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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
Budget Gadget Rachet
January 22, 2009
Free Gadgets For Everyone!
Well, I went to town in my General Musings article all about
the virtues of a Gadget deck. I have to say, they have never
been my favorite deck type. I always viewed them as far too
slow. I was always a Monarch man myself. Well, anyway, the
last time I saw a Gadget build was in the Gladiator Format
when it was piloted by Nationals Runner-Up Mark Garcia.
Naturally when a player like Mark picks up what many say is
a dead deck, you have to take notice. I must also say that I
have heard of, but not seen, a Gadget deck that sides into
Gladiators. There are clearly tons of different ways that we
can take the Gadget deck. The way I see it, there are four
main types; Negation, Removal, Swarm and Destruction. I will
go over each of them, strengths and weaknesses, and then we
will make the deck on paper so that you can see the
decision-making process.
Negation Gadgets are pretty easy to build. The key cards are
Thunderking Rai-Oh and Royal Oppression, forcing your
opponent to work around your cards that are limiting their
options. Little City and Counter Fairies function this way.
A lot of Counter Traps also make it into the lineup like
Solemn Judgment and Divine Wrath, whose cost is mitigated by
the Gadgets themselves. The weakness with this deck is going
second. If you go second, your opponent already has cards on
the field, forcing you to make some proactive plays with
your Gadgets, not something we want to do in this deck. This
deck also packs less destruction, making it more effective
against Stardust Dragon than Colossal Fighter.
Removal Gadgets are all about removing cards from play.
Macro Cosmos, D.D. Survivor, Dimensional Fissure and I have
even seen Dark Core make the cut here. The idea is that much
of your opponent's strength is going to be in the graveyard,
and if that graveyard is removed, then they have more
limited options in which your removal spells and Gadgets can
deal with whatever is left over. This deck also does not
pack as much destruction as other builds, so it is
relatively easy to run over a Gadget, but D.D. Survivor can
help with that. The major weakness here is that if you do
not get Macro Cosmos, Banisher of the Radiance or
Dimensional Fissure, you have a bunch of dead cards in your
hand. The deck also topdecks very badly, as stray copies of
removal cards do not deal with that Thought Ruler Archfiend
they just summoned.
Swarm Gadgets make use of getting a lot of Gagdets to the
field. They use cards like Threatening Roar, Waboku and
Messenger of Peace to stop your opponent's Battle Phase so
you can swarm with Gadgets. This deck favors destruction
spells over traps, using Smashing Ground, Fissure, Hammer
Shot and Soul Taker to destroy your opponent's monsters and
then Battle away. In fact, I have even seen this build run
Jinzo to stop opposing Traps from messing you up. The
weakness with this deck is Destruction negation. Generally
the deck will not run Shrink, so Stardust Dragon is going to
mess you up bad. As with all Gadget decks, Spell and Trap
destruction ruins the deck. This deck will probably fair a
little better nowadays, as the emphasis has been place on
the Battle Phase for opposing decks, rather than the Main
The Destruction Gadget build is the classic one. They pack
basically removal cards and Gadgets, with the main strategy
that your opponent is going to run out of monsters before
you run out of Gadgets. They pack the max of Sakuretsu Armor
and Dimensional Prison as well as Bottomless Trap Hole and
the usual spell removal. This was what the famous 5th Gadget
build was, destruction with a 5th of the deck being Gadget
cards. The weakness of this deck is of course going to be
Stardust Dragon. This can be easily mitigated by the use of
Compulsory Evacuation Device instead of Bottomless Trap
Hole. I feel that this has always been the strongest Gadget
build, so we are going to go into the deck building with
this card in mind.
The Gadgets-Red Gadget, Yellow Gadget and Green Gadget
Thunderking Rai-Oh
Cyber Dragon
Elemental Hero Wildheart
Rose-Warrior of Revenge
D.D. Survivor
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
That's a lot of monsters that I have selected for the deck.
As we are going to stick to a 40 cards deck instead of going
to a 45 card 5th Gadget build, we have to make a lot of
cuts. The first is Thunderking Rai-Oh, who will not only
negate your own Gadgets, but make it that much hrader to
draw into a Gadget. The second is Drillroid, who has almost
no use anymore due to the utter lack ot most Flip monsters.
Cyber Dragon gets axed too, as at one we cannot use Future
Fusion and Overload Fusion to get Chimeratech Overdragon
going. Jinzo is cut as well, simply because we are playing
more traps than the Swarm build. D.D. Survivor gets cut
initially because of the lack of removal cards and the fact
that an 1800 ATK slot is better reserved for Kycoo.
So if we play each of the remaining cards at 3, we get this
9x Gadgets
3x Wildheart
3x Rose
3x Kycoo
That is a healthy number of monsters at 18. I would prefer
to go for less though, but we'll move on to the Spell and
Trap cards in order to see if we have to make any cuts.
Soul Taker
Heavy Storm
Giant Trunade
Smashing Ground
Hammer Shot
Lightning Vortex
Monster Reborn
Brain Control
Reinforcements of the Army
Shield Crush
The first card that we are going to cut here is Heavy Storm!
Oh Shock and AWE! Giant Trunade is better here as we will be
playing a TON of Traps. Next is Brain Control, as it doesn't
actually kill anything. Hammer Shot is next, as a chained
Shrink or Book of Moon can have you kill your own card.
