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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
I Frog You To Death!
January 28, 2009
One of my favorite cards in the game is Froggy Forcefield.
It has the best name, art and at least a decent effect. I
have been waiting for a time to put this card into a deck.
The time has come. CRMS comes out in a month, and it packs
with it a pair of forceful frog friends that can turn the
game on it's head. They are
Fiendish Wisdom Frog and
Flipped Frog. These froggies will certainly give
fiendish frog fans something to celebrate, but as of now,
they are unavailable to us :(
So what do we do? We make the best of it and trudge on. A
version of this deck with the FWF will be made after CRMS is
released, but I feel it would be unfair to the deck to show
you how good it will become without you seeing how good it
already is. The key is Substitoad. It always was. It is the
best form of support that the frog deck has, able to search
out ANY Frog. When was the last time that a card could
search for any monster just with a tribute? Oh yeah,
Lonefire Blossom! And that cute flower is used in one of the
top decks in the game right now.
So how can frogs win? Wetlands when combined with Unifrog
are nice, but they won't win you the game. Beelze Frog is a
joke as a win condition, as he is more of a brawler. Des
Frog is nice, but 1900 is not going to win you the game on a
tribute monster. So how do you do it? Des Croaking is the
answer, as it always has been. So, we use the plethora of
WATER and frog support to put together a deck that uses Des
Croaking as a Win Condition. Great. Now how do you get three
level 5, 1900 ATK almost useless frogs to the field to
activate it?
3x Des Frog

3x Beelze Frog
3x Poison Draw Frog
3x Substitoad
3x Mother Grizzly
1x Sangan
1x Treeborn Frog
3x Salvage
3x Hand Destruction
3x Fires of Doomsday
3x Des Croaking
2x Pot of Avarice
1x Scapegoat
1x Giant Trunade
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Solemn Judgment
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Froggy Forcefield
1x Mirror Force
Kiss A Frog,
Make a Prince!
In case you couldn't figure out the combos, here
is a brief summary. You use Hand Destruction and Salvage to
sift through your deck until you get to Des Croaking,
Scapegoat (or two copies of Fires of Doomsday) and
Substitoad. Hand Destruction will send your little frogs to
the graveyard, but Salvage will get them back, effectively
turning the combo into a sifting card. Not efficient, but
fun. You then set Scapegoat/Fires and a throwaway monster,
just to let them think you have a bad hand.
They kill the monster, probably deal some damage and then at
the end of the turn, you spring your Fires/Scapegoat. You
then Summon Substitoad, tributing a token to bring out
Poison Draw Frog. Tribute that Frog to bring out another,
and you draw a card. Rinse and repeat until you have run out
of Draw Frogs and start to bring
out your Des Frogs. You can also use Pot of Avarice to
continue the combo, as you will likely have 5 monsters in
the graveyard, and then basically draw 5 cards for free.
At this point you should have 3 Des Frogs a Token and the
Substitoad. You tribute the last token to bring out Beelze
Frog and the Substiatoad to bring out another. Play Des
Croaking and voila! Instant OTK. Of course, Solemn Judgment
and Phoenix Wing Wind Blast ruin your day, but Giant Trunade
and Heavy Storm save the day, wiping out opposing traps.
Just in case you DO get stopped somehow, you can use Pot of
Avarice to shuffle your Des Frogs back into the deck to
bring them out with Substitoad all over again! In fact, even
if they do Solemn a Des Croaking, you should have drawn
enough that you have another, especially if Pot of Avarice
is in the mix. Of course, you will only be able to run this
through twice, so choose carefully. You can decide to add
another PoA if you wish, but
I find it is too much of a
dead draw anyway.
I've Got a Frog In
My Throat!
And what a frog it is. Here is the usual place where I go
over what the cards do for the deck, so if you want to skip
down to the fun part I will hold it against you.
Des Frog-This is the muscle behind the deck. 1900
attacking directly is no joke, so if you can combine it with
three others you're in business. Outside of the combo he is
kind of useless, so discarding him to the graveyard for
recursion to the deck with Pot of Avarice is a must.
Beelze Frog is the only frog that has decent ATK
points. As if 1200 is decent. But it is enough for the
combo. He is a little bit more useful than Des Frog, but not
by much. He is a combo piece, nothing more.
Poison Draw Frog-Now here is the enabler for the
deck. His draw effect combined with Substitoad allows you to
draw 2 cards essentially for free (the third is covering the
Scapegoat/Fires cost). If you can combo him with Pot of
Avarice, you can draw a whopping +4 in a single turn. NICE!
He is not good at defending though, so he is best left in
the deck for Substitoad, just like his big brothers.
