not play too much a couple of days before
the tournament. I have experienced this as card game
burnout, to the point where you just don't want to play
anymore. That not only isn't fun, but takes away from your
chances at winning.
The day of the tournament, there are a few things that I do
to get mentally prepared. The first is to have a set routine
for the morning of the tournament. I usually get up at a
specific time, and do things in a specific order. You should
do whatever suits you the best. However, the best thing to
do mentally the day of is to listen to music. Traveling with
music is also a lot more fun. it gets you energized. It is
not permitted to listen to music during the game, but in
between rounds it can be a life saver. It not only gets you
pumped back up, but it takes your mind off of the game and
whether you are doing well or not, takes you to an all time
I have a few favorites for yugioh playing, but it depends on
what kind of music you like. "Burnin' Love" by Elvis, "Don't
Stop Believing" by Journey, "The Eye of the Tiger", The
"Rocky Theme Song and "The Touch" by Stan Bush usually make
my playlist for the day.
It might seem like there is not a lot physically that you
can do to prepare for a tournament, but you'd be surprised.
It always, always pays to be organized. Here is a short list
of what I usually go through before I play in a tournament.
Day Before
-Check My Deck (legality, deck size, make sure all the cards
are there)
-Check With My Ride (time, place, do I get a ride back)
-Check My Binder (all the cards I want to trade, nice and
-Check My Alarm (the most important one!)
-Check My Wallet (cash and UDE card)
Day Of
-Brush Teeth
-Deodorant/Anti-Perspirant (second most important one,
-Get Dressed In Comfortable Clothes
-Call My Ride
-Eat Quick Breakfast
-Fill Water Bottle
-Chill Out
I am not saying that if you do all of these things you will
win a Regional Tournament. Actually, that depends on your
skill and deck. These things are just the little extra
things that can get you off of the bubble and into the top
8. Once you're there it's all up to you and your deck.
Preparing Your Deck
Regional Tournaments are unique. They are not quite SJC's
and not quite Local Tournaments. They combine the attibutes
of both styles. Many people will make an inaccurate metagame
read based off of what happened at the last SJC. Regionals
are Regionals because they are not the National Metagame.
The metagame for each Regional is slightly different than
most. My last Regional in Sacramento had a ton of zombie
decks, where in the SJC coverage right before there were
none. Based on this, my team and I were completely
unprepared for the matchup.
It is not a local tournament too. There will be tons and
tons of the most popular decks out there, but still quite a
few Rogue decks that do not conform to the rest of the
metagame as a whole. Your deck and side deck should be made
to style after your metagame. It is good to ask people about
the last Regional that they went to and what decks were
there in force. In a Regional metagame it rarely shifts
drastically, so people will likely still be playing versions
of the same deck they played at the one before.
Looking up tech cards that counter the metagame is always
nice too. Packing 3 copies of Prohibition in your side deck
is of no use when you are going up against Tele-DAd, and
Shadow Imprisoning Mirror is useless against a Lightsworn
filled metagame. If you are unsure of your metagame, then go
with the national one. This way you will be prepared for all
of the major matchups that you are likely to face. You can
always change your side and main deck when you get to the
tournament and find out what everyone is playing.
Playing in a major tournament is like an athletic event. You
need to be focused, strong, well informed and adequately
hydrated and fed. Keeping yourself that way during a 7 hour
tournament is not an easy task. That is why I often bring a
water bottle and some munchies to snack on. This way I never
run out of fuel while playing an important game. A towel is
also a useful tool, as the sweat from your hands then won't
gum up your card sleeves and make them stick.
While playing it it best to keep yourself calm, focused and
relaxed. This way you always make your plays with a clear
head. I'm not saying to play like a robot, but don't get too
tied up the next move. If you portray confidence, then you
are that much more likely to unnerve your opponent.
Sunglasses are great for this, as you can still have a good
time having fun without your opponent seeing certain tells
from your eyes.
Always keep your hand to yourself. You have no idea how many
times I have won because my opponent accidentally showed me
their hand when otherwise they didn't have to. Keep your
hand up close to your chest and face and for heavens sake,
know which cards you have face-down. Torrential Tribute
won't be able to stop Giant Trunade, but that face-down
Solemn Judgment could.
Play quickly, but know what your moves are before you make
them. If you need extra time, take it until your opponent
hassles you or you figure it out. There is no shame in slow
play. It might even make your opponent ancy and make
mistakes because they are not as calm and relaxed as you
are. I am NOT encouraging slow play for tactical reasons,
just for practical ones. Slow Play is a strategy, but I find
that you get a bad rep (like Jason Holloway) or nobody has
any fun at all. I prefer to have a good rep and have fun.
Whew, this article was a whole week in the making, so I am
pooped. If you have any questions about this or anything
else, contact me at . Until, next I write, thanx for