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Regionals San Jose: The Day After Star Wars Day
May 16, 2012
May the 5th Be With You?
So you may or may not know that on May the
5th there was a Regional Tournament in San
Jose California. For those of you who don't
care, don't read. I participated with my
friends Keenith and Kevin who both actually
were very successful in the event. Of course
San Jose is about an hour and a half away
from Davis, where I live. So the requisite
early morning rise was unavoidable.
Regardless our night was spent playing games
and changing decks. Keenith and Kevin both
had their decks locked down, Inzektors for
Keenith and Chaos Dragons for Kevin. I was
originally playing Chaos Dragons in the
version that I did my article on. The deck
was extremely explosive, but was incredibly
unable to make a consistent showing to
compete with the speed of Chaos Dragons
(traditional) and the brutal combos of
In a fit of rage I slapped together a
Lightsworn deck and completely brutalized
both of their decks. Chaos Dragpons had no
way to stop the overpowering destructiveness
of Judgment Dragon and Inzektors had a hard
time with the explosiveness of the deck. I
was actually pleasantly surprised at the
consistency of the deck as well as the
stunning power of 3 Judgment Dragons. I went
to sleep very satisfied with the deck
choices we made, each fairly different but
still able to hold round one with almost any
other popular deck in the current format.
In the morning after a fairly uneventful
drive where we all struggled to stay awake,
we arrived at the Parkside Hall extension of
the San Jose Convention Center. This event
was run by my friends at Sharks Gaming who
seriously know how to put on an event. 4
vendors participated at the event which
meant that players (including myself) could
get all the cards they needed before the
event started. door prizes, a raffle and 4
flights of side events made sure that there
was always something you could do during the
day. Entry packs for us all were fairly
uneventful except for Keenith who snagged an
Inzektor Hornet, which laid the groundwork
for 5 amazing trades for him throughout the
event. Before we knew it the event was set
to start with over 300 participants in the
And yes, I am going to post the decklist at
Feel The Wrath of the Judgment Dragon!
Round 1 Alex (Lightsworn) VS. Gustavo
(Malefic Gears)
This deck was seriously scary to play
against. A first turn Malefic Cyber End
Dragon almost killed me, backed up by a
Geartown that was positioned ot be destroyed
next turn. Darkl Hole took care of that MCED
and I milled a Necro Gardna. Gorz came down
off of the Gajiltron attack and managed to
almost win after I traded his Gadjiltron for
my token. A second Malefic Dragon almost
broke my back but Necro Gardna saved my
bacon and then Judgment Dragon descended to
wipe out the last of my opponent's
The second game, a first turn Dimensional
Fissure shut down my deck and Necrovalley
and Gajiltron Dragon utterly destroyed me.
Proving how truly devastating a Macr/DFi
strategy is against a graveyard deck.
The third game was a blowout on my part as
multiple Solar Recharge allowed me to fill
my graveyard for the two Judgment Dragons in
my hand and milled Wulf sealed the deal.
Even if he had an on field Malefic Stardust
Dragon on the field backed up by Necrovalley,
Judgment Dragon proved its worth as just a
3000 beater in this game.
Round 2 Alex (Lightsworn) VS. Guillermo
Bubble Heroes)
Game 1 was a bit of a blowout on my part as
I managed to get two Lumina on the field
first turn of the game with a Garoth as
well. I drew 4 cards and milled 2 Wulf off
the Garoth. My opponent had a Neos Alius and
1 set and I stopped his attack with a Necro
Gardna. I activted Mystical Space Typhoon to
blast his back row Hero Blast and tributed a
Lumina for Celestia and it was all over when
I attacked.
The second game was far more competetive as
my opponent summoned a Neos Alius and I
could not do anything for 2 attacks as my
hand was full of Wulf and JD. I finally
tried to summon some monsters, but was
stopped by Solemn Warning and then Solemn
Judgment. My opponent XYZ summoned up Blade
Armor Ninja by Summoning Stratos and
searching up a Bubbleman. I plopped down a
Gorz off of his first attack. I then
summoned up a Colossal Fighter by summoning
Effect Veiler and fusing with the token and
beat down my opponent with those two.
