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GeneralZorpa on Yugioh
The Shoebox Part 1
June 3, 2010
I'm Funny How?
This will be part of e three part article that addresses
some cards that are often overlooked by competetive YGOers.
The problem with deck size, is that you often cannot find
room for cards that you would otherwise like to play. But
these cards that you exclude can actually make or break a
game depending on what they are. In this section, we will
look at the X-Saber deck.
Two cards clearly stand out as being good, but not good
enough for the X-Saber deck as far as the netdeck is
concerned. XX-Saber Gardestrike and XX-Saber Garsem are just
on the edge of being played in the deck due to them being
good cards, but not quite what the doctor ordered for
most people in the deck.
In this article, we will look over the strengths and
weaknesses over similar cards that are being currently
played in the deck. Then the reasons that deckbuilders seem
to pass them over as far as playability is concerned.
The Strength of 20 Sabers
The first card that we are looking at today is XX-Saber
Gardestrike, the promo card for the Ancient Prophecy Set.
The stats stand as follows. We have 2100 ATK and 1400 DEF on
a level 5 EARTH Beast-Warrior. These stats right there are
almost impressive, as it is an X-Saber monster with a level
of 5, which allows easy access to level 8 Synchros, which
the deck otherwise finds hard to get to.
The ability is pretty good as well. This is flirting with
Cyber Dragon territory, as you can Special Summon it if you
control no Monsters and you have 2 or more X-Sabers in the
graveyard. Note that the card says when you control no
mosnters. THis means that unlike Cyber Dragon you can
Special Summon this guy when your opponent has nothing.
The requirement of 2 X-Saber monsters is not as hard to
reach as some people might think. X-Saber decks tend to
Synchro SUmmon with almost ALL X-Saber monsters, which means
that it is not hard at all to get to 2 in the graveyard.
This is especially relevant after a desperate Black Rose
Dragon effect or even a JD hit. You get a 2100 attacker and
then can Synchro into level 8 Synchros really easily, or you
can just beat face.
This guy is even good in the graveyard, as he can be Special
Summoned by Gottoms Emergency Call, which menas that you can
Summon multiple level 8 Synchros with little to no effort on
your part. Cards like One for One and Foolish Burial can
also get you to 2 Graveyard X-Sabers very early on, and you
can bring the pressur eon your opponent quicker than they
would otherwise see from an X-Saber deck.
Even his ability to be Tribute Summoned is a plus.
Oftentimes, you play Brain Control on cards that you do not
want to give back to your opponent, but have no Tuner to
Synchro. In this case, Gardestrike comes to the rescue, able
to be Tribute Summoned, pushing home damage and even drawing
out removal cards from your opponent clearing the way for
big plays next turn.
I frankly see this card as a one-of in the X-Saber deck. It
is not a mainstay as it once was due to the release of the
clearly superior X-Saber Boggart Knight. The fact that
Boggart KNight is much more consisten in the early game
means that the deck has an easier chance to OTK, whereas
Gardestrike is better in the mid to late game, where removal
is limited and you can often fight for the win with a 2100
beater or a level 8 Synchro.
the Hell is That? An Antelope?
You would not think that a card based ona relatiel gentle
grazing animal from Africa would make it onto a Yu-Gi-Oh!
card, but here we are in XX-Saber Garsem. Garsem boasts the
stats of 1400 ATK and 400 DEF on a level 4 EARTH Beast.
These stats are pretty much abyssmal. If it was level 3, it
would be far superior, as it can be Special Summoned due to
the ability of Rescue Cat.
The ability is where the money is at. He gains 200 ATK for
each X-Saber monster on the Field and when he dies by card
effect, you may search your deck for an X-Saber monster and
add it to your hand. This seems like an early attempt by the
game designers to come up with something like Darksoul, the
goal of course giving X-Saber decks access to a search card
without making it broken like Reinforcements f the Army.
The plus with Garsem is that he can get very big. He counts
himself, so you might as well put him at 1600 ATK instead of
1400. With a full field he is at 2400 ATK, which is very
respecable for a level 4 monster. However, you are not
likely going to have a full field of X-Sabers, as you are
going to Synchro Summon a lot, making non-X-Saber monsters.
Plus a card that helps you win when you are already winning
is not really worth it'salt in today's game.
The second ability was an attempt at an early Darksoul. The
fact that Garsem would often be destroyed by Battle
obviously did not enter the game designer's heads. However,
the effect allowed Summons off of XX-Saber Emmersblade to be
more productive into cards like Torrential Tribute. Even
Mirror Force balked at the sight of Garsem, as it will often
fetch you cards that you can further use to win the game.
The biggest problem with Garsem is of course it's level. If
it were level 3, it would be good, not great but good, as
you can then combo with Rescue Cat, which most X-Saber decks
that are good will play as one of their few non-X-Saber
monsters. But as a level 4 he is inferior to Boggart Knight
and not as effective a searcher as Emmersblade or Darksoul.
In the end Garsem is not as good a Candidate for the
off-color X-Saber deck as Gardestrike is. But it is still a
card that is very cool to play around with. If on this next
format anything happens to Darksoul, we can expect sporadic
Garsem plays to happen. The same will also happen if Boggart
Knight gets hit, as Garsem has no restriction on Synchro
The Skinny
By far the most useful of these two cards is Gardestrike. I
found a place for him in my X-Saber deck and he has shined
brightly in his splash role. I feel that more than one can
lead you with more dead hands than Boggart Knight, and
although it is technicaly superior to Boggart Knight as far
as playing Faultroll is concerned as well as drawing out
removal, he is fine at a splash.
Garsem also might be a splash, he can technically get bigger
than Boggart Knight as well as doing a psuedo-good search.
However, I think that these will be the cards that X-Saber
decks fall back on should anything happen with the next
banlist. As it is, tehy can certainly be a surprise for an
opponent used to only the standard X-Saber plays. Anything
you can do to put your opponent off-balance is good.
The short is play Gardestrike, it's better than you think
and consider playing Garsem if anything happens to the deck
over the next list.
That's it for the first issue of The Shoebox, so please stay
tuned! You can contact me at
if you have any deck fixes, ideas, questions or comments
about YGO or the article I just wrote. As always please put
YGO in the title so I don't miss it and not write you back.
Thanks for reading!