Since their arrival in Abyss Rising,
Mermails have been considered top tier. They
might not always have been front and center
but you would see enough of them even at a
local that you had to be prepared. I
originally made the deck for my fiance to
play as she really enjoyed the mermaid
artwork on many of the cards. One time I
played it at a tournament and fell in love
with the deck as it crushed player after
The reason for the success of the deck is
that it has a large pool of cards to choose
from as well as being able to weather cards
that disrupt it and its power plays. You see
many different builds of Mermails, almost
more than any other deck in the current
game. This makes the deck very good for a
lesson in deckbuilding.
The main 3 focuses of any deck are these
three pillars (like architecture but more
fun). Most players and deckbuilders know
this on an instinctual level or through
experience, but to talk about them I have
given them labels and definitions.
Power-The effect that a decks plays
have on the game state by removing
lifepoints or cards from your opponent.
Versatility-The ability of a deck to
respond to opponents plays and stop them.
Consistency-How often a deck makes
power plays and can respond to an opponents
power plays.
If you take a deck that has high marks in
these categories, then you have a good deck.
We see in Mermails that the Power plays are
devastating as well as being easy to pull
off. Abyssgaios, Abyssleed, Abyssmegalo,
Dracossack and Big Eye are pretty much the
bossiest guys in the game besides Leo, Star
Eater and Felgrand. As far as versatility,
not so much. They are able to get what they
need from the deck but are fairly vulnerable
for disruption. Now in my opinion there is
not a deck out there that is as consistent
as the Mermail deck. Their cards are almost
all unlimited and almost all of their cards
search others out or add them to the field.
So as we take a look at the core of the
Mermail deck, I want you guys to take a look
and see where each card fits into either
Power, Consistency and Versatility. This
will allow you to see patterns in how the
cards will interact with one another.
From Hells Heart I Stab At Thee
So I would like to start with a look at
the core of the deck. These are the cards
that are in EVERY single Mermail deck where
the player has access to them. We will not
look at Extra deck or Side deck cards as
they pretty much decide themselves.
1)Mermail Abysslinde- This is the card that
pulls the deck together, searchable by
almost all of the other cards in the deck
and as well as being able to pull off your
own search effects or put a beater on the
table. This card does it all.
2)Mermail Abysspike- This is the other card
that pulls the deck together, able to search
when Special or Normal Summoned means that
he can search cards and add them to the
grave in a flash.
3)Abyss-sphere- This is the best trap in the
deck and probably one of the most broken
traps in recent years. Able to search any
Mermail or permanently play a card through
Abysslinde AND searchable by Abyssmegalo.
4)Mermail Abyssgunde- Searchable by Pike or
Abyssteus and getting back cards to use
their abilities or attack power. This is the
ONLY limited card in the Mermail names for a
5)Mermail Abyssteus- This is an easily
Summonable level 7 monster that gives you
another Mermail from the deck, sets up Ocea
plays and also triggers discard effects.
6)Mermail Abyssmegalo- He was the main key
back when Dragoons was unlimited, and has
made a comeback as making rank 7 Xyz has
become more necessary.
7)Mermail Abyssleed- The biggest normal
monster in the Mermail arsenal, able to make
rank 7 Xyz and reap an opponents hand as
well as being bigger than the average boss
makes him an ideal addition.
8)Abyss-squall- This used to be an
overlooked card but has made a reappearance
as the game has slowed down as it is
basically a free Soul Charge that you have
to Set.
9)Atlantean Dragoons- This card made
Abyssmegalo too good as it plussed on card
advantage too easily and set up massive OTK
plays as a good portion of the cards in the
deck are Sea Serpent.
10)Atlantean Marksman- He has seen a rise in
popularity as set cards have become more
common. He is also solid as a popper of
facedown monsters as well and can sometimes
carry games by summoning an Atlantean from
your deck.
11)Atlantean heavy Infantry- This is similar
to Marksman except he pops face-up cards.
Smile You Son of a *****!
So we also take a look at some of the
optional cards in the deck and what they
add. I am not including staples or defensive
cards as they are generally too varied to
cover them all. These are in no particular
1) Genex Undine- This includes Genex
Controller as it would be stupid to play one
without the other. This guy requires you to
play a pretty bad vanilla monster but also
rewards you by activating any Atlantean
effect in your deck as well as sending Tidal
to the grave, an integral play. I do not
like it as it seems too inconsistent to me,
but it is searchable by Pike and is
technically card advantage in spades.
2) Salvage- Pure card advantage, this allows
you to re-use your Gunde, LInde, Marksman,
Heavy Infantry, Dine and Ocea. This is a key
card to replenish your hand after an
Abyssmegalo rush, and I highly recommend it
tried out at 1 copy.
3) Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord- A power
play that usually can bring you victory on
hi sown and a rising star in Europe. He is
hard to pull off, but with Tidal and Sturge,
it is easier than you think to stay at 5
Water monsters in the graveyard.
4) Abyss-scale Spells- There are 3, each
negating a Trap, Spell or Monster effect and
giving a Mermail monster ATK. I usually like
Cetus as it negates traps that would stop
your plays and has 800 boost like Mizuchi,
making your Megalos able to OTK very easily.
I even got the combo with this off twice in
one match!
5)Abyss-scorn- This card punished MST plays
as well as providing both a defensive and
offensive option for Mermail monsters. I
often combo it with Abyssmegalo for quick
6) Mermail Abyssocea- Considered by many to
belong in the first section, I actually
place it here as one copy is usually enough
for combos and it serves a small role in the
scheme of the deck. This card comboed with
Abyssteus is amazing and can often win you
games by itself. I also include Abyssdine
here as well since you would not play her
without the Ocea combo.
7) Deep Sea Diva- This card give you access
to Synchro monsters as well as adding up
Atlanteans to your field for Abyssmegalo
food. Since she was limited we have seen
less of her, and that is for a reason, we
almost always want to Normal Summon a Pike
or Sturge instead.
8) Mermail Abyssturge- The retrieval version
of PIke, he is not quite as good, although
able to recycle Heavy Infantry as well as
Gunde makes him an ideal choice. I have seen
decks without him, but there is no reason
you shouldn't play one copy. I play 2.
9) Beautunaful Princess- A new release that
we haven't really seen on the game yet, but
it gives you easier access to Pike or Struge
and thins your deck. I like 1 or 2 copies.
This pretty much sums up the main cards that
we see in the Mermail deck. As far as
defensive traps, I often see Breakthrough
Skill as well as Solemn Warning.
Abyss-sphere is often the only card you will
need for defense, but it is very nice to
have more options. I also like Compulsory
Evacuation Device, Torrential Tribute and
Bottomless Trap Hole as they deal with
threats easily and cheaply.
I usually include a pair of Mystical Space
Typhoon as well as a Dark Hole as I am an
old school player at heart and think these
cards are too good to not be in here.
It is up to each player to decide how the
deck can be built to suit their play style.
I prefer a balanced version, with defensive
and offensive options that can be called
upon from my deck easily and quickly. Others
prefer a combo based version using multiple
copies of Abyssocea and Abyssdine.
Just keep the three pillars in mind and you
will have a solid deck.
Anyways, I hope that you could take a look
at most of these cards and cook up your own
ideas of what to make. I am sure I left out
some cards and if you feel I should include
them in a future article, you can email me
at or if you have any
questions, fixes or ideas for me to look at.
Thanks for reading!