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I Was a Dragon Once- Sean Connery
I Was a Dragon Once- Sean Connery
Hey all you guys! I know it has been forever since I wrote
something, but between changing careers,
getting married and moving my life has been
pretty full! Now I know all you Millenials
would just love to see everything on a
youtube channel, but for right now I am best
read on the good old web site here. Who
knows, maybe sometime in the future you will
be seeing my ugly mug up on youtube, but not
Well since I have been gone so long, I figured I would introduce
myself at the beginning of this article. I
am GeneralZorpa and I have played the game
since the Metal Raiders set was first
introduced. I have topped SJC San Jose with
a first round late loss and undefeated until
the finals with Blackwings. I have written
many articles on the state of the game as
well as cool decks that I have put together.
I currently reside in Sacramento California
and welcome all players to come Monday
nights to the Competitive Card Shack to play
some yugimonz with me!
Now to the meat of the article. Dragons have been the biggest draw
in this game since the beginning.
Spellcasters and Warriors may make a run at
being a popular monster type, but Dragons
will always have them beat. Now we have the
newest monster type in Wyrms. Now unlike
psychics which right off the bat had some
clearly good cards, Wyrms were pushed to the
back of class and told to sit in a corner.
They only have one archetype in Yang Zings
and a handful of "decent" cards outside of
that. Why is this?
Well the answer is that the one archetype that they have is so
completely broken that they never needed
anything else. Yang Zings are quite
literally the most underrated archetype in
the game. Most of the basic monsters replace
themselves with another Yang Zing when they
die, the non-Tuners each give a boon to the
Synchro monster they summon and can Synchro
Summon on your opponent's turn. Chiwen
Summons himself from the graveyard and
Jiaotu will summon any 2 Yang Zings from
your deck. The Pendulums are the core of the
Zefra deck and the Synchros are 3 of the
most broken in the game.
The main reason that the deck is not good right now is of course
that beast from the past, Monarchs. Domain
makes it so you cannot get to your Synchros
and both Erebus and Storm Forth just
decimate your plays. This is because the
deck is relatively reactive and slow to get
started. Jiaotu is great, but getting him
first turn is just hard to do, so your first
turn play is usually to set a monster and
hope your opponent attacks into it and
doesn't remove it from play, bounce it to
your hand, or spin it to your deck.
I have found a solution to this debacle in the form of the Zefra
cards (of which Yang Zings are a part) as
well as some of the Odd-Eyes Pendulum cards
that have been around as long as the Wyrms
have. The result is a fast, resilient deck
that can beat face quickly and make life
hard for your opponent as you make
unbeatable Dragons that spin away you
opponents monsters and sometimes quite
literally are invincible against most decks.
Interested? I bet you are.
Dragons of the Comet
Yup, It's Another Dragon...
Now the first thing you will notice about this deck is that a good
portion of the Pendulum Zefra cards are
included as well as a few staples of the
original Yang Zing build that are missing.
The deck was started with the goal of
getting to Jiaotu as quickly as
possible and cheaply as possible. Dark
Hole was the original go to guy for this,
but I always felt it was a waste of a card
to use it just to get to another Yang Zing.
Sky Iris does the same thing, but also gets
you to Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, which then
gets you to Zefraxi or Zefraniu. You even
have the option of playing Odd-Eyes Vortex
This gives you an amazing first turn play to get Jiatu, use his
effect to get 2 more Yang Zings (Bixi and
Bi'an usually) and have that amazing first
turn play of a Yazi that cannot be targeted,
cannot be destroyed by battle and is
unaffected by traps! You can also use a Bixi
and Taotie to lock your opponent out of
playing WATER or DARK monsters with
Chaofeng. There are other plays for if you
go second as well, including Trishula (Bixi
and Taotie), Baxia (Bixi and Suanni), Black
Rose Dragon (Bixi and Bi'an) and pretty much
any Synchro you want!
