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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
New Talent
2, 2009
Fresh Meat
The Yu-Gi-Oh! community agrees, many of the cards considered
powerhouses during the Tele-DAD format have become obsolete
or at best less useful. Destiny Draw, Destiny Hero
Malicious, Plaguespreader Zombie and more are at 2/3 to 1/3
strength due to the power of this latest banlist. Of course,
this leaves lots of room for new talent to seep up from the
cracks of mediocrity, which should be exciting for any
player to get their hands on.
In this article, I am going to go over some of my favorite
cards that have made a resurgence in the ability to be
played in this slower paced format. No longer are we trying
to clear the field and swing for game, but more likely to
play a control based strategy that forces an opponent to
play around us in order to win. There are 4 cards for you
today; Icarus Attack, Gravekeeper's Spy, Stardust
Dragon/Assault Mode and Light and Darkness Dragon.
All of these cards are powerhouse cards for their respective
decks, and we can expect them to be seen all over the game
as players adapt to this strange format. It is the first
format without as well as large events. I do
not know if Konami is going to resurrect in a
new form, but I hope that they do not. It makes the game far
more exciting, and focuses on the player as a deckbuilder.
As for big game play, in a slower format ALL of these cards
besides Icarus Attack have seen play in top tier decks or
WILL see play in the case of SDDAM.
Without further ado, let's see the cards!
Friends Flock Furiously
Icarus Attack is a powerful card. It was originally released
in Enemy of Justice as a compliment to Swift Birdman Joe,
the failed precursor to Raiza the Storm Monarch. Back then,
Winged Beasts had almost no support, and Icarus Attack was
just about it. There were a few Harpy cards, but they were
no fast enough nor strong enough of an archetype to really
carry the card to it's full potential. That all changed in
Icarus Attack found it's soul mate, Gladiator Beast Equeste.
Equest will get you a card when it is Special Summoned by a
Gladiator Beast, which helps to balance out the cost of
tributing a monster in order to activate Icarus Attack.
Equeste got a lot of people looking at teching Icarus Attack
in order to abuse it with Gladiator Beasts. Bestiari, as
well as Octavius are both Winged Beasts. The Banlist took
care of Bestiari though, but at least in my GB build, there
are 6 solid targets for Icarus Attack.
Not to mention that Equeste will get you back a card and
Darius will get you a Winged Beast in order to tribute for
free. If all else fails to get you free stuff out of your
Winged Beasts, then you can wait until your opponent will
use a removal effect and then chain Icarus Attack in order
for you to get out of Sticky Situations. Icarus Attack also
allows us to consider D.D. Crow in Gladiator Beast decks
again, which in turn will lead to CCV being teched again. I
don't know about all of this, but it is sure that Gladiator
Beasts will be a contender in the new format.
The other deck that can use Gladiator Beasts is Blackwings.
These cards are amazing on their own, but coupled with the
destructive power of Icarus Attack and the fact that ALL of
them are Winged Beasts make it almost the perfect defensive
and offensive card. Blackwings got started in CRMS, but will
receive all of their best support in the upcoming RGBT
expansion. This will be a deck to replace the dethroned
Tele-DAD, so beware!
I See You!
Gravekeeper's Spy has been a favorite of players for a
really loong time. The ability to Special Summon another
copy of itself as well as any other Gravekeeper is amazing,
and add to that a high DEF of 2000 and a decent 1200 ATK and
we have a winner. She slipped in play due to the fact that a
summoned Dark Armed Dragon, Celestia, Gyzarus or Judgment
Dragon could wipe her off the face of the planet without her
having a prayer.
With these cards limited or unreliable, she has peeked her
spook head out of wherever she has been hiding and started
creeping into decks again. Spellcasters, Monarchs and even
Synchro decks have taken her and her buddy Gravekeeper's
Guard in to great effect. Although she is still relatively
useless against Lightsworn and Gladiator Beasts, the fast
advantage that she can give you is worth the risk of playing
Spy is the hallmark of a slower format, so we will see
whether or not she sticks around. I hear that there is a new
version of Lightsworn in the works that is much more
consistent than before. Basically, Spy will determine
whether or not the format will be fast or slow. So keep your
eyes peeled at your next locals to see if she is being
played, chances are that means the format is slower.
