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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh This is an article dedicated to a deck that I feel is completely undershadowed as of right now. Everybody knows that Absolute Powerforce comes out with brand new cards and strategies for this archetype, but people never really looked at it seriously before then. Of course, Gravekeepers are what I am talking about. Although the new cards from Absolute Powerforce ake them pretty darn good, the cards that they have now just wreck face. With this build I went 4-2 at a rather mediocre sized local event in Sacramento. The thing that made it extraordianry was the amount of high-caliber decks that were there. There were several Lightsworn, Blackwing, Zombie and Anti-Meta decks present that were probably ripped from the online pages of the website. I want to mention that both losses were against good players and I went 2-1 both games. The first loss was to Blackwing, which was able to control me pretty well because of godly draws (Shura+Whirlwind every game first turn) and the last one was in the finals when he topdecked Cold Wave before summoning JD. I was incredibly surprised at how well the deck actually performed. I had made it the day of the tournament after staying up til 3 am playtesting all of the junk decks I had the night before. Necrovalley stopped more cards than I would care to admit, not only because of it's effect, but because people THOUGHT it's effect would negate it so they didn't play anything. Assailant was the king of the tournament though, as he switched Lightsworn monsters to DEF and the attack couldn't be prevented. I am giving you the phail build so that you can see just how powerful a really bad build can be. Phailkeepers Monsters-19 2x Gravekeeper's Chief 3x Gravekeeper's Spy 3x Gravekeeper's Commandant 3x Gravekeeper's Guard 2x Gravekeeper's Assailant 2x Psychic Commander 1x Blackwing-Gale the Whirlwind 1x Plaguespreader Zombie 1x Sangan 1x Breaker the Magical Warrior Spells-12 3x Necrovalley 3x Book of Moon 2x Royal Tribute 1x Emergency Teleport 1x Smashing Ground 1x Heavy Storm 1x Mystical Space Typhoon Traps-9 2x Bottomless Trap Hole 2x Rite of Spirit 1x Mirror Force 1x Torrential Tribute 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Solemn Judgment 1x Magic Cylinder ????????????????????????? Most of you are probably thinking about how in Yugi's sweet name this deck could have beaten a five year old let alone good players with good decks. The answer is in the unpredictable swarming that the deck can do. Spy, Chief and Rite all Special Summon Gravekeeper's and they can help you come out of nowhere for the win. A typical turn would see me discard Commandant for Necrovalley, set Spy, set Book of Moon or Rite of Spirit and play Necrovalley. They attack into Spy, Special Summoning Assailant, and I then use Rite or Book at the end of there turn so I can get another Special Summon. I Tribute Summon Chief and all of a sudden I have a 2400, 2 2000 and a 1700 ATK monsters on the field. Royal Tribute usually then seals the deal against Lightsworn as I have emptied my hand of monsters and they have played out all their spells. Arcanite Magician ends up being a star in this deck, as most of the decks out there are not so good at actually gaining advantage, and would rather swarm the field for a quick win. This way Arcanite basically becomes a source of free destruction when used with a card that Spy brought up. With Emergency Teleport, I can even come out of nowhere for an Arcanite victory. With Gale in the deck, I can also have easy access to Armor Master, which is more important than you would think. Armor Master is incredibly hard to kill and can hol dit's own againsteven the most burly of monsters and then beat them down. Since the deck has little in the way of actual defense, I would say that Armor Master in an unexpected boon for the deck. Gale itself can even be useful, making other monsters smaller for destruction with my Keepers. There are definitely more cards that I should have added in order to make the deck faster and relatively better. The most obvious is Call of the Haunted. Necrovalley negates it, and Rite of Spirit is just so much better in this deck than Call. The second is the absence of Allure of Darkness. I would actually probably not add this card in, as between Spy, Commandant, Sangan and Teleport, I am getting a lot of cards from my deck. This would be a personal preference for anyone that is building the deck. The third bad part about the deck is the lack of Caius the Shadow Monarch. I would probably replace only one of the Chiefs with one, as it is good removal for the bane, Royal Oppression as well as doing something with Spy when it is just sitting there. Likely I would also take out Magic Cylinder for another one, as it is fun, but Caius does so many bad things to your opponent with the deck. I kept Royal Tribute at 2 mostly because of the fact that it is a dead draw in the later game and without a Necrovalley on the field. However, early and middle game it will destroy an opponent, as they need monsters to get to their perfect hand, so after you have played out all your monsters you can force your opponent's Honest, Kalut and Judgment Dragons to the graveyard where they cannot be touched because of Necrovalley. You Know the Worst Thing About Z-Land? Anyways, teh deck does have it's flaws. It generally plays a ton of cards to the field, which means that massive clearing effects do a lot of damage to the deck. Judgment Dragon in particular is a problem because it destroys Necrovalley. Dark Armed Dragon is not as much of a problem because it cannot remove anything to kill my cards. Heavy Storm is also a constant worry, as losing Necrovalley is fairly bad for the deck. This is why I am thinking thata aide-decked pair of My Body As A Shield is going to be a necessary addition to the deck. Without their heavy Hitters to smack the field, most decks are fairly easy to overcome with Assailant and Guard. Of course there will be no point to play that card when Starlight Road comes out in America, which is allmost superior in every way. With my Gravekeeper's dominating the Battle Phase, my opponent's graveyard shenanigans negated by Necrovalley and their top plays negated by Starlight Road, itactually seems like sort of a good deck no doesn't it? Do not be fooled. The deck NEEDS Necrovalley in order to get the win. Whether it is for the ATK boost or for negating Necro Gardna, Beckoning Light, The Zombie deck, the Gigavise deck or Monster Reincarnation, Necrovalley is needed. The new cards from Absolute Powerforce will make this deck even more powerful, but as of right now, the deck can still kick a little butt. I wouldn't take it to an SJC without ABPF, but it will show you well at a Regional and possibly dominate a local event. That is it for this article, you can reach me at raptor1k@hotmail.com if you have any questions, requests or need advice to Yugioh related stuff. But please put YGO inthe title so I don't trash it! Thanx for Reading! GZ |
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