Substitoad-This is the card that makes the deck go
round. He can fetch ANY frog, and he will get so much better
when Fiendish Wisdom Frog comes out. He allows you to search
out draw frogs, death frogs and creepy blue and red frogs as
well as winged and haloed frogs. The one thing he cannot
search out is himself, but Sangan and Mother Grizzly can
search him out, which is the only reason they are in the
deck in the first place. A 3 of is a must. Not to mention
that he has 2000 DEF as a solid stat and prevents your frogs
from dying in battle. Sweet.
Mother Grizzly-This card only searches
out Substitoad. There is nothing else to it. Only in EXTREME
circumstances should you search out anything else, although
it can be used to get any frog in the deck except for Death
Frog. She is also fodder for Salvage and Substitoad, so she
is not that useless. I will probably swap a couple c opies
of her out for Fiendish Wisdom Frog when it comes out.
Sangan searches out Substitoad and nothing else.
plain and simple.
Treeborn Frog is here to up the awesomeness factor as
well as be a frog that you wouldn't
mind being in the graveyard. You can even do a pit stop
along the way to getting PDF and get this guy into the
graveyard as well. He works with Salvage as well as being
more free tribute fodder for Substitoad in a pinch. I would
probably run three if they let me, but they won't..... :(
Frogs Legs jumping
Hand Destruction-This is your draw card. You discard
excess frogs while sifting through your deck. It combos with
all of the frogs and Salvage, so that you can replace the
advantage that you lost by activating it. However, you just
might want to leave the monsters in the graveyard for Pot of
Salvage-This card allows you to get back discarded
frogs as well as Substitoad, and mitigates the cost of Hand
Destruction. I might actually cut a copy of this for Pot of
Avarice, since it is so essential for the combo. However, it
can get back all but 4 monsters in the deck, so it is a must
for play.
Fires of Doomsday is kind of a poor stand-in for
Scapegoat. You cannot pull off an OTK with this card, but it
will allow you to combo with Substitoad for draws as well as
thinning your deck or even acting as a defense should your
OTK fail.
Des Croaking is the key card for the deck. It nukes
the opposition so that you can get in the ol' OTK. Usually
it will get Solemned, but you have other copies, and Giant
Trunade and Heavy Storm should clear enough out to get you
the opportunities that you need.
Pot of Avarice-This card allows you to get more draw
power while setting up your deck with frogs for Substitoad.
I originally thought of it more as a bonus card, but it has
tested to be a real mover and shaker in the deck, so I may
put it back at 3. The most important thing it does though,
is to get Des Frog back into the deck for the OTK.
Scapegoat-This is the other piece of the OTK puzzle,
allowing you to have monsters on the field for tributing for
frogs. Fires of Doomsday can do it, but not as well, so it
is imperative that you get to this card, as it is 1
unsearchable card among 40. Once you have it, wait until you
are sure you can OTK, as you may not get another shot...
Heavy Storm, Mystical Space Typhoon and Giant Trunade
all do the same thing, getting opposing spell and trap cards
out of the way for Des Croaking. Even Phoenix Wing Wind
Blast can ruin your plans so it is imperative that your
opponent's back row be cleared. Solemn Judgment is your
biggest worry, although if they play it, you will have
an easier time OTKing.
Solemn Judgment does what it has always done in
decks; stop stuff you don't want to happen. There is a lot
that can go wrong in this deck, so a Solemn at your back is
a nice thing to have. It is best used offensively, to stop
other Solemns and defensive traps. You could be taking a lot
to the nose when you are setting up your combo, but the cost
actually lessens as you get lower in lifepoints, which is
Torrential Tribute, Mirror Force and Froggy Forcefield
all work to keep your opponent's monsters off of the field.
In fact, a good Torrential is often key to getting Scapegoat
off safely. Mirror Force and Froggy Forcefield both keep
your own monsters on the field while ridding the game of
your opponent's. They are not chainable, but your opponent
will not likely see it coming.
Genetically Altered
Frogs Are the Best Kind
As I have said countless times, the game becomes stale and
boring when you just netdeck what people have on the
internet. You need to make it your own. This deck is no
exception. Change it all you like, but be sure to give me
props when you win that SJC. Just kidding, I don't think it
will win an SJC, but local, just maybe.
But back to the matter at hand. There were a number of cards
that I considered for inclusionin the deck but didn't make
the cut due to size restriction or I felt that they weren't
warranted. Here is a list if you wouls like to give some of
them a try.
Threatening Roar
Lightning Vortex
Pot of Avarice
The Transmigration Prophecy
Magical Stone Excavation
Dark World Dealings
Creature Swap
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
Dark Bribe
All of these cards are worthy of consideration when building
the deck, but you may consider them worthy of inclusion.
Just keep in mind that this is a fun deck, it might be
comepetive, but don't let that stop you from having fun
along the way.
That is it for this articl. is where I'll be if you have
questions, ideas, problems or anything YGO related.
Thanx for reading!
GZ |