That Big Shiny
Dragon Says "NO!"
Stardust Dragon Assault mode is a different kind of beast.
He can negate ANYTHING (except for Counter Traps and un-negateable
cards) simply by tributing himself for a turn. He lacks the
low ATK of the previous Stardust as well as having the
enhanced ability to negate anything.
He is remarkably easy to summon. Malicious and many other of
the Synchro aides have all been tried with varying degrees
of success. However, it is the Assault Mode Activate that is
really easy to get. With Assault Beast, there are
essentially 6 copies of the card inyour deck. This makes it
so that almost every starting hand you will be able to get
an Assault Mode Activate. With Assault Mercenary to get it
back to your deck, you wil almost never run out of copies of
this card.
Malicious is easy to dump with the standard Stratos-D-Draw
play, but is far easier to simply dump him to the graveyard
with Armageddon Knight or Dark Grepher and Emergency
Teleport or Plaguespreader Zombie wioll be there for the
Synchro Summon into Stardust Dragon. Then simply set Assault
Mode Activate or search for it with Assault Beast and voila!
Instant 3000 Behemoth that can negate anything.
There are a ton of weaknesses to this card though. The
easiest way to get rid of it is to activate a 141 removal
card, they tribute Assault Mode, and then you activate D.D.
Crow or Gladiator Beast Retiari in order to remove it from
play. They would not get their original Stardust Dragon back
and they lose their best way to get Assault Mode back out.
The biggest weakness is of course that it is really, really
hard to get the conditions to Summonhim all of the time.
Basically you are frantically sifting throughyour deck
looking for the combo pieces while your opponent is building
field and hand presence.
I have heard of a good build with Destiny Heroes that uses
Destiny Heroes Dasher and Fear Monger in order to abuse
Malicious with level 2 Tuners in order to get out SDDAM out
faster and more reliably. It has a few hiccups in it and I
do not have a complete decklist, but the idea is promising,
so go out andget as many of the Duelist Pack Tins as
The Other Big Shiny
Dragon Says "No!"
Light and Darkness Dragon used to be considered one of the
best cards in the game. That was of course during the PC
format where advantage was everything, and LADD is advantage
on a stick. The easiest way to get rid of it was to summon
Raiza and then attack it, but that just breakes you even
with the LADD player, as they get back a monster form their
graveyard. He is amazingly hard to kill, and his summon,
just like CCV, usually will win you the game.
So, he comes back now because of the slower format where
youc an actually take the time to summon him. Gravekeeper's
Spy, Dandylion, Phantom Skyblaster and a few other cards
make him easier than ever to summon. And when you do, you
have the best candidate for CCV that has ever lived. You
wipe out your opponent's cards and you get a card back, it's
Sangan on steroids! Unfortunately that very rarely happens
that LADD get's his ATK that low.
The biggest use for LADD is AGAINST CCV. CCV will destroy
cards, thus triggering your LADD in your hand that is
destroyed by CCV. This means that you can turn a potentially
bad situation with LADD in your hand into a good one. Other
than that there are no real combos with LADD, as he would
negate them all.
However, there are many ways to kill him. The best is to
Summon a Monarch, he negates their ability and then you get
to kill LADD with your newly minted Monarch. Youc n also
chain cards to his ability. LADD needs to beon the field to
activate his ability, so a chained Compulsory Evacuation
Device is just what the doctor ordered. Despite his apparent
flaws, he is a king among kings, and I would expect a few
enterprising individuals to play him expensively in a slower
Well, that is all for today, you can reach me as always at if youhave any YGO related
questions or ideas. Please put YGO in the title of your
email so that it will not get discarded.
Thanx fopr reading!
GZ |