This guy was a ton of fun to play with as I
was making jokes with him all game. A
note to all the sourpuss players out there,
this is a game and you should have some fun
while playing even if you are losing. I know
it's hard but do try anyway. It is so much
more fun for everybody involved.
Round 3 Alex VS. Brian (Heroes)
This first game I managed to get off 2
milled Wulf and a Lumina. My opponent
Summoned off a Blade Armor ninja and
attacked my Wulfs bt left Lumina. Celestia
came down to the field and ended the quick
win my opponent though was coming. My
opponent took a while to die, stalling with
he whole suite of defensive Traps that the
deck plays. Eventually Judgment Dragon
descended and ended it.
The second game my opponent again went for a
quick Blade Armor but a Summoned Gorz ended
that as Gorz and the token defeated him
while his own Solemn Traps depleted his
lifepoints. Gorz was a major player
throughout the tournament, both for me and
my opponents as it would often turn a game
around easily.
Round 4 Alex VS. Zachary (Upstart/Dojo
This was an amazing matchup as extra
lifepoints allowed me to get off my mills
without too much difficulty as Samurai don't
stop attacks as well as other decks. A first
turn set MST managed to stop an explosive
first turn by waiting to hit his draw Spells
and destroying his Gateway instead. I
managed to pull off a couple JD summons and
my opponent managed to to stop them with
Solemn Traps. My opponent also managed to
bring off a Grandmaster/Spirit combo and a
Foolish Burial Wulf tributed into Gragonith
managed to win the game as my opponent had
no monsters to get over it. Gragonith was
also a major player as he was often just too
big for my opponents to deal with and was
also able to get in for massive damage.
The second game my opponent set up with a
free Shien synchro and then a Naturia Beast.
My in hand spells were useless and I quickly
lost as his traps kept my monsters off the
field. Despite this my deck usually has a
great matchup against Samurai as they
splooge all over the field to be Judgment
Dragon food. But there is not too much you
can do when they make a bunch of prohibitive
The third game was a complete blowout as my
Judgment Dragons got vengeance for me. I
Summoned 4 in a turn thanks to drawing all 3
and Herald of Creation. I never saw a hand
as good as this one ever in the tournament.
Round 5 Alex VS. TJ (Machina Gadget)
This was my game at table 1 and TJ was one
of the most fun players in the tournament.
The first game I managed to get off 2
Judgment Dragons and finished the game after
he paid a bunch of his lifepoints for
Ultimate Offering. The deck idea was
incredibly sound but was not one of the mor
einspired designs that I have seen.
Maestroke made his first game appearance for
me and actuially was surprisingly effective
at stopping me for a while.
The second game, many Gearframe made their
appearance and thus Fortress beat the poop
out of me. Garoth tried to stop it combined
with Lumina, but the massive damage just
proved too much.
The third game was one of the greatest games
I have ever played. We both took massive
hits from early monsters and we both had
full graveyards. It came down to this, my
opponent had one card in hand with a
Maestroke on the field and on my turn I had
a Ryko and Gragonith with a Plaguespreader
Zombie in the graveyard. The safe play would
have been to set Ryko and destroy a card and
then hope I milled something good and that
he wouldn't kill me. I was fairly certain
his in hand card was a Gadget and he had
already used Dark Hole, so I went for the
kill. I Summoned Plaguespreader by putting
Ryko on the top and tributed it off for
Gragonith. I had 5 Lightsworn names in my
graveyard which boosted Gragonith to 3500.
My massive Dragon attacked Maestroke for
1700 damage, leaving my opponent at 50
lifepoints. On his turn he drew another
Gadget and summoned it, turning Gragonith
facedown with Maestroke's effect, seeing
that Gragonith has a natural defense of
1600. He then attacked my Gragonith with
Maestroke and did not realize that Gragonith
gains BOTH ATK and DEF so he rammed into
Gragonith and lost his last 50 lifpeoints.
