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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
August 31, 2009
Each Man Under my Command Owes Me One Hundred Nazi Scalps
If you don't believe the above statement, then I dare you to
wear a Nazi uniform around me! Anyway, the deck that is
making the buzz all over the country and the world except
for Japan is probably going to be the X-Saber deck. I want
to clear something up RIGHT NOW. The XX-Saber monsters are
treated as X-Sabers, so you can do all sorts of crazy
shenanigans with them that you otherwise would not have been
able to do.
The deck revolves around the X-Saber monsters of course,
with a few support cards thrown in for good measure. Though
the deck that made them famous in Japan is dead (The first
turn handless deck) due to the recent banlist, it is still
easy to create massive amounts of advantage by using these
cards. Faultroll, Fullhelmnight, Airbellum and Ragigura are
the focus of the deck with Galahad and Gardestrike playing a
more supporting role.
The best way to abuse X-Sabers is to get two of them to the
field, that way you can Synch and Summon Faultroll. The deck
is basically played as if you have a Faultroll in hand,
otherwise you just do not have the power to bust through a
really strong deck like Blackwing. Fortunately,
Fullhelmknight has an innate ability to negate attacks and
Gottoms Emergency Call is amazingly good at getting the
required two monsters to the field.
I have seen several variants of the deck, and I do not like
most of them. One used Charge of the Light Brigade and the
one that I have been testing with for a while uses Card
Trooper, not great additions to the deck. This is what I
came up with while perusing the boards, picking strengths
and weakness from each deck. See, it pays to look at the
boards a lot!
So I give you my deck, Swap-Saber XXX Awesomeness!
And I Want My Scalps!
3x XX-Saber Faultroll
2x XX-Saber Gardestrike
3x X-Saber Airbellum
3x XX-Saber Fullhelmknight
3x Giant Rat
2x XX-Saber Ragigura
1x Sangan
1x Rescue Cat
1x X-Saber Galahad
1x Neo Spacien Dark Panther
3x Book of Moon
2x Saber Slash
2x Creature Swap
1x My Body As A Shield
1x Mind Control
1x Swords of Revealing light
1x Brain Control
1x Heavy Storm
1x Giant Trunade
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Gottoms Emergency Call
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Call of the Haunted
3x XX-Saber Gottoms
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Thought Ruler Archfiend
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x X-Saber Urbellum
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1x Arcanite Magician
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Gaia Knight, Force of the Earth
1x Magical Android
1x Armory Arm
My Business is Killin' Nazis...
The deck is actually very consistent. Giant Rat will fetch
Ragigura, Fulhelmknight and Rescue Cat as well as stalling
the Battle Phase. Fullhelmknight does much the same thing,
and can combo very nicely with Gottoms Emergency Call to
negate more attacks where your opponent was not expecting.
Faultroll forms the basis for the deck, getting back
X-Sabers for Synchroing as well as getting that cool combo
off. His 2400 ATK is nothing to laugh at either. I won a
game by equipping Faultroll with Armory Arm. The beater of
the deck is Gottoms, able to completely clear out your
opponent's hand in certain situations as well as beat face.
He is actually very easy to summon, as Faultroll, Goyo or
Gaia Knight plus a level 3 Tuner makes him very easy to get
Ragigura gets X-Sabers from the graveyard (specifically
Faultroll) as well as making a rather excellent Swap target
due to his 100 ATK and need to be summoned to do anything.
Airbellum picks up with Gottoms and Urbellem, able to pick
apart an opponent's strategy before it starts as well as
being a great target for Rescue Cat. Rescue Cat not only
gets Airbelleum, but also Neo Spacien Dark Panther, who is
good in his own right, able to copy amazing effects like
Lyla and Judgment Dragon as well as enabling some good side
options against Gladiator Beasts.
Galahad and Gardestrike are here as supplementary cards
only. Galahad has a decent ATK of 2100 when attacking and is
able to be a non-Tuner for your plethora of Tuner monsters.
Gardestrike is easier to Summon than Cyber Dragon and is a
level 5 so that he can be used easily with Airbellum or
Fullhelmknight for a level 8 Synchro.
...And Business Is a Boomin'
The spell and trap card lineup is not specifically unique.
Saber Slash is one of the best X-Saber cards, able to wipe
out Spell Cards, Trap cards and Monster cards based on the
amount of X-Sabers you have on the field. It is like
Lightning Vortex, Smashing Ground and Twister all in one
card! It is not playable at 3, just because you HAVE to kill
cards equal to the X-Sabers, even your own...
Book of Moon is a great card, forcing monsters into their
weakest position and saving your own monsters from Lightning
Vortes, Smashing Ground and Brain Control. It also has
synergy with Fullhelmknight, making it easy to get extra
monsters from your graveyard. Creature Swap is a
multipurpose card. It swaps your weak monsters for
(hopefully) stronger monsters from your opponent. It works
great with Rescue Cat (as you would lose the monsters
anyway), Sangan, Ragigura and Giant Rat as well as a spent

My Body As a Shield is a pseudo-replacement for Solemn
Judgment, allowing you to keep your monsters safe at the
expense of your opponents. Gyzarus, Judgment Dragon, Dark
Armed Dragon, Murmillo and Arcanite Magician cringe when
they see this card. You can even use it from your hand on
your turn to stop a key Mirror force or Torrential Tribute
for only 1500 lp.
Mind Control and Brain Control do what they do best. As you
have 6 Tuners in the deck that are easily available and
reusable, you need to find ways to abuse that. Taking their
monsters for Synchroing is crazy, putting them behind and
you ahead. Swords of Revealing Light stalls for a while,
easily frustrating an opponent that does not want to waste a
card to kill it.
Gottoms Emergency Call is the last non-staple in the deck.
It gets back X-Sabers from EITHER graveyard if you control
an X-Saber, so spent Airbellums from your opponent are great
as well. It is best to use this card in your opponent's End
Phase, but a clear backrow could be great things. You can
get ANY X-Saber, which I believe includes Faultroll so long
as you control 2 X-Sabers. An end phase Gottoms is a real
shocker for your opponent.
I Think This Is My Masterpiece
Of course, no deck is ever "Completely" finished. I had
to exclude some cards that I REALLY wanted to put in but
found no room for. Her is a list of cards that I think could
make the deck awesomer.
-My Body As A Shield
-Pot of Avarice
-Autonomous Action Unit
-The Warrior Returning Alive
-Rose-Warrior of Revenge
-Ryko-Lightsworn Hunter
-Bottomless Trap Hole
There are other cards that would go well in here as well, so
don't hesitate to try them out. YOU might discover the cards
that break the deck wide open!
Anyway, that is all for this article. You can email me
questions, concerns, ideas and decks at but be sure to put YGO in the title
so I don't throw it out. My next article will be on the
Extra Deck as a toolbox instead of a win condition now that
Dark Strike Fighter is banned.
Until next time!
Thanx for Reading