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It’s Morphin Time!
One of the most dominant decks from last format was of course the Dino-Rabbit deck, using Rescue Rabbit to make an army of Evolzar monsters and using Leviair the Sea Dragon to retrieve it from the removed from play pile and do it all over again. The great thing was the deck only needed one card in order to start the combo and one more to keep it going and you could overextend to the field because your Dragons would stop retaliations from your opponent. The problems were many with the deck however as the deck had relatively low ATK points and could easily get run over by just a small window where an opponent gets a stronger monster to the field, thus it was forced to play a plethora of defensive options to minimize that risk.
The drawbacks were many though. You had to
run 6 Normal monsters (3 Kabazauls and 3
Sabersaurus) which would be pretty bad if
drawn in multiples since you want them in
the deck to be brought out with Rabbit. They
also were not particularly strong in and of
themselves. Thus sometimes the players would
run Jurrac monsters in order to balance out
the Normal Monsters. What you ended up with
was a mish-mash deck that could answer many
situations well, but could not really
capitalize on those weaknesses.
Thus with the Rabbit brought to 2 the
players of this deck have 2 choices. They
could either abandon the deck or try to
innovate. I have chosen to try to innovate
and build an aggressive deck that forces
through damage as well as make cheap XYZ
monsters without drawing terrible Normal
Monsters while still keeping some of the
utility of the original deck.
Dinozords Version 2.0
3x Jurrac Guaiba
3x Jurrac Velo 3x Thunderking Rai-Oh
3x Hydrogeddon
2x Tour Guide From the Underworld 2x Effect Veiler 2x Snowman Eater
1x Sangan 1x Gorz, The emissary of Darkness
1x Tragoedia Spells-10
3x Forbidden Lance
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Enemy Controller
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn 1x Book of Moon 1x Pot of Avarice
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Solemn Warning
2x Torrential Tribute
2x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
3x Evolzar Laggia
2x Evolzar Dolkka
2x Number 16: Shock Master
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number C39: Utopia Ray
1x Gem-Knight Pearl
1x Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon
1x Leviair the Sea Dragon
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon 1x Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction 1x Wind-Up Zenmaines
This deck finds itself in the mystical place between combo based decks and mult-purpose decks that allow it to function fairly well as both. It has a lot of utility in Thunderking, Snowman Eater and Effect Veiler while your opponent will be wasting most of their defensive options to keep your self-replacing dinosaurs off the field. I found that an opponent ran out of defense before I ran out of dinos and my own defenses made it fairly easy to stave off counterattacks.
I like having Tragoedia in the deck as it allows for another defensive option should Gorz choose not to come out of the deck to help me. The Traps and Spells are fairly standard except for Enemy controller, which allows me to make awesome spell speed 2 plays as well as force through avenues of attack to my opponents monsters to replicate a dinosaur and make an Evolzar or to my opponent's lifepoints directly. Forbidden Lance is in here in a similar capacity, keeping my Dinosaurs alive and stronger than my opponent's monsters so that they can then replicate and make an Evolzar or to save my own monsters from destruction.
This deck is definitely not as fast as the Dino-Rabbit deck, as it lacks the rabbit part. It does have much more consistency and is able to deal with multiple threats more than almost any other deck out there. It thrives fairly well against the Laval, Wind-Up and Samurai decks but can struggle against Chaos Dragon and rock Stun, as both decks can easily get out stronger monsters than my Evolzars.
Well that is going to be it for my article! I am going to be trying a few more things for my articles, including player interviews, Fan Fiction, Deck Garages and more! So email me at alarbios@live.com if you have any questions/ideas/comments/decks. I love getting emails from readers and you just might spark an idea that could become an article!
Thanks for reading! GZ
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