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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
I Heart Jank
February 11, 2009
There is no secret that I love random cards. Really I do.
Yu-Gi-Oh! has always been about mixing and concocting things
in odd ways, something that Magic cannot do due to the costs
on every single card that force you to be somewhat themed.
It has been great when you take all of the best cards that
you can imagine and throw them into a deck and you have fun.
Well, I guess that is what Synchro DAD is (it stopped being
Tele-DAD when we dropped the Teleports). You took the best
cards in the game and made a deck around them.
Well, as I currently have no GF, easy classes and am on
taper for swimming (I'm usually a busy guy) I have been
looking through my common/rare boxes looking for some hidden
gems. Penalty Game! was one, but that card just got
destroyed on testing. I am talking about slightly more
"reliable" monsters, spells and traps that can actually work
quite well together.
Sasuke Samurai #4, Dark Core, Compulsory Evacuation
Device, Bottomless Trap Hole and Mirror Wall actually caught
my eye. All of these cards have at some time been considered
for competitive play, but either fell short or where
considered inferior to other cards that were already
released. Well, I actually put them all in a deck together,
and it did pretty well. By no means a top tier deck, but one
that made my Lightsworn deck stumble a little.
He is nowhere near as popular as Naruto's friend, but Sasuke
Samurai #4 is in a league all of his own. 1200 ATK and 1200
DEf on a WIND Warrior is actually pretty good. 1200 is not
ideal, but he can kill Lumina and a bunch of defense
position monsters fairly easily. Like with most cards in
this game, it is all about the effect. Whenever he battles,
you flip a coin and call it. If you call it right, the
monster battling with the Samurai dies before damage
calculation even takes place.
WOW!!!!!!! You have instant destruction on a searchable
Warrior that can actually do some damage to your opponent's
lifepoints? Where has this guy been all my life! Well, the
answer is almost certainly his Attribute. The top decks
right now either use LIGHT or DARK monsters, so WIND is not
actually going to make the cut most of the time. The second
answer is that his effect is not a sure thing. But people
play Snipe Hunter and he can actually lose you far more
cards than Sasuke ever could.
Well, most of the problem with Sasuke is that people never
really played him right. People just plunked him down on the
field and hoped that he did his thing with their fingers
crossed. Relying on luck is a poor way to win the game. That
is why you back up your Samurai with tons of defensive
cards. Compulsory Evacuation Device, Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
and Bottomless Trap Hole are especially effective. These
will deal with the "weak" monsters that your opponent will
likely send out to attack your Samurai. Then your opponent
will likely have to take a gamble and attack with a Synchro
or a Boss monster, all of which get very costly to attack
with when Sasuke does his thing.
The second important thing to note about Sasuke is his
psychological impact. Most players would note his ability
and try to get rid of him as quickly as possible with
removal. As removal tends to be monster based right now,
that is actually very easy to counter. You kill the Dark
Armed Dragon and you kill their removal. But, the thing is
that Sasuke forces your opponent to respond with something
big, meaning that you can save up your own Boss monsters for
use when your opponent has overextended in an effort to curb
all of the momentum and advantage that Sasuke can create.
Did I mention that he gets around Stardust Dragon? I did
didn't I? No? Well he does. There is not for sure going to
be a destruction, so Stardust cannot negate it, similar to
Snipe Hunter. This is important as Stardust is the second
most commonly played Synchro. Mot to mention that Sasuke is
glorious in battle against Colossal Fighter, the most
commonly played Synchro. It is rare to find a card that can
be used against both of the Big Synchros and can still deal
some damage to other cards as well. The only other card that
I can think of is D.D. Warrior lady, and she does not even
live to tell the tale of the time she killed a Synchro. If
Sasuke does not get around Stardust, please let me know, the
rulings site is not operational atm, so I have no way to
check it.
So your best move with this guy is to plop him on the field
with a Compulsory, Solemn and maybe a Bottomless set to take
advantage of your opponent trying to get rid of him. He is
one hard little sucker to kill. Phoenix Wing Wind Blast can
be an easy answer, but it is very costly, and your opponent
will just summon him again next turn. Crush Card Virus does
not kill him, so that leaves Dark Armed Dragon, Mirror Force
and Torrential Tribute. DAD is easily killed by Anti-Meta
tech like Thunderking Rai-Oh and Royal Oppression (all of
which work very well with Sasuke BTW) so he is more of a
mild concern. The other two you can just play around or kill
with spell and trap removal. Outside of those cards, the
Synchro DAD deck has no really good answers to Sasuke.