Again one of the greatest games of my life
and one of my favorite players all day. He
ended up pulling a fairly impressive top 40
showing with such a dark horse deck.
Round 6 Alex VS. Thomas (Dino-Rabbit)
This is one of the few decks that mine has a
real struggle with. Dolkka managed to stop
most o fmy effects first game and he just
beat in for damage without playing another
monster. Have I mentioned I REALLY dislike
this deck?
The second game was even more embarrassing
as my opponent managed ot have a first turn
Macro Cosmos as well as a pair of Rabbits
and Tour Guide. Gorz managed to even it for
a little while and got him down to 1300, but
Book of Moon took Gorz down and it was all
over. Have I mentioned that I hate this
deck? He managed to finish 9th overall even
with a cookie cutter deck that they left to
promote XYZ and not for the health of the
Round 7 Alex VS. Andrew (Dino-Rabbit)
The first game was again a poor showing from
my deck, as my opponent went first and
brought out a Roach and it couldn't get
worse than that as I drew no answers. Have I
mentioned tha I hate this deck?
This game my opponent acvtivated Veiler on
Lumina and it was ruled that as I was turn
player I could choose which effect expired
first, even though my opponent and everybody
around said differently. Because of that
horrible mill (Monster Reborn, Honest and
Heavy Storm) I drew into Judgment Dragon and
blasted the field for the win.
The third game we both drew terribly and it
became a slugfest between my Jains and
Garoths and his Sabersaurus' and Kabazauls.
My opponent brought out a Tour Guide and
made a Zenmaines in defense. My Judgment
Dragon came down and activated it's effect
twice to blow it up and then destroy it in
battle and Lyla attacked for exactly game.
Despite myself hating his deck, Andrew
was a ton of fun to play with and he managed
to drop and win a side event flight.
Round 8 Alex VS. Mark (Samurai)
This first game ended up being a slugfest
between my monsters and his without any
signifigant summon until I played a
Gragonith and smashed face over his Smaurai
for the victory. All 3 of my JDs were milled
this game and gragonith was my last shot at
even being close to winning.
This second game was a blowout as a summoned
Catastor beat me down for like 5 turns. I
managed to get him down to 1000 LP, bugt a
flurry of Special Summons on his part
overwhelmed my Necro Gardnas for the win.
This last game I survived an early rush by
Barkion and Shi-En and then Summoned
Judgment Dragon, slow playing his effect and
beating with him as well as my other
monsters. He drew pretty terribly to get out
of it as well, only draw spells....
Round 9 Alex VS. Tyler (Inzektor)
These games were both easily summarized by
my deck decided to slow play and he had the
nuts both games. Sometimes when you play
Inzektors they just rip you to shreds and
there isn't anything you can do about it.
The Result
The result was I placed 11th,
heartbreakingly close to top 8 with a
Lightsworn deck, but still managed to get my
invite. Props go out to all the Davis Crew
for doubting me and my choice of deck only
to come and support me at almost every game.
Thanks guys! Major props go out to Kevin and
Keenith who were my constant companions and
supporters. Keenith managed to win a side
event and Kevin got some amazing trades.
Major props to my girlfriend for being
patient with my hobby and supporting me so
much through all of the tournament via text.
Especially because I am writing this on our
one year anniversary...
The Deck
White Lightning
3x Judgment Dragon
3x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
2x Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
2x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
2x Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
2x Effect Veiler
2x Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
2x Necro Gardna
2x Herald of Creation
1x Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
1x Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
1x Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon
1x Honest
1x Gorz, Emissary of Darkness
1x Plaguespreader Zombie
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Solar Recharge
1x Charge of the Light Brigade
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Foolish Burial
2x Beckoning Light
Thank you all for reading this report, you
can expect some more analysis of the current
decks as well as some strategies and good
ideas while preparing for an event. If you
have any questions, ideas or comments please
email me at and don't bother Pojo
with it. Put YGO in the title so it doesn't
get junked.
Thanks for reading!