The Zefra cards add to the consistency of the deck, able to both be
searched by Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon as well
as Oracle of Zefra so you will always have
Yang Zing monsters to discard with Jiaotu or
even do the rogue thing and Pendulum Summon
a swarm of Yang Zing monsters! You will also
have more targets for Sky Iris, though you
will often want to save those for your on
field Yang Zing monsters. Zefraniu is always
an all star, able to block attacks easily as
well as searching cards for you when it does
die. Zefraxi I was always more iffy about as
it is more situational, but it completes the
Zefra pendulum scale as well as being
helpful in a pinch.
The Odd-Eyes cards are needed for Sky Iris, plain and simple. They
do have synergy with the Zefra Yang Zing
monsters and also give you access to the
powerful Fusion monster Odd-Eyes Vortex
Dragon but are the weak links in the deck.
The bonus is that there are only 4 of them
and they all can be easily utilized should
you be in a pinch.
Dragon Tales
So it comes down to the weaknesses of the deck, which are
unfortunately many. They are very
susceptible to banishing, returning to the
hand and deck, tributing and the negation of
Special Summons. As many players know, the
Monarch deck has that in spades and is
easily the most powerful/popular archetype
in the game right now. The deck is
completely designed to counter the
other three decks in the metagame right now
which are Pendulum Variants, Kozmo and
Burning Abyss. As such the side deck is
completely devoted to Monarchs, able to side
in and wreck them from the second game
The Kozmo match up is your strongest, as the entire Kozmo deck has
almost no answer to any of your plays. In
fact you may often want your opponent to
destroy all of your monsters with card
effects and battle. Yazi that cannot be
destroyed in battle and unaffected by traps
has the complete advantage against Kozmos,
with maybe 2 outs in the entire main and
side deck.. Baxia and Trishula at quick play
speed is a beast and the deck just has
trouble getting over everything that you can
throw out. As such I have almost ruled it an
The Burning Abyss match up is your next best for the format. They
are certainly faster than any other deck
right now, but they also can run out of
steam quickly and do not have an answer for
all of your basic Yang Zing monsters. Even
if they use Break Sword, they still trigger
your graveyard effect. Baxia is particularly
effective here, not allowing Dante and
Beatrice's graveyard effects to trigger as
well as setting up follow up plays.
Essentially you out-float the floater deck.
Pendulum decks are trickier, as no two are ever the same. Some play
Magicians, some play Odd-Eyes and some play
Performapals. This varied deck make-up makes
them challenging to play against as you
never are completely prepared. As such,
their access to Ignister Prominence gives
them an easy out to your deck, able to get
your Yang Zing monsters off of the field
quickly, cheaply and reliably. However, this
speed /Zefra version of the deck can often
get a threat on the board consistently,
making the Pendulum deck go on the defensive
instead of the offensive. As such, this is
your second hardest match up.
Monarchs are your bane, both the Dominion build as well as the
extra deck variants. They have many effects
that do not target, easy access to massive
amounts of removal and are faster than this
deck. As such, the side deck is completely
devoted to this match up. Mask of Restrict
and Imperial Iron Wall keep your opponent
locked down and slowed while you set up your
plays. Veiler also continues to do this.
There are no two ways about it, this deck is
bad against the monarchs. As such it cannot
be a force in the meta until it cycles out.
The Wrap Up
In closing,
this is a very fun deck that can certainly
challenge a good portion of the meta decks
out there. the release of 9 Branches of the
Yang Zing will certainly help their cause
and may make them a force to be reckoned
with as they now have a themed answer
to the Monarch deck. I also smell a couple
of limitations coming to the Monarch deck to
slow them down and keep them more in line
with the rest of the meta. I have no inside
information, but when a deck does this well,
Konami usually has some consequences lined
up for them.
If you have any
questions about this deck, any other deck or
the game in general, please feel free to
email me at
And don't
forget "Screw the rules, I have money!"
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