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Worms Are Good For Your Garden
Open a Can of Worms
Imagine my horror and disappointment to discover
that i owned no W Nebula Meteorite, the best
card in the Worm arsenal. Well I decided to
make the deck anyway, and was completely
surprised by the beast that emerged. The
deck not only thrived without Meteorite, I
think it is better without it. I was able to
fit in more utility cards, as most of my
cards remove a threat from your field or add
threats or answers to mine and not have to
worry about playing a Worm King and whether
or not I will draw it and make my Meteorites
almost worthless.
This deck has answers to many different things,
slows down the game so that my traps and
monsters can deal with my opponent and is
still nimble and consistent enough to deal
with rogue decks and can consistently pull
off an acceptable opening hand. Who knew
that worms could be so good?
Worm Ridden Filth
2x Worm Prince
3x Worm Yagan
3x Worm Xex
3x Worm Cartaros
2x Worm Dimikles
1x Worm Tentacles
1x Worm Linx
1x Thunderking Rai-Oh
1x Honest
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Pot of Duality
2x Black Garden
1x Dark Hole
1x Terraforming
3x Offering to the Snake Deity
2x Memory of an Adversary
2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
2x Fiendish Chain
2x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Warning
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
Extra- 15
2x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
2x Starliege Paladynamo
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number c39: Utopia Ray
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon
1x Evilswarm Ouroboros
1x Gem-Knight Pearl
1x Diamond Dire Wolf
1x Photon Papilloperative
1x Number 85: Crazy Box
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Stardust Dragon
Worm Food
Now that you have had a chance to look this over,
it does look like a random piece of junk
huh? But in actually it is an adaptability
machine, able to take on a surprisingly
large amount of situations and come out on
top via the Traps and monster recovery. The
worms are pretty self explanatory. I opted
for one Linx so that I could play a
Thunderking and Prince instead of King
because he is better in more situations and
helps gain advantage.
Honest is surprising to many players as they don't
realize that they are LIGHT monsters. I can
even use Honest offensively with Tentacles,
able to inflict massive damage and take out
multiple opposing monsters. Tentacles is
especially good at killing Black Garden
Speaking of Black Garden, my spells are fairly
minimal, giving mor eimportance to Traps to
stop opponents actions. Garden slows the
game down and forces an opponent to use
their precious Typhoons on them while my
Traps keep hounding them.
The Traps are there to keep my opponent off the
board. Memory adds a threat to my board and
stops an opposing offensive and is very good
early to mid game. Wind Blast is great for
getting rid of anything I want as well as
disrupting my opponent's next draw. At worst
it is a costly Compulsory, at best it is a
complete deck stoppper.
Offerings is where my mind went after Icarus
Attack. Offerings is actually better, as it
destroys all three cards at the same time
while not requiring a cost and there are few
Reptiles I wouldn't mind throwing at it.
Mirror Force is great at stopping an
offensive and is pretty much a standard
defensive option now.
Starliege Paladynamo i smy winning card, able to
push through massive damage, stopping
annoying effects and then netting me a card
when he dies. All awesome. I almost never
make anything other than Maestroke or
Paladynamo, the others are there for
Inchworming to Victory
The deck has many favorable matchups. Machines,
Mermails and Dark World are particularly
susceptible as they rely on playing many
monsters at once. The deck is alright
against Dragon Ruler Variants, Chaos Dragons
and Burn. They in general make too many big
monsters for my little worms to deal with or
just don't play any.
The deck can actually do fairly well with a
Meteorite Suite put in, but I just don't
like the inconsistency of it. Worm King can
also be very effective instead of Prince, or
even Victory or Warlord should you prefer. I
decided against Hand Traps, as Maxx "C"
doesn't save me too much and Effect Veiler
is not quite as good as Black Garden or
Fiendish Chain.
The deck has a 57% win ratio against the decks
above as an average. I have not tested
against Blackwings, although I do think it
will be a bad matchup against the deck.
After Game two, depending on the player, the
win percentage drops to 42%. Keep in mind
that these figures are done with limited
games played and against different players,
so they should not be taken out of context.
My recommendation is to try the deck out. It is
super cheap to make, and if you already have
the extra deck it is even cheaper. It is
also a ton of fun to play, disrupting a
cocky opponent to the point they pull hair
or just overwhelming an opponent with cards
they don't know.
Well that is it for this article, I hope you all
enjoyed it and learned something. I fyou
have any questions, ideas, decks fixes or
comments, please email me at
alarbios@live.com and put YGO in the
title so I don't spam it.
Thanx for Reading!
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