Shiel dCrush gets the axe becaus ewho plays cards in defense
mode anymore? So if we leave it as is, we get:
3x Soul Taker
1x Giant Trunade
1x Smashing Ground
1x Fissure
3x Lightning Vortex
1x Monster Reborn
3x Shrink
3x Reinforcements of the Army
That means that 16 spells is too much. So we will do a
little trimming right now. ROTA is put to 2, as is Shrink
and Lightning Vortex. That leaves us at 13, much better.
Dimensional prison
Sakuretsu Armor
Widespread Ruin
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
Solemn Judgment
Well, as much as it pains me, we will have to cut all o
fthese three cards, Sakuretsu Armor, Widespread Ruin and
Bottomless Trap Hole. Saku and Widespread get negated by
Stardust and are not chainable, meaning that you probably
don't want to play them. Bottomless is great, except that
Malicious and Krebons can't be hit by them. Phoenix Wing
Wind Blast is next, as we can easily remove threats and
Compulsory will deal with Synchros. That leaves us with:
3x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
3x Compulsory Evacuation Device
3x Solemn Judgment
leaving us with 11 Trap cards. The trap lineup is likely not
to change, so we can leave it as is.
We are over our 40 card limit, so we have to make a couple
of tough cuts. Wait, just a Rose and Wildheart, not so tough
afterall. So we will have the finished decklist like this:
To Be A Gadget
9x Gadgets
2x Wildheart
2x Rose
3x Kycoo
3x Soul Taker
1x Giant Trunade
1x Smashing Ground
1x Fissure
2x Lightning Vortex
1x Monster Reborn
2x Shrink
2x Reinforcements of the Army
3x Dimensional Prison
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
3x Compulsory Evacuation Device
3x Solemn Judgment
the Pieces Come Together
The deck is going to play very nicely. The only hole is that
you may not draw a Gadget in your oppening hand. Don't fret.
You can stall with your destruction cards until you can get
the Gadgets to the field. Keep in mind that this is a
skeleton deck that can be modified for playstyle as well as
metagame. The idea is tohit the field with Gadgets and keep
them on the field. Simple. This is very similar to the
Monarch builds of old. Except that you should not run out of
cards before your opponent.
Wildheart is perfect for opposing Phoenix Wing Wind Blasts.
He is an aggressive beast, able to punch through almost any
defense that has been prepared. This is great for attacking
into the unknown, as Mirror Force and Torrential Tribute
hurt you badly. this guy, not so much.
Rose is there for Synchro Summoning. Her effect is nice, but
Synchroing with a Gadget is glorious, and will often help
you to win the game before DAD or Judgment Dragon hits the
The Gadgets are your main Battle Force, allowing you to
attack without fear of removal as if a Gadget is spun, all
the better for you. They get you cards in hand for Lightning
Vortex as well as batttle.
Kycoo prevents the pesky Necor Gardna, Mezuki and Malicious
cards that are goimg to ruin your day. Kycoo is an all-star
this format, so you should be able to remove a large part of
your opponent's graveyard form play due to his effect.
Soul Taker is your answer to everything that is not Thought
Ruler Archfiend and Stardust Dragon. The 1000 lp gain is
minimal, and an attack from a Gadget will wipe that out
easy, so removaing any face-up monster is worth it.
Smashing Ground and Fissure fall into the same category as
Soul Taker, only without any benefit for your opponent. They
are your old standbyes to get rid of Thought Ruler or even
Stardust for a turn.
Giant Trunade is yoru spell and trap removal. You do not
want to kill your own traps, so Heavy Storm is out. It is a
temporary solution, but you can often force a lot of damage
through in one turn.
Lighting Vortex is your panic button. You activate it when
things are getting too hot for a single kill spell to
handle, so why not take out everything? Spare Gadgets feed
this card quite nicely, so it is a natural fit.
Monster Reborn brings back any card you need, especially
Rose for additional Synchro Summoning. It is one of the best
cards int ehgame, so it should not be overlooked, even here.
Shrink is the answer when everything else fails. You can
Shrink just about anything except for TRA, so it is a good
multipurpose answer when you have no other option.
Reinforcements of the Army speeds you a little bit through
the deck as well as getitng the right Warrior for the job.
need a Synchro? Get Rose. Need to attack through D-Prison
andMirror Force? Wildheart is your man.
Dimensional Prison kills any card except for Thought Ruler,
so you will be using it a lot. Synchros hate it and
non-legendary monsters do too. I tisn't chainable, so you
should be careful about setting it if you suspect Lyla,
Breaker, JD or DAD.
Mirror Force and Torrential Tribute are your Mass
Destruction, clearing teh way for your Gagdet Brigade. Not
much else to say except tha tthese are the big Daddies for
the deck.
Compulsory Evacuation Device is spot removal, forcing
Malicious or Krebons back toyour opponent's hand and
delaying Synchro Summoning or just killing the Synchro
Itself. This is one of the better cards right now, and there
is no reason not to run it.
Solemn Judgment stops anything you don't like, so JD, DAD
and whatever you need to be stopped can be Stopped. It is
good in the game right now, and is the only expensive card
in the deck, so yeah.
Well, that is it for me today. Hopefully I will write even
more in the future, so you can email me at with any ideas or whatever, azs I
really do appreciate emails.
Thanx for Reading!