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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
The Perfect Storm
January 26, 2009
This One Storm Is Going To Change The Face Of Our Planet!
Well, maybe not the planet,
but the Yu-Gi-Oh! world will certainly be feeling it if I
can get the deck to work right. You all know that I am a BIG
fan of WATER decks, so for those of you who only play CC
decks and have no innovation in you whatsoever, go back to
humping your $2000 deck. For those of you who would like a
shot at taking out that $2000 dollar deck with one that
costs less than $100, stick around.
It is no secret that bouncing effects and spinning effects
are very strong in the game now. Bouncing or spinning a
synchro is as good as killing it, as your opponent has no
way to access it. Even spinning or bouncing Dark Armed
Dragon at the right time can be game-breaking. The effects
are not so good against Lightsworn, as they will simply
re-summon Judgment Dragon, but the Ligthsworn are seeing
less and less play. Zombies really hate bouncing effects, as
ZOmbie Master does not activate if he is removed from the
field like Lumina, so you can force your opponent to lose
htier critical Normal Summon. Not to mention that it can
disrupt critical Synchroing by returning a dead
Plaguespreader back to the hand.
Of course, you need time to set this all up, as most of the
good bouncing effects that we will be using are from set
monsters. Fortunately, the Standard Tele-DAD deck has no way
to remove facedowns without DAD. Coolio! So if we can negate
DAD, we can bounce and spin as much as we like while poking
for damage. Hmm, a nice idea to be sure, but a summoned
Stratos will simply give our opponent more answers each time
we bounce it. So, we need to play big guys as well.
With this in mind, I built the following deck to abuse
bouncing, spinning and just general rudeness to your
opponent's strategy.
Buried Treasure
1x Levia-Dragon Daedalus
1x Raiza, The Storm Monarch
3x Warrior of Atlantis
3x Abyss Soldier
3x Penguin Soldier
3x Nightmare Penguin
2x Mother Grizzly
2x Yomi Ship
1x Sangan
3x Salvage
2x A Legendary Ocean
1x Brain Control
1x Monster Rebron
1x Giant Trunade
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Royal Oppression
3x Compulsory Evacuation Device
3x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
3x Solemn Judgment
1x Mirror Force
Madness! Sheer Madness!
Well you will be looking at this deck thinking that it is
never going to win. There is no draw power, no bomb dragon
and no way for you to Synchro. Well, the deck is supposed to
take the game to a slower level, so generic draw power is
just dumb. There is a bomb dragon in Daedalus, but he is
rather situational and without the dramatic effect of JD or
DAD. There is also no decent WATER Tuner or Synchro. That
little normal one fromthe structure deck doesn't count and
Brionac has not been released outside of Japan yet.
Basically the ideal opening is to set a Penguin Soldier or
Nightmare Penguin, a Compulsory evacuation Device and a
Royal Oppression. You might want to add Solemn Judgment in
there to deal with the all too real threat of Heavy Storm.
The Penguin and Compulsory will deal with any monsters that
you may encounter, and there is nothing more fun than
spinning a Malicious or a Krebons back to their hand,
leaving the other card hanging in limbo.
I did leave the deck at 41 cards (blasphemy!) because I just
couldn't bring myself to cut Mirror Force (also blasphemy).
Mirror Force is all too good right now. Removal is at an all
time low, so Mirror Force should be able to be activated. At
worst it is a shiny Threatening Roar and at best it is
Raigeki. So, a card that good should really help out a
supposedly crappy deck like this one.
The Players
Levia Dragon Daedalus is our bomb. He hits the field and
nukes stuff. Of course you have to have 2 tributes and a
Field Spell, but that is what it used to be required to
clear the field with a monster. 2600 ATK is really nice, but
not epic, so only one copy is included.
Raiza the Storm Monarch is in here to continue with our
theme of spinning and bouncing. 2400 ATK is going to be a
God when Special Summons are negated, plus he wil retard
your opponent's darw, meaning that they will rarely draw out
of their bad situation.
Warrior of Atlantis is going to be one of the Main Attackers
for the deck. His 1900 ATK (2100 with ALO or NP) is high
enough to get the job done. His search effect is also nice,
as deck thinning out those otherwise useless ALO's prevents
bad draws in the future. He is a solid WATER monster and a
good companion to other cards in the deck.
Abyss Soldier is what we had when Snipe Hunter wasn't
around. 1800 ATK is huge on it's own. He is also the only
monster that has a continuous built in bouncing effect. The
discard cost is mitigated by Salvage, as you can get back
Penguins, Bears and Ships to discvard with both PWWB and
Abyss Soldier. If you need to get that Thought Ruler
Archfiend off of the field RIGHT NOW, this guy is the card
that you use.
Penguin Soldier is one of my all-time favorite cards.
Clearing out 2 monsters from a simple Flip effect is HUGE.
You can also get some combos going, returning himself (if
you flip him yourself) or another monster you control to
your hand to keep them safe or to re-use their effects.
