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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh Too Powerful to Play
at Two
December 14, 2009
There have been a number of cards that have completely
baffled me as far as semi-limitations are concerned. These
cards appear to be so powerful that they are played in decks
that could not otherwise reasonably support them as well as
forcing decks into the limelight that should NEVER have been
there in the first place.
These cards that I am talking about are Mezuki, Judgment
Dragon and Gold Sarcophagus. They are so pwoerful that these
are the cards that are defining the format. Whereas earlier
this year Gladiators and Blackwings managed to squeeze into
the top 8 at a Regional Championship, now the top 8 is 4
Lightsworn, 3 Zombie and one roge deck that got lucky.
If you look at the rest of the tournament, we see more
anti-meta, Gladiator, Blackwing and odd decks that do
strange things. It is a Regionals after all and there are
bound to be more decks, but after the last Regional in
Sacramento, I saw that at least 1/3 of the ENTIRE FIELD were
Lightsworn decks and roughly another third were Zombie
That tells me that too many of the cards that these decks
play are too powerful.
Don't Judge ME!!
Judgment Dragon is one of the most powerful cards ever
printed. It is up there with the legends of Chaos Emperor
Dragon and Black Luster Soldier and even makes Yata Garasu
(Arguably the best TRading Card made EVER) nervous. Often in
the past it was JD and Dark Armed Dragon battling it out to
see who reigns supreme. Now, DAD is splashed in the
Lightsworn deck just because it can.
I just want to ask this simple question. Why, oh why is this
card not limited? Lightsworn are powerful enough without
having their own Alpha Bomb that they can drop at pretty
much any time they damn well please. Honest is amazing, Wulf
gets the job done and Lumina and Garoth in almost any other
deck would be AMAZING.
With all of these broken cards at their disposal, why do
they even need a pair of JD? The deck can use all of the
milling cards to get to pretty much whatever card they want
in the deck and then easily fill the graveyard enough for
JD. A chained Beckoning Light can even foil a well timed
D.D. Crow to remove the Judger of Tournaments from the game.
What I don't understand is that a card like Demise, King of
Armageddon (even though it was powerfully broken once) who
has 600 less ATK points, costs 1000 more lifepoints to
activate and is IMMENSELY harder to Summon gets the boot
while Judgment Dragon is welcomed into the hearts of
Konami's designers.
I have always thought that the game designers had a soft
spot for Lightsworn. I don't know whether they thought that
the DARK decks were getting too dominant or what, but they
have done almost everything humanly posible to make the deck
win some major tournaments. Well, Konami, you've had your
fun, Lightsworn are running the show and now it's time for
the emergency banhammer.
Judgment Dragon shoud be at 1 or ntohing, as should Dark
Armed Dragon. Nowhere else in the game do we see "Boss"
monsters that are nearly as powerful as these two. All I am
asking for is that a Double JD play not make a player who
has carefully constructed a field to destroy his opponent's
field suffer because of a resolved Gold Sarcophagus or a
lucky topdeck.
So what I would do is one of these things. Put JD at one, or
make it so that he "Judges" monsters only and not spell and
trap cards. This would effectively make a Lightsworn player
HAVE to make his moves more carefully, as the possibility of
trap cards makes JD that much worse. It would bring it down
to the level of the rest of the cards in the game, and make
Lightsworn manageable for many decks that would otherwise
not have a chance.
Ooooooh! Shiiiiny!
Gold Sarcophagus is one of those cards that I love to rag
on, but still keep a playset around. This card is mainly
used to grab a Judgment Dragon from the deck within the
early turns of a Lightswon player's game in order to ensure
that it is not milled and that they can get it when they
need to 2 turns later.
It is also used in Zombie decks, getting the key Heavy Storm
or Giant Trunade while they set up. It can also get the
amazing Plaguespreader Zombie or any other key card and then
returned to the deck with Burial from a Different Dimension
for immediate Zombie shenanigans.
Other than that, I do not see the card anywhere else in my
travels except in the amazing Hopeless Dragon deck to fetch
Future Fusion or a Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. There is
always going to be a problem when an incredibly powerful
card is being underused. So instead of what I want with JD
and Mezuki, I say we UNLIMIT Gold Sarcophagus.
That usually brings a card to the attention of the players
at large and increases the playability of the card in other
decks. I know that it seems that I am giving more ower to
the overpowered decks in the game right now. Let me explain.
The inevitable limitation of Judgment Dragon and Mezuki
would again leave these decks slightly underpowered, unable
to compete with the raging Blackwing deck. Gold Sarc offers
them a way to get to that power and quickly, but at a price.
They must wait for it. We slow the deck down, allowing more
counters for it to be played but not without losing the
intrinsic power of the deck.
We don't want those people who have paid their $500 US for
their decks TOO angry, so this way everybody wins and there
is less of an outcry for these decks to become destroyed,
which pretty much nobody wants.
It's A Horse?
Mezuki should be back at one. Plain and simple. This card
should never have been let off of it's leash, bridle or
whatever. The pair of these cards allows a Zombie player to
go off on turn 2 almost without fail, which almost always
means a loss for the opposing player.
In my playtesting with my friend Michael, I found that he
won on his second turn almost 40% of the time. That's pretty
strong. I was playing a hard hitting Gemini deck that was
usually able to get out 2 level 8 Synchros on turn three.
Guess what happened the other 60% of the time? Go on guess.
20% of the time, he managed to recover from my counterattack
(usually a Colossal and a Bottomless) and get out a Brionac
and/or many level 8 Synchros and beat face. The rest of the
time I managed to smash face or just out-topdeck him with my
actually higher utility cards. Keep in mind that this is a
GEMINI deck that I am playing and not even the strongest
build that I have since come up with.
The wins and losses of these games were linked to which
card? Mezuki. If my opponent had Mezuki in hand or a way to
send Goblin Zombie to the graveyard from the field he was
much more likely to win the game outright.
This is not a good thing. Even Lightsworn players groan when
they go up against a Zombie deck, as it is the only deck
capable of outracing them. Mezuki back at 1 allows the decks
that are slower but more powerful to be able to mount a
counteroffensive or at least survive the initial assault.
The Zombie deck is a Blitz deck, capable of amazing speed
and power, but not able to carry on a sustained assault if
the game were to continue for a longer period of time.
We slow it down by dropping Mezuki and then giving them Gold
Sarcophagus. They have to wait for their instant win and
think about when and where they use their Mezuki, as it can
actually be used indiscriminantly when there are two of
Well, that is the end of my rant, these cards need to be
dealt with, and/or boosted. If you have any questions,
please contact me at or as GeneralZorpa on the forums