So like I said, play this guy with backup, and he can do
wondrous things to your opponent's monsters. Vote for Sasuke
Samurai #4 and all of your wildest dreams will come true!
Get To the
Core of The Matter!
The biggest problem with Dark Core is it's status as a Spell
card. if it was a trap, Phoenix Wing Wind Blast would be out
of a job. The ability to just remove from play a face-up
monster is what made Caius so good. The discard is actually
not really a cost anymore, as sending cards to the graveyard
is an integral part of pretty much all of the top decks at
this point. The major thing that this card does is that it
can accelerate your own graveyard agenda while you deny your
opponent a monster in the graveyard.
Stardust Dragon is the bane of many decks, especially
Gladiator Beasts. They generally have no way around it
besides Book of Moon, Gladiator Beast War Chariot or just
outright Solemning it. Dark Core gets around that problem.
It can get you that key Bestiari or Laquari in the graveyard
for use with Darius, or any other Gladiator Beast card to
get back with Equeste. Add that to the fact that you are
removing from play the biggest single threat to the entire
deck, and that sets this card up to work great in Gladiator
Beasts instead of Smashing Ground or Hammer Shot.
It can also remove from play obstacle monsters, like
Colossal Fighter, Spirit Reaper or any of the Boss monsters.
There is not much to say about this card, except that a one
of in a deck could actually prove very useful in a mirror
match for Tele-DAD. You remove their Synchros while
discarding your own Malicious or Plaguespreader to further
your strategy. Sounds good to me.
Compulsory is basically removal at no cost. Granted it is
temporary removal, but that is often all you need to be able
to swarm for game. Most recently this card has been used for
tech against Synchro decks, as then the card actually begins
to have som card advantage attached to it. Tributes and
equipped monsters also help you to balance out the cost of
this card.
Compulsory is often compared to Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, but
it really shouldn't. This card is for spot removal. It gets
rid of the one card in your way from achieving victory, and
it does this very well. Stardust Dragon and Colossal Fighter
are generally the cards that get Compulsoried, but Celestia,
Lightsworn Angel, Monarchs and Dark Armed Dragon are all
valid targets, getting their big monsters out of the way so
that you can blast them with your own. As it is free to use,
you are essentially setting back your opponent's strategy by
as much as a turn and can even be more effective than
Threatening Roar at protecting yourself from an Alpha
What this card does better than any card except for perhaps
Forced Back is that it gets rid of your opponent's Normal
Summon. Zombie Master is the best one to hit with this card,
as your opponent loses the card for the effect of Zombie
Master as well as losing field position from their Normal
Summon. Using a combo of Bottomless Trap Hole and attack
negation, you can really disrupt your opponent's plans with
this rather unassuming little card.
The best part of this card is that it is chainable, as it
can save one of your own monsters as well. This is
especially important when Judgment Dragon is unleashed, as
if you bounce the Dragon, your opponent will just summon it
again. You bounce one of the cards that they were trying to
kill, and you have a fighting chance to make a comeback.
Against Torrential Tribute it is also good, turning what
looks like a +1 play for your opponent into an even trade,
especially when they are triggering their own Torrential.
It is true that it does not disrupt drawing, nor can it
affect spell or trap cards, but it should not be used in
place of PWWB, it should be used in CONJUNCTION with it.
Using these cards, you have access to reliable monster
removal without really investing too much in defense. Most
people use PWWB in exactly the same way as CED anyway, so
using them both leaves you free to use one or the other when
it is actually appropriate to use them rather than using
them wrongly.
I have to say that this card is at least side deck worthy,
or maybe even main deck worthy in decks that want to control
the field like Gladiator Beasts or Gadgets. This card really
starts getting fun when you combo it with hand control cards
though. D.D. Designator and Mind Crush each give you good
knowledge of an enemy's hand, but you need to know what is
in their hand in order for you to play them. CED makes it so
that you know at least one card in their hand, so you can
activate the hand control cards, reduce their options/kill
the card you bounced as well as breaking wide open your
opponent's strategy so that you can counter it.