Breaker and Stratos would be good to bounce back to your
hand, but we don't run them here. He is also Special
Summonable by Mother Grizzly in a pinch and can be returned
to your hand with Salvage. He will be your main removal
Nightmare Penguin is Penguin Soldier's big brother. He can
only spin one card, but that's just it, ANY card. Annoying
Black Garden's, Burden of the Mighty's or even unchainable
facedowns like Solemn Judgment or Mirror Force fall to his
effect. Throw in his little ATK boosting effect with ALO and
suddenly you have a boosted attack force. 200 actually adds
up pretty quick. His superior ATK and DEF will also deal
more damage than the Soldier, as wella s withstanding much
of the attacks your opponent i slikely to make.
Mother Grizzly is here to keep up field presence. With a lot
of Flip monsters, it is actually often hard to get an
attacker with teeth. Grizzly does that as well as getting
you a replacement monster should she be destroyed. She will
also search out Yomi Ship, which can really help with
removing cards like Thought Ruler Archfiend or a troublesome
Colossal Fighter. Sh ealso combos with Salvage and Abyss
Soldier, which is nice.
Yomi Ship is this deck's version of Exiled Force or Newdoria.
It is not as fast, searchable nor awesome, but it works, and
we needed the WATER monsters for Abyss Soldier's and
Salvage's effect.
Sangan is the generic search card. He will search out 10 of
your cards, which are needed to fuel Abyss Soldier and
Salvage. His 1000 ATK and penchant for not being a
lightningrod for destruction actually make him a decent
topdeck or attacker, so he will be one of our two non-WATER
The Stage
Salvage is your advantage getter. You lose a lot of cards
fast to Abyss Soldier, Phoenix Wing Wind Blast and even
Compulsory. This helps to get cards back for use here as
well as for re-use of their effects. Your opponent may
breathe easy when all your Penguins are gone, but Salvage
keeps the pressure on.
A Legendary Ocean is good for an ATK boost as well as for
the effect of Daedalus. 200 ATK is actually a lot, and 2100
and 2000 ATK monsters beating you down is not fun at all. It
also makes it far easier to summon Daedalus, which could
mean the difference between victory and defeat.
Brain Control clears out an opponent's monster as well as
allowing for a Tribute Summon of Raiza or Daedalus. More
importantly, it allows you to get more damage on the table,
which can be hard with this deck.
Monsters Reborn is the only card that contradicts with Royal
Oppression. I think it is worth it tough, as you will not
always have Oppression on the field. It is one fo the best
cards in the game, so there is little reason NOT to run it.
Giant Trunde is run over Heavy Storm due to all of the
facedowns that you have set. You don't want to kill all of
your cards in order to get rid off your opponent's one
backrow, so Mystical Space Typhoon and Giant Trunade get the
job done.
The Props
Royal Oppression does what it does best. It negates Special
Summons, allowing you to dominate with your Normal Summon.
It is so effective, it is even being used in Tele-DAD decks
to counter other Tele-DAD decks. And in a deck that runs one
Special Summon card and TONS of removal, this card is a God.
Compulsory Evacuation Device is one of my favorite cards in
the game right now. It can save a monster from an attack,
destruction or spinning as well as be used defensively.It
has no cost, so this effect is often followed up by an
attack with Abyss Soldier or Warrior of Atlantis. VEYR NICE!
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast does the same things as Compulsory,
but more-so to be used on your opponent's cards. It is more
versatile than CED, and it's cost is mitigated by Salvage,
so it is hard to justify NOT running this card. You get rid
of their card, and force an opponent to draw it again,
making it harder to get out of the confines of the lock that
this deck can make.
Solemn Judgment stops everything. There is a reason I say
"God Says NO!" when I play this card, as it will effectively
stop an opponent cold. When there are an average of 3 cards
in an opponent's deck that can stop the lock for this deck,
Solemn proves invaluable. As always, playing Oppression and
SOlemn together can cause lifepoint problems, so use only if
you have no other choice.
Mirror Force is a classic, and rihgt now, it is better than
Torrential. Especially in this deck, as we often want to
preserve our facedown monsters, very much like the "protect
the deko" play that used to be so popular, except it is
protect the penguin in this case.
The Slops
This deck is BAD against Lightsworn. Honest, as well as
their natural ATK are hard for the deck to deal with. They
also have a lot of destruction, Lyla and Celestia spell doom
for the deck. However, Ehren is rather nice, as you still
get your Flip effects and a chance to darw your Penguin or
Yomi Ship again. Judgment Dragon just owns, but Oppression
and Solemn put a stop to that.
The speed of Lightsworn is also a problem,a s they are more
likely to get to their JD or Celestia before you get to your
cards to stop them. As of yet, there is no WATER draw card,
so it would gretaly speed up the deck and add consistency if
we did. Anyway the deck is slow, but your cards should slwo
it down enough to get you back in the game.
That is all from me for this article, you can email me at if you have an need to contact me.
Try to put YUGIOH in your sunject, otherwise it might be
discarded as junk.
Thanx for reading!