There are really even more combos with this card, but there
is not enough time here to list all of them. Try it out, and
you may actually find yourself playing it over PWWB just
because it is so much more combolicious.
It keeps on Going
and Going and Going......
BTH is one card that used to be run in pairs in pretty much
every deck. Monarchs, Gladiators and the dreaded DAD Return
decks all used many monsters with over 1500 ATK, so it was a
good choice for you to use for removal of their monsters. It
fell by the wayside due to the fact that Krebons and
Malicious are less than the threshold for BTH to work. Thus,
your oppnent could just get Stardust and you are out of
However, now you can combo it with other removal that will
get rid of that pesky dragon and Bottomless can focus on the
other cards that will give you grief. Zombie Master, Lyla,
Garoth and Dark Grepher are all great choices for
Bottomless, as they are key Normal Summons that can really
end up with you controlling the game on your next turn if
you can get them to be Summoned. Colossal Fighter also hates
this card, as it leaves him removed so that Monster Reborn
cannot get him back.
What is even better is that in rare cases, it can kill
MULTIPLE monsters. This was most recently seen with Dark
World monsters, where Card Destruction, Morphing Jar ot
Graceful Charity would have you Special Summon several Dark
World monsters. Bottomless would take them all out, so that
you don't have to pick and choose. As far as I know, because
of this it doesn't target? As I said before, the site is
down so I cannot carry around every ruling on every card in
the game with me. What am I? A Judge? But this is is
significant because you can hit Thought Ruler Archfiend with
Bottomless is also great against the Boss monsters. Your
opponent will lose DAD and JD instead of just bouncing it or
spinning it for another go round next turn. Gyzarus thinks
this card is the pits, as it removes their precious Bestiari
that was targeting what you thought was just a harmless
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast as well as removing Gyzarus itself,
where Darius, Monster Reborn and Equeste have no say in the
It will also pretty much kill any basal monster your
opponent will be using. Beaters as well as anti-meta cards
like King Tiger Wanghu and Thunderking Rai-Oh all fall
because their strength becomes their biggest weakness
against this card. Removing your opponent's Lightsworn
monsters is also a great strategy, as they will often target
this card with Lyla, and you just activate it and deny them
a monster in the graveyard for Lumina and JUdgment Dragon as
kind of a bonus.
Basically, it is a good, solid card that could actually be
used in a variety of decks to keep the competition away as
well as providing good, all around solid destruction in trap
I Just Hit the Wall
Mirror Wall is better than Shrink. There I said it. Happy
now? It affects the whole of your opponent's field as well
as lasting until the end of turn, effectively comboing the
effects of both Threatening Roar and Shrink into a rather
effective package. There is the little bit about the 2000 lp
cost to keep it around, but you can just not pay and it will
go the way of Shrink anyway. There were games where this
card could simply keep my opponent locked down enough that I
kept it around and won the game because my opponent was
suddenly about as aggressive as a mouse.
It had made the cut in Gladiators because of it's reliance
on battle, and it is actually kind of a super powered Waboku
that you can't chain or use on your own turn. In fact that
is the biggest downside to the card, as you cannot use teh
effect to go aggro. So it is best springed as, well, a trap.
Masquerading it as a Waboku or Gladiator Beast War Chariot
is a good ploy, as your opponent would not expect such a
violent reaction to their attack. It will also make an
opponent wonder what the hell else is in your deck. When I
busted out my Gladiator Beast deck for the first time, I was
nearly unstoppable because my opponents had no idea what to
do about Mirror Wall, Dimensional Fissure or Burden of the
Mirror Wall is a very slective card, usefull in few
situations, but those situations come up often enough that
at least a copy of this card is worth teching in an aggro
deck that can use some solid aggressive defense. Oh, and
like Bottomless Trap Hole, Mirror Wall does not target, so
Thought Ruler Archfiend has no bearing here and is a nice
surprise if they are bringing him out to counter Phoenix
Wing Wind Blast or Compulsory Evacuation device.
Well, there is not really anything more to say about this
guy, except that it is great offensive defense and it can
really work well if you can spring it on an unknowing
As always, you can reach me at for anything YGO related, although
I am not the best resuorce on rulings, I would ask a judge
for that.
Thanx for reading!
GZ |